tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the

tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the
tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the
tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the
tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the
tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the
tolkiensource: The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the