bigbrotherchronicles:REAL Mom & Son Incest Story, by user GiveMeTimeToAct on RedditI have been d
bigbrotherchronicles:REAL Mom & Son Incest Story, by user GiveMeTimeToAct on RedditI have been debating myself between if Ishould or should not share my family history, but to be honest reading otherstories helped me out accepting my incest desires. So I hope this helps anyoneout there.Just one thing before starting .. This is mytrue story, and it may be long, sorry but things didn’t really happen in ablink of an eye, I hope you in enjoy it.So beginning with my mother… Well my motheris not only gorgeous but she is also fucking sexy, about her description she iswhat people in US may call a brunette, dark hair, light skinned with browneyes. As I mentioned she is very hot, and very sexy, and it has probably been acurse for her, she has a great figure, a very beautiful face and a very greatbody as an outcome of tons of exercise since I could remember… And of courseshe has a nice ass but what really makes her stand out are her tits, man shehas the greatest pair of tits, round and perfect. Just imagine her as one ofthose very hot girls that works as hostess in restaurants or clubs, becausethat was actually her job for some time…. But now with details of our storymy mom is only 36 years old, she had my bigger brother when she was only 15years old and got pregnant by her high school boyfriend, who of course did nottake any responsibility for my brother, so then my mom had my brother with somesupport from our grandparents, it’s needed to say that we come from a low incomefamily, so we didn’t have many luxuries. Later when my mom was 17 she wasalready really hot again, so she started working as a model, at a very lowlevel nothing really big just local events at malls and things like that.So then at 18 she got pregnant again, but nowfrom an older and married man, so again of course he did not take anyresponsibility for me or for my mother, this time my grandfather weren’t reallythat supportive. After a couple of years after my birth my mother had to takedifferent jobs to support us, my grandfather helped us get a home but that wasthat. So as you can imagine we did not have much money lying around.Years passed and between a couple of badexperiences with boyfriends my mom grew a lot of distrust for any estrange man.Then 2 years ago, and with just a couple ofdays after I turned 16, I finally realized how hot my mother was, or at least Istarted to see her as a woman and not only as my mom and this is where my storybegan, although my mother hasn’t really been a model of monogamy, in our houseshe was our mother. Going out she would wear very sexy clothes, but in thehouse t-shirts and pants were the standard; anything revealing, and she wasvery careful since I could remember, not to expose herself to us, either me ormy brother who by the way was 19 at the time, we will talk about him later.So one day when my mom was changing to go ona date, yeah she has had a ton of fails with men, but for some reason shealways found away to keep trying, so back to the story, I knew my mother wasgoing to leave the house very soon to go to her date, but I needed money forsome stupid reason. So I ran to her bedroom trying to find her before she wasgone, and ohhhh!!! fuck!!! … When I open the door, my heart stopped and Ifelt my cock waking up very violently, there I was my mom in the sexiest blacklingerie you can imagine, a very revealing top that made her tits look amazingand huge, and the sexiest tights ever. I stood there without moving at all…It felt like hours I finally was seeing my mother as the hot woman she is….Until she interrupted me“Honey!!! Please give me aminute!!” She told me very fast, as she tried to cover her amazing titswith her hands. But it was to late the damage was done.“Of course mom, I’ll wait for youdownstairs”From that moment on, my life changed, a meanI had saw my mom a few times in her underwear in the past, but in normal pajamasor bras, nothing as close as sexy as I saw that day. Just imagine this hot 36years old woman in lingerie just a couple of steps from you, there was no way Icould have avoided having crazy desires for my mother.After that I began paying tons of attentionto my mother, checking every movement and began to obsess with the idea ofkissing her, touching her and even fucking her. That very same year my brothernoticed very quickly, and one night he approached me…“I know you have been taking momspanties” he told me as if it was nothing important. I haven’t talk aboutmy brother up until now but we were really close, he is a great big brother andyou will find out how great later, so when I heard the words I got paralyzed… So he continued “it’s ok, I do it all the time, actually I wasstarting to thing you were an idiot or a gay idiot”And I was like, WTF!!!!“You take moms panties… also??”“Yes, but you need to be more fuckingcareful, or she is going to find out”“But… I mean….. You” I was veryconfused.“I have to go now, but return the 3 youtook and we will talk about this later”That night, we talked for hours, he told mehow he became to notice my mother and how he wanted her as much or even more asI was at the time, and at that point I began to understand, why this fuckergave my mom so many hugs and kisses. I mean he was using every day as anopportunity to feel her up. So then he told me, “I want my mother for me,I don’t like that she has boyfriends, and that those idiots can touch her oreven fuck her, that makes me fucking angry and we need to find a way to make itstop”, o fuck those words fuck her!!! That was all I could think of…. Andof course I will help, no one should be enjoying my mother, a mean no oneexpect me … Or is for that matter then he told me to look at Reddit and otherplaces for incest stories, I had already made my share of reading but fromthere it certainly increase it a lot. He told me it would help to erase anyguilt for our feelings towards our mother; and was very helpful.About my mother, once I talked to my brotherI started to pay much more attention; our mom loved us a lot!!! And I do mean alot!!! She was always hugging us and kissing us on the lips, our family hasthat custom so it was no big deal for me … but now, I enjoyed every contactwith my mother. And I could notice my bigger brother, not only enjoyed it also,but he had mastered the art of feeling her up. For example when he got home oneday, my mom was in the kitchen preparing something to eat, so he came from herback, gave her a big hug, letting his dick press against our mom’s ass as hardas he could and also rubbing against her like in a playful manner then he gaveher a kiss on the lips and made it last as long as he could and again making itvery playful… And my mom took it as a very normal behavior, as if he was onlyplaying and not letting her go, and kept her from cooking, so by the time mymom moved away from my brother he already had gotten an amazing opportunity tofeel our mother’s body very close. So as quickly as I could I started toreplicate his behavior, and my god how amazing was to hug, feel and rub mymother’s body, some times more casual than others but you cannot imagine howmany times I masturbate after hugging my mother from the back and feel her assagainst my body. I started to do some other things like cuddle with her whilewatching a movie or entering her room without notice, man I was happy with allthat progress, but my brother wasn’t, and I could understand that he was doingthe same thing I was for years, so now he wanted more.From there on, and with the lead of mybrother we began working together to advance and advance, in the process to findaway to get to fuck our amazing mother…As I wrote before I was having the time of mylife, enjoying every touch or view of my mom’s gorgeous body, tits, ass, and legs,everything, but my brother … Well my brother was growing very frustrated,because of the “stupid little advances” we were making, so one nightmy brother and I came home from a soccer game, and when we arrived at home, wesaw a car parked outside our house… Which for us was code for our mother wasgoing to go out with some jerk off.So we passed the man in the car, and omg itwas ridiculous; a man in his 60s nothing great about him, a mean aside from theBMW, he was a shame, not tall, not good looking, nothing but money.And when we passed him and got home, our momwas just about to leave, and ohh!!!! Fuck the amazing dress she was wearing, itwas a white very tight dress … Not that short skirt but just above her knees,and open cleavage, that made her tits look amazingly big and round. We saw hergetting the final touches to her hair at the living room mirror. At that verymoment my brother went upstairs, upset at the idea of our mom leaving with thefucker outside our home, but I just couldn’t do the same, I went right to mymom and gave her a huge hug from behind, and I felt her amazing ass pressedagainst my cock, just insane I could feel how soft, big and perfect her ass was…That moment ended when she told me “come on honey, I have to go… And gotake a shower” that broke my amazing moment but at least I had it, beforeshe went I told her that I wanted to take a picture, she was delighted and gaveme a great smile while I took the photo. Of course as you can imagine thatnight I jerked off like crazy to that picture of my mom, imagining it was mewho will fuck her that night and not that old idiot.The next morning our mom came into the housearound 10am, of course in the same dress she wore last night, with the same fuckingsexy high heels she wore, she looked perfect, hot and just delicious. She wentdirectly to her room saying she was going to sleep before going to work thatafternoon, a couple of minutes later my brother came to have breakfast …. Andhe told me something I couldn’t believe “I’m going to leave nextMonday” and I was very surprised even though it was a joke “leaving??”… “Yes, we need money, if we want to fuck our mom, we need money”he said very resolved “Money? She is not a whore you can buy” I saidgetting a little upset, but he replied very quickly “I know that idiot,but if she can quit her job and if on top of that we can buy her all the shitthat those fuckers buy her, she won’t have the need to go out with old men orother idiots … And there we can find a way to fuck her” … I wasshocked with my brother’s determination, and I have to be honest he is a smartand tough fucker. But the determination he had at that morning, that was new.So long story short, next week and with my mother reluctant approval he went toanother state (approximately 8 hours in car from home), to meet with his friendwho was one that talk him into leaving home for a “great job”… Atthat time I did not understand really what my brother could achieve with this“new job” and honestly I thought he was just going to be back at homein a couple of weeks with nothing to show off for his trip. But I couldn’t bemore wrong.So almost 2 years past since my brother left,and he haven’t even visited once … We talked a lot on the phone and messaged,but not even one visit in almost 2 years. He always talked on how I should waitfor him to come back, and that when he came back we will work on our mother andalso he was always repeating how much he was working to get money saved. Andalso he ask me to send him photos of our mom, to keep him motivated, or moreprecisely get him some jerk off material. So I did, I tried to take sexy photosof our mother to send him, in part to make him jealous that I was with her everyday, but taking those sexy photos wasn’t that easy because as I told you ourmom was very careful In the house, never wearing anything revealing. So forsome photos I told her that I was going to send them to my brother but for themost of them I just took them without even telling her, just trying to catchthe angle to show her amazing gorgeous body, which I knew was the thing mybrother really wanted to see, I especially got lucky one day we went to themall, and she wore a very tight shirt, which might not sound like a lot but manhow many shots I got from her, of course without her noticing I was trying tocatch her delicious tits, so I could send them to my brother.So by the time I was about to turn 18, I wasgetting the same feeling my brother had when he left, I enjoyed a lot seeingand touching our mother’s body, but I was getting the feeling that I wouldnever get to fuck her, and that was getting me very frustrated… Until one dayI got home from school and saw a car just in front of my house, but no fuckeranywhere near the car, and I got really angry… Wtf is happening when mom haddates from time to time, but they always wait outside, I was getting angry asfuck at the idea of one fucker inside my house, with my mother … And wtf wasgoing on with my mother she never let anyone inside, so I ran as fast as Icould to the door and abruptly and loudly went inside waiting to see the fuckerthat dared to enter my house …. But when I got to the leaving room I saw thefucker I wasn’t waiting, my brother was sitting in front of my mom, he was verydifferent since the last time I saw him, he was much more heavy than before,nor really fat but big… But that made him look older and also a bit rude….So I went in and saluted him of course we talked a lot, our mom launched acouple of reproaches and we all caught up on everything normal. But the realinteresting part came at night when I was alone with my brother, he startedsaying what I thought he might have forget “Now we need to get to work…I’m going to make your dream come true” … “You sound like a veryconfident fucker, and yeah my dream, so you don’t want her anymore?” Ireplied instantly “don’t be stupid, of course I want her, and I will gether first… But I will share it with you, but only you” he told me with abig smile, and then I asked him “and what makes you think we are going tofinally fuck her, how are we going to convince her?? I don’t even see how”… “Don’t worry, I have it all planned, I just need your help and I needyou very sharp, we cannot fuck up… I got the money and the job, now we onlyneed to get her in the right spot, so we can fuck her” I don’t think thisis important but my brother passed the past two years in the trucking businessworking every hour and saving as much as he could and now he had a steady jobin the same trucking company but now in a closer location to our home (1hr)…So he detailed his general “plan”, I wasn’t expecting much really,but man this fucker had a real good plan and also he was saying the truth aboutsaving money, from the moment he came back he was paying for everything,nothing to fancy but dinner, supplies every little expense we made he wascovering it, not letting our mom pay for anything.My brothers plan was really simple, heexplained it in detail, but the general outline was simple; first of all weshould start to make it very clear to our mother how hot and good looking she is,give her a complement every time she dresses in something even remotely sexyand give her a hard time every time she wore normal or “not sexy”clothes.. Then step two get her jealous, talk as much as we can about otherwomen, on how there were many girls available to us and that they were easy toget … This was important because our mother, always insisted us to never geta girl pregnant or even get married before we were 28 or older, considering shewas a very very young mother she always told us that we should have a lifebefore getting a commitment. And also she suffered a lot when my brother left,but knowing it was for a job and not for a woman, helped her. But now he wasback she told him very seriously “now you cannot go again until you turn28… At least” … So the second part of the plan was to get her jealous,crazy jealous and worried that we would leave her for a young slutty girl. Asyou can imagine she had a lot of trauma, after so many men had left her, so thefear of her own children leaving her before that time, well that was a goodpart of my brothers plan. And last but most important; progressive advances andget her guard off, we should touch her as much as we could, try to cuddlewatching movies as much as we can and most importantly… Get her guard downand get as much advance as we could, and repeat every step one, two and three… Until we could fuck our sexy mother, the plan looked good but I neverthought it could work. Non the less it sounded very exciting, so of course Ivery gladly accepted to follow the plan!!!So we started to make it happen, we werealways after our mother, telling her how sexy she was … “ohh mom, youlook gorgeous with that t-shirt” “mom you look sexier tonight”“wow great legs mom” every complement we could think of … Then thegirl talk every time we knew our mother was listening we talked about the girlswe could fuck, especially my brother, he was very clear and descriptive, it wasobvious our mom was getting very angry with that constant girl talk… Andfinally the touching, we were glued to our mother, getting as close as we could… Everything was great I was enjoying it a lot, and then 2 days before mybirthday, my brother told me that we should have a party and that we shouldmake our move… So we arrange my 18 birthday as a house party with only ourmom, my brother and I… She couldn’t be happier that we both decided to havethe party just with her. So the party started and we convinced our mom of twovery important things 1) Alcohol, after a little discussion, my brotherconvinced our mom that for my 18 birthday I couldn’t have a party withoutalcohol … And 2) Her dress, we convince her to dress well for the party, andby well we meant sexy… Although it was going to be only the three of us, weconvinced her that for this special occasion she should wear a nice dress.. Soshe agreed and that day came and she came out of her room with an amazing twopiece dress… With the upper part, very tight so we could see her amazing bodyand the skirt, a short skirt that let us get a great view of her amazing legs… I was living the dream, there I had the hottest woman I had ever saw, shewas all dressed up just for me… Well for me and my brother but all dressedjust for us and the best of all we were going to try to fuck her tonight… AndI never thought we could make it this far, but just trying was exciting enough.So the night was about to begin and my brother had just told me his plan“we need to get her drunk, but not passed out drunk, just half drunk… Wewant to fuck her not rape her… Ok??” … “Yeah… Yeah ok ok …Just a bit tipsy” I replied.So night began and my mother and I went toget some things we needed to complete the food, so when we came back everythingstarted … My brother put some music on and everything started very normal, weate something and of course started drinking. After a couple of hours we werehaving a great time chatting, laughing, drinking and we even took some photos… I was having the best birthday ever and things got even better, right atthe best moment of the party my brother and with our mother a bit drunk, mybrother change the music and asked my mom to get up for a dance … Oh god shewas delighted she went up and we started dancing, at first something calm butthen she started to put on some “bachata” that I don’t know ifeveryone out there are familiar with bachata, but look it up if you want to …It was crazy, at that moment my brother changed the music that I was dancingwith my mom, yeah we took turns, and during the normal songs we danced as closeto our mother as we could, trying to get a feel of her insane body… But whenthe music changed I couldn’t react I got paralyzed and I was sure my mom wasgoing to stop the dancing session, a mean dancing bachata with our mother…That would be incredible but I just couldn’t react, so in just a couple ofseconds my brother came to my mother and took her from my arms, gave her a spinand started dancing without giving her any chance to react and with herstarting to get drunk… She started dancing, and just after 2 songs they weredancing crazy close and my brother had her hands all over our mom’s sexy body,he was almost touching her ass and he had her boobs always pressed against hisbody… That fucker new what he was doing and my mom, she was crazy happy Icould even think she was excited … After another 2 songs my brother gave asignal and I got my turn dancing with our mother, fuck I got a hard on rightaway I could feel her whole body against me, maybe I did not do such a greatjob as my brother but getting the feel of our mom’s tits on my chest wasinsane… But the best part was that every one or two moves my hard on waspressed and I do mean presses against her tight body, at some point even on herass … That was the best part of everything and I don’t know if it was thealcohol in both of us but I even went as far as touching our moms ass a coupleof times, maybe just for a second but I did it and she didn’t even react.The time went by, and it was almost midnight… And we were still having a great time, dancing, drinking and makingjokes… Until my brother said the magic words “ok, it has been great…But it’s time we call the girls!!! Are you ready” he asked me, with justthis malicious look on his face, that was telling me this was our move …“Yeah of course I’m ready” … And my mom broke the whole thing“GIRLS????? WHAT GIRLS????”… ” come on, just a couple of hotgirls" my brother calmly replied … That was when I realized, he was noteven a little drunk, I think he was keeping our moms drinks full but notdrinking too much himself and my mom, well she was now a couple of drinks apartfrom being drunk … And she said again “GIRLS??? What tha hell are youtalking about … GIRLS AT THIS HOUR FOR WHAT???” And again my brotherreplied “come on its his 18 birthday I planned all this for him, a coupleof really hot girls will come to the house so we can have a little game andcelebrate his birthday, that will be my gift to him” … “REALLY HOTGILRS???.. Then what am I??” And again, this fucker replied “You arevery hot, but you are his mother we cannot play with you” and now my momtook a moment, she was thinking, then looked at me and said the words that mademe go crazy “fuck it I will play, I don’t want any stupid girl gettingaway with my little boy tonight” just at the same time she gave a verynice hug … Then my brother interrupted again “she cannot play… Come onits your 18 birthday I was planning a little dare game” … “And youthink I have never played a dare made”.. “Maybe mom, but we cannot playwith you and anyways the girls are already on their way” … “Callthem and cancel on them” and just before my brother said something I letthe alcohol talk for me “yeah let’s play with her, cancel on thegirls” and my brother smiled a little making clear that I was being alittle too obvious, but what can I say I was half drunk and with the biggesthard on ever … So he replied “ok ok but you play by the rules”pointing at my mother …. She nodded and took another drink of her glass.In a couple of minutes my brother explainedthe game, we were going to use poker cards … Every black card meant aquestion a very personal like a daring question he said, every red card meant adare and finally he said it was a very high card meant for a tequila shot and toremove a piece of clothes. I stare directly at my mom, this fucker has said itjust like that, my mom thought just for a minute and she said ok let’s dothis….The game started and we started slow, butgetting there … We did a few questions and then My mom drew a King of clubs,so she had to take off a piece of clothing… The first thing she lost was herheels and now she handed out her earnings and neckless which we allowed as oneitem… So the next card for my mom would mean she was going to have to takethe top of her skirt off… I was going crazy!!!!Then a couple of light questions and daresand then 7 of spades for my mom … And my fucking brother asks: “do youuse a vibrator?” I almost choked, I couldn’t even look at my mom … Butjust in a couple of seconds my mom replied very calmly “Yes, I have acouple of them” that got me crazy but without even time to think mybrother drew a card an Ace of hearts … She had already lost her shoes andshirt so he very quickly took his pants off and that motherfucker had nothingbut his boxers on, at that point my mom was very happy smiling, like if in someway she was winning or showing us that she was tougher than usThen my turn, 3 of clubs and my mother asked“are you a Virgin?” I was no virgin, I had only fucked two girlswhich isn’t much, but I was no virgin. But my own mom asking that, well thattook me off guard … And my brother replied for me “he is” I waslike wtf he knows I’m not, at that time I was already drunk but after I couldsay anything he said “your turn again”And my mom drew a beautiful 10 of hearts -and my brother told her “give him a 2 minute French kiss” I wasshocked as I has been all night my mother hesitated a little … And my brothersaid the magic words “told you we shouldn’t cancel those girls” …“SHUT UP!!! … And you come here baby” she was engaged, with herhands opened to me, preparing to give a kiss … I stood up and got near her…And she gave me the hottest kiss ever, she pressed her body very close to meand put her tongue in my mouth, fuck!! the best kiss I ever had she put herhand in the back of my neck as she made those great moves with her lips my cockwas about to explode and then my 2 minutes were up.We kept playing just 3 cards more and on mycommand my brother got his own kiss, this time he didn’t even wait for my momto reply … He stood up and grabbed her by the waist and gave her a fuckingaggressive kiss he even put his hand on her ass, lifting her skirt just belowher amazing ass … I could see that my mom was shocked, but I bet she was alsoa little bit excited… I guess the aggressiveness was too much for her and shebroke the kiss a little earlier than mine … But said a couple of great words“you are a great kisser honey…”A couple of cards more and a couple ofquestions with that until my favorite card came along … A Jack of hearts formy mom, she laughed a lot “No no no I cannot do it, no no no ” …“You knew the rules, and she looked at me I have nothing on” mybrother said … And my mom just said ok ok … She stood up and stood therethinking if she should lose the upper or lower part of her dress … Andfinally she decides for the upper part and took it off, oooohhhh fuck!!! thereI had my mother in a very sexy lingerie just like years before when I firstnoticed how hot she was … So there I had my mother with a very sexy straplessbra that made her tits look insanely hot … I had to use every piece of willin me to avoid running into my room to jerk off like crazy.At that point she said I need a minute, andwent inside the house, a couple of minutes passed and I was still talking likedcrazy to my brother telling him how a fucking genius he was… Until my momcame back again, and she now had a new neckless and bracelets, I laughed alittle I told her what’s that about??, and she very playfully replied, this isin case you make me lose any other part of my outfit … My brother laughed alot… And I was amazed, I mean my mom was teasing us now, instead of gettingsome clothes she decided to put a neckless on, that was too much… And at thatmoment I had a strike of genius and managed to very casually take my phone outand take a picture of my mom, almost drunk and with just a bra on… It wasn’ta really great picture, but I made my best of it, if you knew how many times Ihave used that pictures to jerk off … But returning to that night, my momsaid “I think it’s time we slow down a bit” so we sit down in theliving room and started to talk in a more calmly manner in how great that nighthad been, my mother gave my brother a hard time about the time he was away andstuff like that … I guess it was the alcohol in me, that made me very veryhard to stay awake and it was already 3am. I don’t know when exactly but I fellasleep……A think I slept only for 30 minutes an hourtops … But when I woke up, I almost went crazy; I was half awake halfsleep… When I started hearing someone moaning … Very low sounding moaningand in just a couple of seconds I realized it was my mom… She was moaningharder and harder and from time to time she let a little scream out…. I steppedup immediately, wtf was happening why was my mom moaning and screaming? For asecond I thought maybe she was using that vibrator she talked about before, soI started to walk to into my mom’s bedroom, everything in the house was verydark … So as kept walking very slowly to my mom’s bedroom, I saw the doorhalf open, I was already hard, I thought maybe I could see my mom while she wastouching herself, so when I finally was near the door I peeped a little andfuck!! what I saw, put my heart to through the roof….There she was, my mother in what seemed likea very sexy white charmeuse, lying in her bed with her legs wide open and mybrother pounding her like crazy …. And I could hear my mother very lowlysaying “Yes … Yes … Yes honey!!! Keep going, keep going!!! ”I don’t know how much time went by, but I waslosing my mind, I couldn’t believe what I was looking at and hearing … Andthen I saw my brother shaking his final stroke and fuck fuck fuck!!!! He was cumminginside our mother, filling her up … He was still on top of her, he has justfinished inside her and they both had the blankets on top of them so I didn’treally see my mom completely naked… But just when my brother finished and Ithink still inside her I saw how my mom took his head and started kissinghim… But really kissing in a nasty, tongue and sexy way … I think evenbiting him, I saw how they broke the kiss and my brother finally moved aside….I panicked, now she could see me, so I hid behind the door and waited,breathing really heavy, nervous at the idea of her seeing me and what the hellcould happen if she saw me …. But then I started hearing some weird noisesSo very slowly I peeped in again … She wasagain with some blankets on top of her, but wtf now she was giving my brother ablowjob I could see his face, he was going crazy … But what was happening hejust’ fucked her, why was she giving him head … Then I thought, my brothercame inside our mom but I really doubt my mom came also, I was sure she wasdoing it because she wanted another go…. After all she kept repeating“keep going … Keep going ….” When he was fucking herAgain I lost track of time, but suddenly mybother saw me in the door, and he gave me a look … Just like saying its okyou are there…. So I think my fucking brother was hard again, becausesuddenly my mom broke the blowjob and got on top of him … And fuck…. Nowshe was fucking him, riding him, the way she was moving her hips…. Getting mybrothers cock in and out with every move…. She was great at it, her movementswere amazing and I noticed my brother struggling not to cum…. She keptrepeating “more honey more honey …. Keep going … Yeah yeah yeah!!!Right there right there”…. I could see how she was touching herself at thesame time she was sliding in and out of my brother’s cock … Then he startedtouching her boobs removing the little clothes that were covering them, and ohfuck!!! I could see how he grabbed her insanely big delicious tits … It wasinsane, and just a couple of seconds later … My mom really screamed“yeah yeah yeah!!…. Oh Fuck oh Fuck …” She slowly stopped themovements and I think I heard her tell him … “That was great honey …Did you enjoyed it?” as she kissed himAt that very moment, she lie down aside mybrother… At that moment I jumped back, and went directly to my room with myhead and cock exploding at what I have just saw ….That was 5 months ago, and from there thingshad been moving forward … The next morning… So after that amazing night I could barelysleep, so at 6 am I woke up a little hungover but very eager to know the fullstory on what happened, how this fucker got to fuck our mom, and even moreimpressive how he managed to turn her into a crazy sex machine, the moves I sawthe screams the moaning and heard her voice asking for more … I was goingcrazy thinking about that, so at 6 am I went to my mother’s bed and there theywere both very deeply asleep, so I went to my brothers room and waited therefor him. Almost an hour after that he came into theroom, and immediately told me “I told you!!!”… I hit him in theshoulder, and very lowly screamed “wtf was that?? How did you fucking getto fuck her???” He quickly replied, go take a shower and get dressed ourmom is getting ready she wants to make you breakfast and then we have things todo, I will tell you everything but for now just get ready and act normal. Later that day, my brother told me the fullstory on how he got to fuck our mother for the first time….My brother’s narrative of that night, or atleast my best effort to write what he told me; after you fell sleep, she gotreally emotional saying how you were growing up like crazy and that both of uswere going to leave her very soon, I comforted her a little and then she turnedthe conversation to another subject … She said that maybe she went too farwith all the games, and right there a told her that we were adults and that youhave had the best time ever and that what she would prefer, that you passed thenight with us or with some bimbos, and she gave me the first clue that thenight could go on, because she replied, “shut up, my baby belongs here,and it was actually fun, so I guess it was ok” Right there I put one of her favorite slowsongs on and she immediately got up, and said “let’s dance honey” sowe got outside and started dancing very close I was putting my hands almost onher amazing ass, my dick was fully hard, very closely pressed against herbody.. After a couple of songs we were talking about the events of the nightand I mentioned the kissing part, “ so what do you think about how Ikiss” and at that point she was a bit more than tipsy, she replied“well… You are very good but a bit aggressive” and after a longpause she asked “and … What about me?“ I was going crazy trying tocontrol myself and calmly replied “youre good but old fashioned to behonest and yes I was a bit aggressive but, I can be more gentle” ..“Old fashioned?? How old fashioned??? Wtf do you mean by that?” …soI told her “ come here I can teach you” and at the same time she gother head closer to mine and started kissing me very slowly, at first she was abit scared and actually got a bit away from me but after she could reply I toldher “come here, let me show you” and she obliged she started kissingme back using her tongue and amazing lips. I touched every part of her body Icould but especially her body and what an amazing ass!!! So after a couple ofkisses I made my move … “So what do you think?” And she slowlyreplied “You are great kisser honey, I told you already but kissing slowlylike this is much better…. Well I guess both are ok … And what aboutme?” And I replied very low volume and right to her ear “You are thebest mom, actually I am very sorry but I have to be honest, you got me veryexcited, more than ever”…. She opened her eyes very wide and after she couldspeak “I told her, actually I will have to go now” she reacted veryalarmed, questioned me on why and where would I go at that time of night andVery explicitly I told her that I had a booty call waiting for me … And rightthere I told her the magic words “sorry mom, but you got me very excitedand now I need to get a good fuck” I thought I went a bit to direct but Iguess the alcohol in her smoothed my words and she replied that what about ourgreat night, and I told her that I was having the best time ever so why shouldI want to go now? So I told her … “I need to fuck mom, you need tounderstand and even more after you got me hot as fuck, and actually I’mthinking that I need to find a woman to get married, so I can fuck her everytime I want” at that point and with the alcohol in her, she was gettingvery angry “Getting married??! You are crazy???” And I finally got tomy point “Mom, I need to fuck at least for today and I need a woman, ifonly you were up to the task….” I paused trying to get a reaction fromher, at that point she was very closed to me but no Longer pressed to my bodyjust holding her hands so I completed my speech “A mean just for tonight,if only you could be that woman I need tonight I will not have to go today andactually maybe even later, I just need a very good fuck so I can be atpeace” at that point I released her hand and was going to turn to the door… And she very quickly grabbed me and unconsciously pressing her huge boobs onmy chest and very lowly spoke in my ear “Ok, but just for today … I willmake you go crazy but just for tonight and then you have to promise to stopthis stupid things of booty calls at least for the rest of the year” … Iwas going crazy, literally with my head spinning, but grab her back and toldher “If you make me crazy just for tonight I will stop completely”… And she finally told me “Wait five minutes and then go to myroom” And then she left, my heart was pounding likecrazy, I waited like 3 minutes and went to her room and there she was waitingin the sexiest lingerie I had ever seen … And well what happened later, youalready saw but what I can tell you is that she is a crazy good fuck, her pussyis insanely hot, warm, juicy and very tight she knows how to press your cock atevery stroke and her mouth … Fuck she is insane, when you got into the roomwe had just barely started but she is so hot and insane that I came to earlythe first time, and then the blow job her tongue is insane and the second go,got me to the point of a heart attack the best pussy I had ever had!!! And with that he ended his story, in realityI interrupted him a ton of times, but the important part was his fucking story… After that night many things have changed, getting to fuck our mother afterthat took a lot too. But to anticipate you all on something, one of the thingsthat changed was the way she dressed around us, I will share you various photosI have been able to get of my moms body so you can imagine the insane fuck mybrother had that night, and the amazing mother I have and got to fuck later. -- source link
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