baehraini: ungracefulace: baehraini: “& asexuals. LGBTQ+ isn’t just about cis wh
baehraini:ungracefulace:baehraini:“& asexuals. LGBTQ+ isn’t just about cis white gays” Lol as opposed to being about ppl who mostly don’t experience homophobia or transphobia + a predominantly white group? y'all r homophobesWait are you seriously calling Tyler Oakley a homophobe for calling for a more diverse support system of the LGBT+ community?? A gay LGBT+ advocate… is now a homophobe… for supporting the LGBT+ community and recognising intersectionality…Moreso for implying gay men are more privileged than most people, including cishet aces and cishet aros and cis aroaces, for being gay even though gay men die and experience hate crimes and assault etc more than..:: basically everyone in the LGBT community. but go awfDude literally just was saying that there are more people in the LGBT+ community than just cis white gays. That’s the message you called homophobic. You’re the one trying to twist it into more… Also do you have like no idea what intersectionality is or what, because I guarantee cis white gays aren’t the most attacked in the LGBT+ community -- source link