itsalburton: weavemama: stereoslut: scorpia6: weavemama: peccatopotpourri: pyjamathyst: weavemama: I
itsalburton:weavemama:stereoslut:scorpia6:weavemama:peccatopotpourri:pyjamathyst:weavemama:I’ve been seeing headass headlines this for the past few days, and I simply ignored it bc the media does shit like this for money and clickbait. But I realized this is more than the media tryna get their coins, this is a blatant attack on black women and other woc. So @ white women? I think it’s time we have a little chat. 1. Beyonce has gone through a miscarriage, and thousands of other women have been through it as well. It is a terrible experience that no one deserves to go through. But Beyonce is a FAMOUS PERSON, and she has one of the largest fanbases in the world. So when she delivers news such as being pregnant with TWINS, of course the beyhive is gonna to go above and beyond when it comes to the reaction. Ya’ll dragged her through the mud w/ her first pregnancy trying to say it was faked. Now that she’s pregnant for a second time, she’s doing all these photo shoots to further prove the accuracy of it. And now ya’ll are criticizing her for it????? Tryna cover your asses for how you treated her 5 years ago??????? Get the fuck over it, because ya’ll didn’t say shit when these women did THIS w/ their pregnancy announcements: 2. Serena Williams has been demonized and ridiculed for her body type since FOREVER. People say that her body is “too masculine” and how she’s “built like a man”. It’s fucking gross because Serena is one of the most hard working athletes in the WORLD, and her body type shouldn’t be affiliated with the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into her career. White women, you can’t say that you’re an advocate for equality when you criticize a black woman’s photo shoot, deeming it “soft porn”, and yet you praise THESE photoshoots: When a white woman, or hell even a non-black woman does shit like this, ya’ll are so quick to write article about how “empowering” they’re being. But when a black woman does it ya’ll all of the sudden wanna further sexualize and make it about “soft porn”??? Get over yourselves and let a black women love herself after receiving massive amounts of slander for her body type. 3. The role in Ghost in the Shell is definitely about race. If her character’s mom is Asian, then why tf couldn’t they just get an Asian person to play the character in the damn first place???? She should’ve just said “a woc deserves the role more than me, but unfortunately I can’t control who they cast” and then moved on. But nope, she had to make it about herself and disregard the fact woc are hardly ever represented in movies, especially Asian women. 4. You can’t criticize a movie you don’t even relate to on a cultural level. Moonlight takes the components of black struggles, black culture, black life, and puts it into a true cinematic experience. You don’t have to like the movie, but the movie itself is more about whether you “like it” or not. It’s whether you relate to it, whether you feel with it, and whether your experiences correlate with the character’s experiences. A “better plot” wouldn’t do shit Becky, you either get it or not. Not to mention Camilla Long was kissing La La Land’s ass: So the point of this post isn’t to slander all white women and shame them. The point of this post to to show how frustrated black women are with white feminism. White women can be just as racist as white men, and they sure as hell benefit off that privilege. This is why a lot of black women these days kinda go side eyed when a white women says she’s a feminist. Are you a feminist for all women? Or are you a feminist for WHITE women. Please don’t call yourself a “advocate” for women if you’re gonna spend all this time bashing black women and other woc. Just say you hate black women and go. WELL SAID how about we just stop with the whole “feminism” thing and work on being more egalitarianistic, because evidently feminism is about identity politics and each side is at the others throat, and they keep one upping or bringing the other side down. it’s becoming about noFuck egalitarianism 1. “Fuck egalitarianism” you realise you literally just said “fuck those who campaign for equality for everybody”????2. Also none of the pregnancy announcement pictures that you sourced painted the subject as though she was a holy goddess. They’re your standard, albeit still rather showy pregnancy photos. If Beyonce had copied any one of those photos in terms of outfits/poses/props, I would have said the same thing - wow, what a nice picture, good for her. But she’s acting like shes a fuckin goddess and it’s tiring.3. As for Serena Williams, at first I agreed with you - the woman who wrote the article doesn’t seem to understand what constitutes softcore porn, if you base this off the picture of Serena that she showed. However if you actually read the article and do your research, you’ll find that there are shots like these:which are obviously much more showy and suggestive. I would argue that they are just as suggestive as the examples of white women that you showed, but again, IF YOU ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE, you’d see that the writer doesn’t only ‘go after’ Serena; “Serena isn’t the only tennis player in this Sports Illustrated issue. Eugenie Bouchard (hugging a big inflatable swan in one picture, for goodness sake) and Caroline Wozniacki (in the issue for the third year in a row, is there someone she’s trying to impress?) are also giving readers a license to lust after them with their topless shots. I guess if you can’t be the best, then at least try to be the most famous.” The other women that she mentioned are white.Personally I don’t agree with the writer. I don’t think it matters if women want to show off their bodies, and I like that SI obviously didn’t photoshop Serena to high hell, and instead show her natural, unaltered beauty. I think that what the writer is saying is often hypocritical in itself, but that’s just the different forms of feminism clashing over one idea. But, my point is, as you’re trying to make it about race - IT ISN’T ABOUT RACE.4. As for your next point - “The role in Ghost in the Shell is definitely about race.“ No, if you had any basic understanding of how the film industry works, it’s not about race, it’s about money. ScarJo brings in the big bucks because in the Western world (aka the target audience of the film) she is a widely known, super famous and popular actress who does well in the Western box office. The film was made by Westerners for Westerners and they just used an actress who they knew would sell. If the film were made by an Asian studio, they would use a popular actress in Asia, who would most likely be Asian as Eastern cinema is very different from Western cinema.Please guys. Do your research. It matters.Becky……. No…….. Just no………Your attempts to debunk all my claims in this post is just….. beyond embarrassing.1. Egalitarians are fuckin weird. Case closed. 2. Don’t think you’re slick Rebecca, everything you just said is just pure utter embarrassment and a cringe-worthy attempt to further slander black women. Beyonce not once called herself a goddess. Her fanbase does tho…….. but not her. Do you know what Beyonce said on her Instagram pregnancy anointment post? Do you wanna know what she said? This is what she said: “We would like to share our love and happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two, and we thank you for your well wishes.” -Beyonce via Instagram Now where in the everlasting fuck does she call herself a goddess??? Maybe you white women KNOW that she’s a goddess and it fucking pains yall to know that a black woman is getting all this shine an attention. 3. You really spent all that time trying to find more photos of Serena Williams trying to make it look like “soft porn”. You cannot sit here and tell a woc that their whole entire argument isn’t about race when it clearly is????? If that writer was criticizing women in sports then the headline would be “Athletes sabotage own equality battle with soft-porn photoshoot” not Serena being the catalyst and not Serena being on the first photo of the article. 4. “The film was made by Westerners for Westerners and they just used an actress who they knew would sell.”TRANSLATION!!!!: “The film was made by White people for White people and they just used a White actress who they knew would sell to other White people.” Haha umm…….. Yikes gorl……………. ………. …… …. ….. …. ..There are so many amazing Asian-American actresses that would have fit that role perfectly!!! For example: Lucy Liu (SLAY MEEE) Maggie Q (one of my faves) Jamie Chung (ummmm.. do you not… see how perfect her face is??????!!) So please don’t give me that bullshit excuse that there’s literally no Asian-American actresses out there that would have fit the role perfectly. You can’t whine “well there aren’t any Asian actresses in the U.S!!! :(((” when clearly they fucking exist. The producers could have reached out to these women, or better yet, have a casting call!!! Babygorl you can’t tell me to “do my research” on misogynoir and the blatant mistreatment against woc. There’s nothing to “research” about that subject, it’s just pretty obvious white women like you fail to realize there is a huge problem when it comes to representation and how woc are treated. Please don’t try to debunk my arguments when you haven’t even experience these struggles yourself, because you’re gonna end up embarrassing yourself like you did just now. Take a seat, stay in your lane, and allow us to educate you. Good day. This painful stupidity in my race just fucking shames me -- source link
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