strategus:She is the Revanchist, the HEART of the FORCE. Her relationship is not easily expressed, a
strategus:She is the Revanchist, the HEART of the FORCE.Her relationship is not easily expressed, and never accurately understood by the polarized dogma of the JEDI or SITH. Both, in their ways, are binding institutions with constructed paradigms to interpret and manipulate the Force. Revan has been a servant of the Light, a Master of the Dark, and never wholly of either. Some may have likened her to Exar Kun, both Jedi of incomparable brilliance and tremendous personal clout. Two remarkable figures of historic myth even during their swift ascensions. LEGENDS even to their contemporaries, they took the mantle of Dark Lord and turned upon the Republic they had served.( But Revan did not turn. She did not fall. )Revan was a tremendous tactician, a general, a strategus. She ruled herself with the balance of passion and dispassion, treading the line of the Code in the inchoate years of the Mandalorian conflict. She was young when she recognized the dogmatic principles which mandated the uncompromising doctrine of the Jedi Order. Her mind’s perscipacious acuity refused to reconcile this as other Jedi did, but not for lack of faith. If there had ever been a time where Revan sought compromise, it is forgotten now, buried under frustrations and stymied reforms.What p r o g r e s s i v e appeals came before the High Council were subsequently denied, a cautious, patient, and moderate path espoused as the singular ideal to follow even as the galaxy burned before the Mandalorian incursion.For all that she was accused of reckless impulse, there are no campaigns which Revan undertook that she did not wholly account for. Her schism from the Order - and her blatant rebellion against their dictates - was not singularly the mark of arrogance. There was calculation in this, as in everything she did. The progressively brutal ruthlessness of her tactics, similarly, was not substantial evidence of a Jedi Knight consumed by the lure of the Dark Side, but a systematic culling; a genocide, yes, but the reduction of an infestation which had once threatened the destabilize the pillars of the Republic.So, too, were her designs on Malachor realized. It was not the theorized influence of the Sith Emperor, nor a careening, unchecked fall into the Dark, but a conscious, deliberate alignment. The mantle of Dark Lord found use to her not as the culmination of a new ideology, but as a tool to manipulate, to claim dominion over an overwhelming military and political force. What religion lay in the Dark Side, Revan made her own. Her scriptures and studies were born out of a sharp PRAGMATISM, driven by her natural resourcefulness and inner vision. She had the will and ability to project her dreams upon the whole of the galaxy; she would remake it, shape it, model a New Republic through the auspices of the Sith.Her merciless campaign aimed to cut away the chaff, to strengthen the Republic by cauterizing and reinforcing the Outer Rim, the Core Worlds. She had a very particular vision, and to see its realization meant to do away with the oppressive regime of ancient philosophies. She was an emotivist: to Revan, moral utterances did not have a truth value, but were expressions of emotions or attitudes. She was a woman who had traveled the length of the galaxy and beyond - she ruled an Infinite Fleet, and fully recognized that ethical codes were manufactured. But even these had their place, and she had her own. What the Republic saw as brutality and betrayal, she knew to be the growing pains of a greater cosmos.Her redemption following the loss - and subsequent resumption - of her identity was less a return to the Light, and more a coming into that which she had always been - an arbiter of balance. Even the qualifier of Grey Jedi is insufficient to describe her relationship to the Force. She connects to it without imposing a bounded paradigm, an unaffected but deeply personal navigation of the Force. She continues as she always had, with a startling self-awareness free from the cloying boundaries of partisan canon. -- source link
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