phctcsynthesis: hello friends!!! i’m a language enthusiast (+ a language minor in college hehe
phctcsynthesis: hello friends!!! i’m a language enthusiast (+ a language minor in college hehe). originally i was gonna make a post of all languages, but that already exists + i don’t want to reiterate + i have SO many french resources and that’s my second primary language so i thought i’d focus on that??? general languagebig subject masterpost by @chemlstryhow to learn a new language by @studiynglearning languages without actually studying them by @insomniac-arrestthings i learnt regarding learning languages by @star-study100 perfect songs for traveling from around the world by @polyglottravelerap exams masterpost by @sootudyingtips to learn a new language by @darasteinelearning a language on your own by @sootudyinglinks for improving your vocabulary by @portiastudiesgrammar resources yay! by @giuliaslangblrspeaking up more in class by @emmastudiestips for foreign language writing assessments by @moonstruckstudieshelpful books to learn languages by @les-langues-sont-ma-vielinguti by @teacupful-of-languagesgeneral frenchfolder w/ beginner’s courses, grammar, etc. by @lovelybluepandafrench tips for beginners by @studyspiritseverything i use to make learning french fun by @jeparletoutesleslanguesa french masterpost by @organisaticnshow to sound more natural in french by @crookedlanguagestudentlearning french on your own by @wonderful-language-soundsspeaking on the AP french exam by @ap-frenchlesser seen french tips by @francetrashrandom little french factsfrench resources masterpost by @highschooleringstudying/learning a foreign language by @emmastudiesfrench resources masterpost by @nathalliastudiesfrench masterpost by @bonbonlanguagedear french community, listen up! by @studyblr-brifrench resources list by @openstudynotesfrench writing and speaking cheat sheet by @hstudiesverb conjugation sheets by @apamexicofrench vocabvegetables in french by @goldstueckeveryday activities by @language-mindedback-to-school by yours truly @phctcsynthesiswhen things are pointless by @lucylangblrmental health by @lemonadeandlanguagesunrequited love by @word-stuckways to say yes by @language2golangblr french masterpost (vocab only) by @study-katherinefrench idiom masterpost by @revisionandteala rentree du petit nicolas by @frenchaisedescribing your place by @pancake-studyingfrench tensesthe french imperative by @bonbonlanguagetop 100 most common french verbs by @colonelstudyfrench verb masterpost by @studypuddlesfrench verbs by @languageramblingsthe verb penser by @all-things-francaissubjunctive or indicative? by @language-renardthe verb ‘to return’ by @bonjourfrenchthe french conditional by @languesetmoicommonly used reflexive verbs by @bonjourfrenchle conjugueur by @jaimetalangueverbs taking à, de, or no preposition by @bonjourfrenchthe future proche by @futurefrenchprofthe subjunctive by @futurefrenchprofparticipes passés by @anonimasulsublimeconjugating the subjunctive by @whosaprettypolyglotusing the passé simple by @crookedlanguagestudentfrench grammarfrench linking words by @frenchaisefrench punctuation by @ladybaguettevariations in french pronunciation by @maptitude1teen french expressions by @studyingharderhow to guess the gender of most french nouns by @frenchaiseasking questions in french by @frenchaiserelative pronouns by @kalenaslangblressay phrases by @llenguasfrench homophones and how to tell them apart by @lemonadeandlanguageswriting essays in french part 1 by @french-ement-votrefrench literature, film, + musicfrench women write classics, too by @antigonickfrench animation recommendationsthe classics by @ap-frenchfrench book PDFs by @lovelybluepandaeasy french reading by @ap-frenchfrancophone comic books by @languagesarebeautifulfrench youtubers + singers/songs by @theperksofbeingstudyingfrench music recommendations by @seriouslystudyingfrench music by @studyplantsfrench music you should listen to by @teabeforetenfrench listening by @ap-frenchfrench movie night by @ap-french -- source link
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