izzieroleplays: Holy moly, 300 307 followers?? I’m shocked. Truly. I’ve had this blog fo
izzieroleplays: Holy moly, 300 307 followers?? I’m shocked. Truly. I’ve had this blog for about seven months now, and I’m still always surprised whenever I see someone new has started to follow me. And just two months ago, I reached the [rather big, in my opinion] milestone of 200 followers, which I had never expected — and that makes this next hundred milestone even more surprising to me. I’ve made some wonderful friends through this blog, as well as reconnected with old rp partners and made new ones. I’m thankful for ever single one of you who follow or have followed this blog in the past, and want to show my appreciation for you! I honestly wish I was better at photoshop and could make something super cool and pretty for you all, but photoshop still intimidates me, and I wouldn’t even know where to start, so I hope you guys will enjoy this, instead! THE MAIN BUDDIES: These are the ones I’ve either rped with, rp with or have just had the pleasure of getting to know through this account [or in general!]. I would write something out for each and every one of you, but what can I saw that you don’t know? Thank you for amazing. ☆ adelaidekanerps ☆ breeroleplays ☆ breetanarps ☆ brittisms ☆ dayhartrps ☆ fabrevanshelps ☆ lucyleger ☆ puckfasarps ☆ puckermansrp ☆ quartie-rps ☆ starchildrps ☆ tiesandblazersrps ☆ waldorfrps ☆ wildebrayrps THE 'HEY, MAYBE WE SHOULD RP SOME DAY': Because I know I’ve talked about rping with some of you before, but because I’m just lazy and never get my act together, we simply haven’t had the opportunity. ☆ berriesrps ☆ rachelxberryrps THE ONES THAT BRIGHTEN UP MY DASH: AYou’re all wonderful, whether we’ve spoken or not, and it’s always a pleasure to see you on the dash. A-C ☆ aargentrps ☆ allisonsrp ☆ allyberryrps ☆ anderberryrps ☆ aprilrhodesrps ☆ argentsrps ☆ barryallenrps ☆ beckettwrites ☆ belleblakehelps ☆ blaineandersonrps ☆ blakechanderson ☆ braleys ☆ brendonurierps ☆ cheeriorps ☆ cheeriotanalopez ☆ clairesrps ☆ claratyroleplays ☆ cloeberps ☆ cooproleplays ☆ cormiersrp ☆ cosimaroleplays ☆ cra-rps D-F ☆ darkknightrps ☆ ddlovatosrps ☆ emilyfieldsrps ☆ emilyroleplays ☆ fabitchrps ☆ fincheltanarps ☆ finnsrps ☆ flashrps ☆ funnygirlrps G-I ☆ gallagherswrites ☆ gayberryrps ☆ goldstarrps ☆ groffrps ☆ harmonyroleplays ☆ harmsrps ☆ harmsrps ☆ hilaryduffrps ☆ hudberrysrps ☆ hudroserps J-L ☆ jadeofroleplay ☆ jamiechungrps ☆ jazofrp ☆ kittanasrp ☆ kittywilderps ☆ kurtelizabethrps ☆ little-js-roleplays ☆ lizhummelrps ☆ lucindarps ☆ lumberpunkrps ☆ lydiamartinrps M-O ☆ maliasroleplay ☆ maliasrps ☆ marleyroleplays ☆ marleyrosesrp ☆ mayrps ☆ mikechangjunior ☆ monvatorps ☆ moriartyrps ☆ mythicbitchrps ☆ niffrps P-R ☆ peterparkerrps ☆ pezberryrps ☆ piercemanrp ☆ poseysrp ☆ puckbadassrps ☆ puckypuckrps ☆ queenteerps ☆ quinnlenarps ☆ quittywrites ☆ rachelbrodyrps ☆ rachelsrp ☆ rbbrps ☆ rp-puckerman ☆ rstarberryrps ☆ ryderps S-U ☆ samchelsrps ☆ santanasrp ☆ sazrps ☆ seblaincheletterps ☆ shailenesrp ☆ shayleywrites ☆ shiixyrps ☆ smarps ☆ snixxlovatorps ☆ stjamesrps ☆ syderleyrps ☆ thewilderps ☆ tinkerberryrps ☆ tposeyrps ☆ troutyrps V-X ☆ vauseberryrps ☆ wilderoleplays ☆ wolverinerps Y-X ☆ youmeandcharlierps A HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU: Some blogs just needed their own section, for a multitude of reasons. These are ones that, as an rper, I’ve always found particularly helpful, to myself, or others. ☆ agleehelper ☆ cheerioofrp ☆ cherryhelpsrph ☆ cooperhelps ☆ emiliaofrps ☆ hermionerpc ☆ hipsterrachelphotos ☆ jasperhelps ☆ kittycanhelp-rph ☆ leahelps ☆ leightonhelps ☆ lordtubbingtonrph ☆ teenlesbiansrph ☆ watchinggleegirlsrps ☆ watchingpucksrp ☆ watchingquinnsrps ☆ watchingrachelrps ☆ wildeberryatyourservice ☆ yeahps ☆ zoeyrph As well, a big, big thank you to the following eight blogs, who were my 300th-307th followers! [These are organized chronologically by the 300th followers, to my newest.] ☆ rpnightingale ☆ squarerootofrainbows ☆ newgirlofrph ☆ ems1x1 ☆ hileyassists ☆ lianawrites ☆ jazzofrp THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. Chances are, I’ve probably missed a handful of people or so in this post. If that’s the case, and you don’t see your name here, I’m truly sorry. You can blame that on my own personal short term memory, and the fact that I have the attention span of a squirrel when it comes to things. However, if I’m following you, you can rest assured that you’re one of the people this post was intended for. Thank you for making my dash a brighter place! +BLOGROLL. -- source link
Tumblr Blog : rafaelsantiago.tumblr.com