ahencyclopedia: GREAT FEMALE RULERS OF ANCIENT EGYPT: WOMEN in ancient Egypt had more rights t
ahencyclopedia:GREAT FEMALE RULERS OF ANCIENT EGYPT: WOMEN in ancient Egypt had more rights than in any other ancient culture and were valued with greater respect. This is evident not only in the physical evidence and inscriptions but in their religion. Some of the most powerful and important deities in the Egyptian pantheon are female and some versions of the creation myth itself present the goddess Neith, not the god Atum, as the creator.It is hardly surprising, therefore, that there were a number of important female rulers throughout the history of Egypt. The best known of these, of course, is Cleopatra VII (c. 69-30 BCE), who was not actually Egyptian but Greek. Long before she came to the throne, however, other Egyptian women had already held the positions of regent and even reigning monarch a number of times.Read More Article by Joshua J. Mark on AHE -- source link
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