November 2015 - A gallon and a half of hot pepper mash fermentUpping my quantity game! Still need to
November 2015 - A gallon and a half of hot pepper mash fermentUpping my quantity game! Still need to work out time efficiency though, V thinks the juicer might be faster than the small food processor. I’m not convinced of this, but will try it for the next batch, b/c it will potentially save me a lot of carrot chopping. Most of the time is spent in the prep work, getting the ingredients cleaned, dried, chopped and stems removed. The peppers are so expensive I try to save as much of them as possible, which dramatically slows me down. Slicing the entire tops off would be much faster, instead of trying to cut out along the stems. Accidentally destroyed my fancy silicon spatula in the process but oh well. Hunger and dropping blood sugars left my spatula based judgement impaired.The rough math for the above is as follows: ~$25 ingredients (mostly the peppers, I actually didn’t get them at a good price but it’s what I could find). However, for the equivalent amount of V’s favorite hot sauce would be about $100. Not bad savings for 4 hours of labor, and I can probably bring that down some as I work out how to be more efficient. This batch did hit the top of my oversized mixing bowl, so if I want to make even larger batches than this in the future I’m going to need larger containers… this might seem crazy but the above is merely a 3-4 week supply of hot sauce for V. Oddly, I have a feeling that this will come out very well. -- source link