—— ☆˖ARABELLA BYRNE. ❜ “Not by word, or look, or deed, waking or sleeping, by speech or by sil
—— ☆˖ARABELLA BYRNE. ❜ “Not by word, or look, or deed, waking or sleeping, by speech or by silence, in this land or any other. If I do, may fire burn me, air smother me, earthswallow me, and water cover my grave.”Character’s full name: Arabella Diana ByrneReason for name and/or meaning of name: Both her first and middle name are family names.Arabella has quite a few meanings. From the latin orabilis which means prayerful but also Beautiful Lion, it was also the name of her maternal great grandmother.Diana is the roman goddess of the moon, in European lore she’s known as Queen of Witches and it’s the name of her paternal grandmother whom she’s never met.Byrne is a common irish name that stands for RavenCharacter’s nickname: Bella (most people), Dee or Diana (her grandmother Seraphina)Reason for nickname: Bella is just an easy way to shorten her name, Dee was just her grandmother being sneaky about her witch heritage.Birth date: october 26 2001Zodiac: Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Aquarius moonPhysical appearanceFaceclaim: Abigail CowenGender: Cis femaleHeight: 5′7Build: slim, athleticEye color: blueGlasses or contacts?: N/ADistinguishing marks/scars: Does the splash of freckles on her face and shoulders counts?Hair color: natural gingerType of hair: type 1, pin straightHairstyle: she takes really good care of her hair and always tries to style it differently. On a lazy day is either naturally straight, or in loose waves, but you can often catch her in messy braided styles, buns and ponnies.Voice claim: Abigail Cowen, both speaking and singing voice (she’s 100% THAT annoying friend during karaoke night)Physical disabilities: N/AClothing style: You can often see her in dresses or skirts, baggy jeans, dramatic blouses, cropped sweaters, heavy coats, and always some variation of black boots. She’s big on silhouettes from the 60′s and 90′s too. Make up: Loves it. Will often wear softer looks for daytime, but it’s not rare to catch her in a statement red or vampy berry lip. She’s also pretty okay being fresh faced when she’s not feeling the make up PersonalityGood personality traits: kind, loyal, resourceful, disciplined, confident, adventurous, brave, free spirited, easy going, selfless.Bad personality traits: reckless, self-destructive, snarky, resentful, critical, vindictive, arrogant, hot heated, reactive, aloof, sarcastic. Mood character is most often in: She always seems like she’s a little moody, but she’s usually pretty chill.Sense of humor: sarcastic af, a little dark sometimes, loves self deprecating humor and has dad jokes and bad puns for daysArticulation: pretty well spoken in general, but more often than not she can be a little careless about her wording, which can make her seem a tad blunt. Speaks with her hands.Character’s greatest joy in life: Having all her friends in the same place, no matter the activity, it’s always the best day when everyone’s there.Character’s greatest fear: aside from hurting her friends with her magic, she’s terrified of ending up truly alone, no family, no friends, nothing.Character is most at ease when: she’s practicing or learning magic.Most ill at ease when: she’s struggling to understand something. there’s nothing she hates more than feeling like she doesn’t have the full grasp on something.Enraged when: someone lies to her, someone messes with her friends, someone tries to take advantage of her or her friends, someone takes her for an idiot.Depressed or sad when: she’s usually more than fine being home alone, but sometimes after spending all day with her friends investigating or hanging out, coming back to such a lonely home can be rough on her.Priorities: her friends and her more informal education.Life philosophy: “Anyone can grow into something beautiful.”Greatest strength: determination and will power to make things happenGreatest vulnerability or weakness: her bad temper and impulsivenessGoals Drives and motivations: mostly curiosity and thirst of knowledge but also the idea of making Bridgemead a safer place means a lot to her.Immediate goals: expand her knowledge on witchcraft, use her magic to help people.Long term goals: to build a home, and not as in settle down have a family and kids, just to finally feel at home somewhere.Childhood Hometown: Bridgemead, MassachusettsType of childhood: arabella’s childhood wasn’t the most conventional, her father left when she was about 4, never to be seen again and her mother was always a little too distant with her. the biggest parental figure, in terms of emotional support, she had was her grandmother seraphina. but from a very young age arabella was a very independent kid, she would often cook for herself, clean afterherself, had little to no help with homework, her mom would often avoid the typical bonding activities instead placing her in a bunch of afterschool activities. overall her home life was a bit lonely. she compensated that through the affection from her grandmother and her friends. Pets: noneMost important childhood memory: the day jessica mooney was declared a missing person, arabella remembers everything about that day and feels that was the moment her innocence was taken from her. nothing was the same after that. her night terrors started, she was sent to therapy and her mother severely reduced the time she could spend with her grandmother.Dream job: she loves all ramifications in photography, her favorite would probably be DP though, so that would be her dream job. (only bc full time witch isn’t a thing)Religion: Wasn’t raised religious in any way.PresentCurrent location: Bridgemead, MassachusettsCurrently living with: Alone in the house she inherited from her grandmotherPets: a grumpy little persian cat called hadesReligion: She’s still not a religious person, but the more she delves into witchcraft the more she finds herself believing in the old gods, or some kind of higher power.Sexuality: mostly straight but open to find love/attraction in any way it comes.Politics: hates politics with a burning passion, but she considers herself a center-left person, votes democrat.Occupation/education: waitress at karma café and full time college student.Mode of transportation: a black 1980 Jeep CJ5 she inherited from her grandma, apparently it was her grandfather’s before he passed. it’s in decent enough condition, definitely could be better.Family Parent one: alexandra byrne (neé Ambers)Relationship with them: her relationship with her mom is really complex, on the one hand arabella has to say her mom always provided for her, she always had a nice place to live, clothes, food, toys, the whole shebang, but she was definitely neglected emotionally by her mom. she would go from being extremely distant with her, to having some rare moments of true bonding, only to be pushed away once again. it took a toll on arabella mentally and emotionally and she began distancing herself by her own initiative. nowadays she has no idea where her mom is or what she’s up to. when she left town after arabella descovered her lineage her mom only left a letter for her. to this day arabella hasn’t read it. she still has it, she’s just not ready to read it.Parent two: callum byrneRelationship with them: non-existent basically. her father left when she was around 4 years old and she never knew from him again. she doesn’t know if her mom kept in touch with him, she didn’t talk much about him either, and the girl would be shut down when she asked about her dad. all she knows is that she takes after his looks, and according to her mom she also takes after every single one of his annoying habits. arabella has thought about looking him up, but she always chickens out at the last minute.Siblings: N/ARelationship with them: N/AOther important family members: seraphina ambers. her maternal grandmother and the source of all good things according to bella. she was the strongets parental figure she had growing up, everything she knows about cooking, sewing, music (and now witchcraft) is thanks to her grandma. when her mom went low contact with her arabella was absolutely devastated. she’s found in witchcraft a different way to connect with her grandma.FavoritesColor: blue and blackMusic: all things indie, folk, acoustic, psychedelic. huge beatles fan, truly believes taylor swift is the music industry.Food: vermicelli alla carbonara (and cheesecake!)Film: ran by akira kurosawaDrink: vodka sodaForm of entertainment: reading or making some music Most prized possession: she’d have to say her family’s book of shadowsHabitsHobbies: plays the piano quite well and has a knack for any string instrument, loves to draw too.How he/she/they would spend a rainy day: probably baking something and reading a book, or watching a movie.Spending habits: she’s quite meticulous with her spending, she’s thankfully in a very good position because she doesn’t have to pay rent or a mortgage on the house and she lives completely alone. still, doesn’t wanna burn through her inheritance, so she tries to keep it pretty simple and stick to whatever icome she makes with her waitressing job. she will occacionally splurge on makeup, clothes or art supplies tho.Smoking/drinking/drugs?: has the occasional illegal drink, doesn’t smoke or do drugs.Extremely skilled at: she wouldn’t call herself extremely skilled at anything in particular. she’d consider herself decently good at a plethora of things. however, she does wish to become extremely skilled in her witchcraft. she’s very disciplined with studying and practicing, and has a natural nack for spells and making infusions. Extremely unskilled at: MATH. she also struggles to connect with a specific branch of magic, clairvoyance, divination, tarot, those are things she’s yet to master.Nervous tics: she as a tendency to softly dig her nails into her palms when she’s feeling nervous or uneasy.Usual body posture: her posture is usually very good after all the years practicing dance and gymnastics after school. she’s a decently graceful person, although through the years has gotten a little more sloppy and clumsy than she was as a kid.Mannerisms: plays with random strands of her hair when she’s deep in thought, softly tugs on whatever necklace she’s wearing in the moment, scratches the bridge of her nose.Peculiarities: has a thing with lucky numbers, for her is number 6, so she’s always looking for numbers that add up to six, or that have six somewhere in them.TraitsOptimist or pessimist? optimistIntrovert or extrovert? extrovertDaredevil or cautious? daredevilLogical or emotional? emotionalLeader or follower? a bit of both, is happy being a follower, but she’s never afraid to lead if it comes down to itDisorderly and messy or methodical and neat? surprisingly methodical and neatPrefers working or relaxing? workingConfident or unsure of himself/herself? confidentAnimal lover? absolutelySelf-perceptionHow do they feels about themselves?: arabella is fairly confident and comfortable with herself, she’s proud of how independent and strong she is, but more importantly she is very proud for not shutting herself out completely after all the loss she’s experienced. however she hates how much she feels like the relationships in her life are so fragile, and often wonders if it’s her fault the fact that so many people left (her parents mostly).One word the character would use to describe themselves: boldWhat does the character consider their best trait?: how detail oriented she isWhat does the character consider their worst trait?: her bad temperWhat does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: her bright red hairWhat does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: the fact that her lashes and eyebrows are basically transparent without makeupHow does the character think others perceive them?: she thinks people see her as charming and resourceful but needlessly sarcasticWhat would the character most like to change about himself/herself: being a little less impulsive/having healthier coping mechanismsRelationships with othersOpinion of other people in general: arabella’s always thought the people in town were very…particular, awfully gossipy like in any small town, but also just plain weird. she isn’t exactly surprised anymore by all the supernatural, it kind of makes sense looking back.Opinion of the Scooby Gang: they are pretty much the only family she has, she’s very attached to them, and would go to war for any of them, even the most recent additions to the group.Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? not really, arabella’s quite opinionated, and if she feels like her opinion could be meaningful or add something to the conversation she will 100% state it. when it comes to emotions she can be a little more guarded or insecure, but if you know her well enough she’s mostly easy to read in that aspect.Most important person in character’s life: probably ajBest friend/s: aj darke, dylan frye and kody pierceDating experience: arabella’s dating history spells daddy issues. she was a bit precocious in that aspect. she dated quite a bit through high school, often looking to (unsuccessfully) fill the void. hoping to feel wanted, or chosen for once. she tends to get bored rather quickly or taps out before she gets too involved emotionally, she’s a bit of an escapist herself in that sense. to this day she will still jokingly say her first kiss, which she shared with aj, was the bed she’s had. she’s bad at dating to say the least. Romancing: definitely not trying to date anyone at the moment. but arabella she is a bit of a flirt for sure. for her it’s all about the thrill in the chase. she loves good banter, someone who can challenge her in a good back and forth.Extra Physicality: arabella is fairly fit, having been a dancer and a gymnast for a really long time, working out is still something she does regularly, although not with the same intensity she used to. as for combat skills, she currently has none, but if movies ever taught her anything is that a bitch needs to know how to fight, so it’s something she definitely wants to explore.Species: witchHow do they feel about it?: absolutely loves it. ever since she found out she feels like she understands herself so much better. she loves the craft and enjoys every second she gets to perform magic. -- source link
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