This is part three of the nominees masterlist for the seventh round of the Bughead Fanfiction Awards
This is part three of the nominees masterlist for the seventh round of the Bughead Fanfiction Awards! You may also find the fics nominated in our 8th Bughead Fanfiction Awards - Nominees AO3 collection. Voting will open January 31st at 6pm EST / 11pm BST / 9am AEST (Feb 1) & close February 8th at 6pm EST / 11pm BST / 9am AEST (Feb 9). Due to Tumblr being Tumblr, this list is posted in 4 parts. PART THREE OF FOUR Specifics - Multi-Chapter or Oneshot Favorite Betty or Jughead (establishing) the house of hades by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol (Here I am) With Arms Unfolding by Lifeandothercomplexities / @honestlyhappymoon A touch of Melbourne Magic by Lucivar / @lucivar Betty Cooper and the Elixir of Life by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Cold As Fire, Hot As Ice by secretsofthesky / @secretsofthesky direct connection by sullypants / @sullypants doll parts by meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal green ribbon winner by heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown Hanging by a Moment by Goldy / @go-ldy head over feet by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom In Every Home by bearbaitbrook it’s the little things by falloutmars / @fallout-mars i want you to (unravel me) by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 make my wish come true by msmaj / @ms-maj Mismatched Pieces by satelliteinasupernova / @satelliteinasupernova Only Seventeen by likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love Out of the Woods by DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus plain as anyone could see by msmaj / @ms-maj Sweetest Reflection by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle the most wonderful time of the year by falloutmars / @fallout-mars the nighthawks by iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail The Shadows by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle The Vanishing Point by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 When Nobody’s Watching by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreamingBetween the Sheets Admit you’re hot for me by Lucivar / @lucivar Am I your boyfriend or your prey? by Lucivar / @lucivar Control by secretsofthesky / @secretsofthesky develop, stop, fix by meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal everything about you is perfect (down to your blood type) by bettsc / @bettsc by Toryb / @tory-b Mess Me Up (No One Does It Better) by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming Ponytail by CrashHale / @crashhale Red Riding Hood by CrashHale / @crashhale Remedy by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 same way that my whole world’s in your eyes by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead sensual politics by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty shot me out of the sky (you’re my kryptonite) by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Suppressants by literatiruinedme / @literatiruinedme Sweet Cherry by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 the double by meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal wicked game by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty words just come so easy (when you inspire them) by moons2stars / @moons2stars Wrong Number by Cherylynne, LazyDaizy / @cheryllclayton , @lazydaizes you taste of stardust by KawaiiKitsune13 / @strangenightsofdaydreamsUnder the Radar (if you knew) the damage that I did by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol all i need is a bitter song by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom Angels Fly by Loveandcoffeeandothersimplicities / @thistooshallpassxoxo Burden of Exile by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle Caught up in Circles by Goldy / @go-ldy Certain Things (That I Adore) by biddsgirl / @bigdsgirl Cold As Fire, Hot As Ice by secretsofthesky / @secretsofthesky Cover Story by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo Feathered in Flame by madamoiselleoubliette Fifteen Steps by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Fire alarms and Drunken confessions by AAM_writes / @aam-loves Fortune Cookie’s Fool by msmaj, the heavycrown, cattycooper / @ms-maj, @theheavycrown, @bettycooper I Want To Linger (A Little Longer Here With You) by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming keep a weather eye on the horizon by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Kiss Me Or Kill Me by saturnine23ssunshine45 lost in nostalgia by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Nor Years Unborn by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle the road not taken looks real good now by thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarss The Whole Of The Moon by TheMorningGlory the world is yours by stillscape / @stillscape Twisted by daintyblues you hold the key to my heart by falloutmars / @fallout-marsTropefest all i want for christmas is you by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Alone for the holidays again? By MmbBlossom14 / @hbiccjsblog A Million Little Suns by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 a very Cooper christmas by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol A Winter Welcome by Lucivar / @lucivar Bughead’s First Overseas Trip by KawaiiKitsune13 / @strangenightsofdaydreams christmas eve will find me (where the love light gleams) by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead Dancing in a Snow Globe by likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love hold me even closer now by heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul How Jughead Saved Christmas by TeapotFiction / @teapotfiction i bet you thought your life would change (but you’re sat on the train again) by falloutmars / @fallout-mars i just got the taste for it by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee i sense there’s something in the wind by thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarss I Want To Linger (A Little Longer Here With You) by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming i’ll be (your) home for christmas by iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail let me hear your voice by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Love, Betty…and Jughead by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee my true love gave to me by Ithoughtyoulikedmereckless / @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless one single thread of gold (tied me to you) by thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarss on the basis of love by alluringdreams / @alluringdreams Puzzle Pieces by CrownsAndMilkshakes / @crowns-and-milkshakes Slow Motion Fade by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 time is nothing but a number (when i have you) by moons2stars / @moons2stars too shy to say (but i hope you stay) by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Virtual Vexation by Madamoiselleoubliette You Send Me by Mieteve_Minijoma / @mieteve-minijoma You’re My Kind Of Present by LikeMeReckless / @likemerecklessSupporting Cast a dark world aches (for a splash of the sun) by heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul A touch of Melbourne Magic by Lucivar / @lucivar Attempt No. 417 by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee Conversations in the Dark by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Corner of Your Heart by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Cover Story by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo do you like or like like me? by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead Forever Halloween by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Get Famous by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle i’m right up the road (i’ll share your load) by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom i’ve been so lost for you by latenightcoffeetalks / @itwasonlyakiss Never No Locomotive by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle one week by falloutmars / @fallout-mars promise me tomorrow by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty Sugar and Spice by saturnine23ssunshine45 Summer Shivers by Lucivar / @lucivar The Grandfather Song by DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus two can’t keep a secret by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlolFavorite Series all or nothing way of loving you by IndianSummer13 / @itsindiansummer13 A Written Life by DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus becoming the queen of the underworld by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol Berte and Krugoppe by stirringsofconsciousnesss / @stirringsofconsciousness don’t fear doing things wrong by heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul Eternity Together by moons2stars / @moons2stars foolish hearts by catthecoder / @catthecoder heart of gold by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo i’ll be the one by literatiruined me / @literatiruinedme je t’aime tours by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom Landslide by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo Like a Folk Song by likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love Nada Prada by makingitwork / @typing123 On Every Page by bearbaitbrook Ponytail & Snake by CrashHale / @crashhale Recognition by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle Savin’ Me by MarsCosta / @itsmarscosta Summer Shivers by Lucivar / @lucivar sweater weather by heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown The Bright Side by ClassyBetts / @classybetts Time after Time by Goldy / @go-ldy[PART ONE] | [PART TWO] | [PART FOUR] | Don’t forget to come back when voting begins on January 31st! -- source link
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