giantdrake:Denise snapped another photo and sighed. Still not good enough. She glanced across the gy
giantdrake:Denise snapped another photo and sighed. Still not good enough. She glanced across the gym at her crush, Stanley. He wasn’t the biggest guy at the gym by a long shot, but he always worked hard and she could tell he was smart by the clumsy way his glasses would fall down his nose when he attempted to read and do bicep curls at the same time. She smiled dreamily at the sight of his piercing blue eyes behind those spectacles.She shook her head. She wasn’t big enough yet to catch his eye. She’s seen the sorts of women he was always checking out - tall, with thick thighs and a huge muscular ass. Like Courtney, who would confidently strut by every so often, bending over to grab something she dropped just because she knew how many guys would check her out when she did so.“If only I could be that big…” Denise muttered. She scratched her head and sighed again, looking behind her in the mirror. By normal standards, her ass was already big. But in THIS gym…“Keep working, short stack,” Courtney said as she sauntered by. “You’re really showing some improvement.” The tall woman smiled haughtily, causing Denise to scowl inwardly.Externally she smiled. “Thanks,” she said sweetly, and they both glanced at Stanley, who blushed and looked down suddenly, pretending to be very interested in his science book. They both continued to stare for a moment.Courtney grinned, and approached Stanley, tenderly touching his arm and speaking to him softly. Denise saw the two of them laughing and her insides boiled with jealous rage. Even moreso when it seemed like Stanley was explaining something, pulling out envelopes of powder and featuring as Courtney feigned interest. She’s occasionally lean over slightly, creating a line of cleavage that Stanley couldn’t resist checking out, and the tall woman would cast a triumphant glance back at Denise.The display was apparently too much for Stanley, as Denise could already make out his cock, lengthening and thickening down the leg of his gym shorts with each furtive glance at Courtney’s large breasts. Both women were slightly thunderstruck by this as Stanley was shockingly, amazingly huge. Denise could even see Courtney struggle for something to say when she finally noticed.Stanley was unperturbed and even seemed a bit cocky about it. He sipped at his protein shake and Denise brought a hand to cover her mouth as she saw his cock grow even larger, the tip finally peeking through the leg of his shorts somewhere around his knee. Courtney bit her lip, taking several small envelopes of powder from Stanley as she bid him goodbye, but not before “accidentally” dropping one so she could bend over to pick it up and get a better look at Stanley’s growing cock. She clearly liked what she saw as she paused on the path back to standing upright in order to cast a quick glance around before leaning forward slightly to give Stanley’s enormous cock head a kiss.Denise was the only one to see this sly move but it was enough to make her swear unholy vengeance, especially when she saw Stanley’s hips involuntarily thrust forward as his face turned red.Courtney slipped the envelopes of powder into the cleavage of her sports bra as she walked by Denise, casting her a look that said she’d already won. Denise retreated to the showers to punch a locker in frustration.After a long, cold shower, she felt slightly better about the situation, but the sight of Courtney standing around the locker room, nonchalantly naked and shaking up a protein shake, almost made her lose it again. She quietly hmph’d to herself and dressed for the day, but found her eyes drawn back to Courtney with an envious gaze. Her body was too unbelievably perfect. She was over six foot with tits that put her so absolute shame. Her ass wasn’t much larger, but combined with the rest of her it was no contest. Of course she could win Stanley so easily. Denise sighed.As she finally closed her locker and turned to leave, she got a bit of a shock as she watched Courtney slowly chug the entire bottle of protein shake she had just fixed herself. Denise blinked and almost rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. With every noisy swallow of the beverage, it seemed like Courtney was somehow…expanding ever so slightly. Her breasts became more full, growing heavy and thick and sagging a bit more even as her thighs and ass swelled plumping up. And then…was she getting taller? It seemed impossible, but Denise was watching it happen right in front of her own eyes. Courtney’s head was slowly inching higher, her legs and torso lengthening to accommodate her new, larger proportions.Denise felt like she couldn’t breathe as Courtney finished her drink, her lips pulling away from the bottle with an excited gasp of breath. She licked her lips, stretching slightly, and seemed to have one final growth spurt before she put her bottle down and began walking towards the showers.“That new protein powder little Stanley has developed is a real treat,” she said to Denise as she passed by. “He’s already given me several samples and said he’d bring a bunch more tomorrow. I’ll have to thank him somehow, don’t you think?”Courtney winked and shut a shower curtain as Denise shook with fear and rage. She was going to show that giant bitch that she was not to be trifled with.The following day, Denise worked even harder, pushing herself through the toughest series of squats she’d ever tried to complete. The whole time she had her eye on her personal prize - Stanley, who had walked into the gym looking substantially more buff than she remembered him being the day before. He smiled in her direction and she blushed, watching him sit down to work on his biceps and noting that his python of a cock seemed to be poking out of the bottom of his shorts even though it was soft. Stanley even seemed a bit taller than before, though she couldn’t be sure of that.I could always just ask, she thought to herself. Maybe we could have a fun conversation. He could give me some of his protein powder. She eyeballed his duffel bag which definitely seemed to be full of the stuff. He’d already pulled out a small envelope and begun mixing up some shake to drink when he walked in.Just at the moment that Denise had decided to throw caution to the wind and simply approach her crush, Courtney strolled through the door. Except in this case, “stroll” was the wrong word. Nobody at Courtney’s height could stroll through any door made for normal sized people. She had to duck down low just to squeeze through, her ass brushing either side of the door frame as she slowly maneuvered her way through it.There was no mincing words: Courtney was gigantic. She had to be almost eight feet tall. Not a soul in that gym could keep their eyes off her. She had clearly consumed every single packet of protein shake Stanley had given her the day before - a dosage that Denise could tell was all wrong by the shocked face he wore as Courtney stretched up to her full height, already gulping at another shake in the process.“Holy shit,” Denise said quietly, taking in Courtney’s much larger breasts and ass. It was obvious she had improvised clothes to wear as she’d clearly outgrown everything that could possibly fit her. She was wearing a threadbare pair of panties that she likely wore for lounging around her house - on her old frame they’d be comfortable granny panties but on her new body they were stretched tight and rode significantly up her ass, making them almost thong-like. The t-shirt she wore was clearly meant to be slept in, but with her new height and dimensions, it was a crop top She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath because…how could she? No specialty bra store would be open to provide her with the support she needed at these hours. Denise breathed unsteadily when she saw Courtney was barefoot. Not even platform shoes could explain her current height. It was all the protein shake.“Hello, Stanley,” Courtney called in a friendly voice, giving a little wave. “Do you have any more of that protein shake you gave me yesterday? I appear to be out now.”Stanley blinked and took an involuntary step backwards. “Oh, uh…” he stammered before tripping over his duffle bag. The accidental fall allowed his cock to almost full escape through the leg of his shorts, and it was obvious to anyone looking his way that the sight of Courtney’s enlarged body was having a profound effect on him. Denise shuddered as she saw it plump and thicken, realizing no average woman would be able to take that monster. He was much too big.But Courtney was no longer an average woman, and her eyes gleamed as she approached, locked onto Stanley’s mammoth member as she licked her lips. “Actually,” she said, kneeling next to him. “I think I see a good supply right here.”And then, to everyone’s shock, the gigantic woman leaned over and took Stanley’s enormous cock into her mouth, moaning.Mutters of “what the fuck” and “is this really happening?” started circulating among the few gym members who had showed up this early, and several of them began grabbing their things and moving toward the door, uncomfortable. The ones that remained, both male and female, continued working out but were clearly trying to touch themselves through their workout gear, enjoying the show that was being put on for them.Denise resisted the urge to rub at herself through her workout pants. That old rage was firing up at the sight of her rival sucking off her would-be love. “You stupid bitch,” she muttered. “I’ll show you. I’ll show all of you.”Courtney was oblivious to the ire being directed her way, as was Stanley. His eyes were wide open, still flabbergasted at what was happening as he reached out to touch his partner’s head to make sure all of this was real. Courtney pulled off his dick for a moment to smile and said, “It’s funny…as soon as I started getting big I just sort of lost all my self-consciousness. I’m just so strong and happy now. When I see something I want, I know I can just take it. You don’t mind…do you?”Stanley opened his mouth to speak but only a groan came out as Courtney leaned down to begin sucking him again. His hands tangled in her long hair as she worked him diligently into her mouth.The two were so engrossed in their activity that neither noticed Denise, eyes blazing as she snuck up behind them to grab Stanley’s duffel bag. Grabbing it discreetly, she hurried back to the locker room to begin digging through and pulling out envelope after envelope of the thick powder.“How am I going to…?” Denise muttered to herself, and then her eyes lit up as she saw the jacuzzi sitting idle in the corner of the room. Anxiously she began ripping apart envelope after envelope, dumping the contents into the jacuzzi. It dissolved quickly, and after mere moments the contents of the jacuzzi tub began to resemble a thick, chocolatey sludge. Denise hesitated only a moment before lowering her face to the concoction, taking in great big gulps of the shake at a breakneck pace. Her stomach complained at her as she began to feel overfull, but she pushed on, gripping the sides of the tub with whitened knuckles.Just as soon as she thought she might pass out, a warm, bubbly feeling spread throughout her entire body. Without warning, she felt her ass rumble and swell in great big spurts, shredding through her workout pants even as her thick legs lengthened, sliding across the carpet. The rest of her grew next, her arms lengthening and causing her to have to lean over more to continue drinking from the tub. Her tits ballooned, sagging heavily down, her thickening nipples suddenly dragging against the floor. She was startled by the feel of her feet slamming into the lockers on the other side of the room and she stopped a moment, surveying her situation and realizing that she was massive, her body filling up most of the room. She was three times the size of Courtney, easily, and with almost half a jacuzzi tub left of that delicious chocolate shake. Denise’s wicked smile faded as she heard a loud sound from the gym floorShe repositioned herself so that she could push open the door to the gym and look inside. She stifled a scream as she realized that she was staring at the bottom half of Courtney’s massive calves, with the rest of her body protruding from the ceiling. Thunderous, booming laughter echoed high above.Denise couldn’t believe it. She had been so happy about her gains moments ago only to find that Courtney had somehow become four times as large as she was. She was beyond giant.“Oh, god, Stanley, you never told me your cum was so potent!” the loud voice exclaimed. Those giant feet lifted, one by one, and began walking downtown, causing minor earthquakes as car alarms went off and people screamed. “Don’t run, pretties,” Courtney’s voice sang. “I just want to love you….”Denise saw Stanley stirring among the wreckage, groaning. With little thought, she punched her arm through the wall, causing masonry to fly everywhere, and grabbed his limp body to pull him into the locker room. She stroked his hair gently and lowered him into the jacuzzi. If the formula became more potent when you sucked it out of Stanley’s enhanced balls…“H-huh? Wha-?” Stanley groaned as he came to, floating in a tub of chocolate protein shake.“Shhhh, it’s okay,” Denise said gently. “Drink, baby…drink…”Stanley, who was still very groggy, shook his head slowly, lowering it into the vat of shake and slurping it up, groaning heavily. Denise rubbed his back slowly as he drank, soon taking in large gulps just as she had. He drank quickly, his stomach bulging but never seeming to get full. His muscles began to rip through his shirt but unlike Courtney and Denise, the shake did not appear to be having a profound effect on his height.In terms of muscle mass, however, he was a beast. Incredibly wide, to the point that he barely felt like he could move. In no time at all, he was slurping at the bottom of the tub, and could barely fit inside of it. He flopped onto the floor on his back, sighing and groaning.Denise licked her lips as she saw Stanley, who had burst completely out of all his clothes, begin to grow an erection that looked like it could kill a person. It slapped mightly between his pecs, thicker than a grown man’s arm.“Here, let me help you, baby,” Denise said hungrily, dipping her head down to wrap her lips around Stanley’s cock. As big as he was, Denise was still a giantess, and taking Stanley deep posed very little trouble for her. She groaned happily as she sucked him, feeling him squirm under her, his muscles throbbing.“Feels…good…” Stanley moaned, and without warning Denise saw him suddenly surge larger. She raised an eyebrow, seeing him finally gain some height.“Mmm-hmm” she moaned around him, and then let out a startled “Mmmph!” as he surged larger again, filling much more of her mouth than before. He was awake now, and as she eyed his face she could see he was lost in the throes of passion.“Fuck yeah,” he whispered, reaching out with his hands to grab her much larger head, gripping her firmly as he began to thrust his hips, controlling the pace of the blowjob. He surged larger again and Denise gagged as he finally penetrated her throat.Denise complained around the cock pushing mercilessly into her mouth, but Stanley made no move to stop the thrust of his hips. “More,” he grunted, his body suddenly boosting even larger. Denise’s eyes widened as she saw his head slam into the far wall. He was growing much faster than she anticipated.“More!” he grunted again, panting happily as he slowly and methodically fucked her mouth. At this point her lips were stretched almost painfully wide around him and she was actively fighting to pull off his cock before he accidentally hurt her.“Moooooore!” he bellowed, his voice a painful frustration as Denise finally planted her feet firmly and yanked herself off his cock just in time to watch him plow through the locker room ceiling, effectively destroying the entire integrity of the gym as it finally collapsed all around them.Denise struggled to catch her breath as Stanley got to his feet, his body still surging larger. Her eyes were wide as she realized he was even bigger than Courtney and still growing.“I need…” he moaned, looking around, eyes hungry and desperate.“Need…” he continued, staggering forward, every foot fall causing the earth to shake. His cock, larger than a city bus, throbbed in time with his mighty heartbeat.“Need to cum!” he groaned, grabbing the sides of a nearby building. Denise shuddered, realizing he was preparing to thrust his cock into that enormous structure of steel and glass, and knowing that if he did so he would absolutely destroy it. Wetness dripped down from between her legs at the thought.“Mmmm, let me help,” a voice called, rattling windows for blocks.“No!” Denise screamed angrily, watching her rival Courtney approach, a hungry smile on her face. Stanley towered over her as she ran her well manicured nails over his massive pecs, pushing him back slightly so she could position herself in front of him, bending over the building he had just been about to fuck and looking back at him invitingly.“Need it,” Stanley grunted, his mind lost to the desires of his oversized cock as Courtney helped to guide him in.“Oh…fuck!” Courtney moaned, feeling herself stretched open by the largest cock in the world. “Fuck….so big!”“Getting bigger,” Stanley said, pride in his voice. And indeed he was, as Courtney gasped with surprise and gripped the building she had bent over tighter at the realization that his invading member was only swelling larger inside her. His meaty hands, gripping her hips tight, began to wrap more and more around her waist as his increased size allowed.As Courtney was slowly railed against the side of a building, which creaked and moaned as the power of their fucking threatened to completely knock it over, Denise was running. Though she wasn’t even remotely as large as the pair of fucking gym mates, she still towered well above all the normal sized people running in the opposite direction. “Not again!” she cried, scaling the building Courtney leaned against, feeling a bit like King Kong in the process. She couldn’t let Stanley cum inside Courtney. There was no telling how large she would get, and Denise had already promised herself she would not lose again.“Fucking take it!” Stanley cried, ramming himself harder into Courtney, who was finally beginning to enjoy his rougher treatment as she snaked a hand between her legs to rub against her tender clit.“Mmmm, you’re such a big man, Stanley,” Courtney said, a hint of teasing sarcasm in her voice as she glanced back at him. “You’re really…huh?”Courtney blinked and squinted. There was somebody standing on her back. If she didn’t know any better she’d say it was…The giant woman began laughing, and Stanley looked down, annoyed that she was ruining the mood. He saw Denise, standing defiantly, and he raised an eyebrow.“Stanley, look at this pathetic bitch,” Courtney cried out, tears running down her face as she continued laughing. “Jesus, she’s not even as big as my ass.”Denise seethed as she watched the gargantuan cheeks of Courtney’s ass jiggle with each powerful thrust Stanley gave to her, especially as she realized her enormous rival was right. Even one of those ass cheeks was bigger than she was. She needed to fix this.“She’s right!” Denise shouted as loud as she could. “I wanted to be bigger, but you two won! You’re the biggest, Stanley! I’m smaller than your cock!”“Oh, fuck,” Stanley groaned, clearly enjoying that comparison.“I bet you could completely drown me in your cum if you wanted, Stanley,” Denise shouted, her eyes gleaming.Courtney stopped laughing. “Baby, no!” she said angrily. “You’re going to dump that big powerful load inside me. Don’t waste it on this worthless cunt. Do you understand?”Stanley was confused, even moreso as Denise laid down on Courtney’s shaking ass and called up to him, “Just cover me in it, Stanley! Put that massive cock on me so I can see just how big you are!”“Stanley, stop listening to her!” Courtney cried, her eyes glaring back. “You will cum in me. Okay? Every drop in my pussy.”Denise said nothing, but merely began playing with herself for Stanley’s amusement, hefting her large breasts up to her mouth and sucking her own nipples as her fingers lazily rubbed circles around her clit.“Stanley!” Courtney screamed, seeing the lusty cloud surrounding the giant man. “Keep fucking me until you cum!”Stanley was too far gone. He’d been feeling it build in his balls for way too long. In a half-mumbled voice he managed to get out, “Stop…tellin’ me what to do…” and with a concentrated effort he pulled out of Courtney, held her down against the building and with a bellow, aimed his immense cockhead right at Denise.Wasting no time, she dove at him, her arms wrapping around his cock as she planted her mouth right against his opening. Her eyes were bleary as he began to cum. It was a bigger load than anyone her size should have been able to accommodate, but her superhuman will kept her glued in place. Her belly distended, her eyes watered, and for a brief moment she felt like she might die, but then, finally Stanley stepped back with a smile and a shudder, and Denise realized she hadn’t wasted a single drop.“You fucking bitch!” Courtney screamed, grabbing Denise off her ass with a snarl. She reared back and threw the smaller woman as hard as she could, causing her to disappear out somewhere beyond the horizon.“Goddammit!” Courtney continued, her eyes narrowing at Stanley as she pushed him down, causing him to stumble and fall on top of an entire city block.“Oh…hey, wait!” he said, feeling instant guilt at what may have happened to anyone remaining that possibly had been under him when he fell.“Shut up!” Courtney said authoritatively, bending down to wrap her lips around Stanley’s flagging cock.“You’re fucking crazy!” Stanley said, trying to push her off him, but in mere moments he had already begun to respond to her expert maneuvers, growing larger and harder in her mouth as she moaned and sucked him, taking him deep into her throat. His eyes rolled back. “Crazy good at sucking cock,” he muttered. “Jesus.”Courtney popped off just for a moment to whisper, “You’re going to give it all to me this time, baby.” With a smirk, she leaned back down to engulf him once again. Stanley bucked and thrashed, and he soon realized that in spite of his best efforts, he was definitely going to cum again. But before he could, the entire earth trembled.Courtney gasped as she pulled off Stanley’s cock. “No…” she whispered, looking behind her.A shadow fell over everything as they looked up into a face larger than the two of them put together. Denise was crawling, leaning over them, a smile stretched from ear to ear. Her breasts, each the size of a mountain peak, dragged through the ground, demolishing all the nearby cityscapes.“Hellooooo…” Denise voice was spoken in a singing tone that threatened to shatter the eardrums of a normal sized person, a look of euphoria on her face as she bit her lip. “I’m here for some more cum, Stanley…”There was a hushed silence over everything, the sound of wind whistling through the canyon of Denise’s cleavage the only noise that could be heard for miles, before Courtney snarled, “Wait your turn, whore.”She dove back onto Stanley’s cock, throating him entirely in one go, and without warning, the giant man burst into her mouth, sighing and shuddering.Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Courtney, grinned up at Denise, and waited. -- source link
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