nighttimepixels: thefloatingstone: So I meant to upload this on the day but I finished it early X&rs
nighttimepixels:thefloatingstone:So I meant to upload this on the day but I finished it early X’DIt’s @nighttimepixels‘ birthday like really really soon! And I’ve literally been threatening to draw Grim for Mooooonths. It’s been the worst artblock ever coming up with what to draw X’D So I hope you’ll accept this smile boy standing in the rain like a dork! Even if it’s a little soon ;w;I tried some new things with this one which probably shows! But I’m really happy with the result :DI actually like how it looks this could be from a story/situation or something. But then one of the thumbnails I drew was Grim showing up on Q’s doorstep and Q lecturing him for not taking care of himself… so somehow this picture seems tied to that idea XDANYWAY!!!!Happy (early) Birthday, Night!!! <3 <3 <3You’re such a cool awesome person and I hope when it actually IS your birthday you have an absolutely fantastic day and everyone spoils you like craaaazy!! Thanks for brightening up my dash with your art and your posts,OH MY STARS PUFF HOLY HECKIN’ HELL I LOVE HIM SO MUCH??!?!ksdajflsdjfkjalksdfj he’s so handsome and sweet and i LOVE the subtle shading and the hues on his linework with those blues and purples and just- those rain effects?? the glow of SWEET BOI around him??! he looks so damn perfect in your style and it is taking every brain cell i have to not just keyboard smash for 5 minutes right nowhe really does look like he’s caught in the best ever screencap from some kinda scene! he’d totally show up on Q’s doorstep windowsill lookin’ roughed up but just wanting to hang with his best bro after a long week TvT <3 <3aghhHH this is literally already set as my new lock screen on my phone-!! <3 thank you so so much for this-! your art and messages and just general existence cheer me up always, and i’m always so elated to see anything pop up from you. i hope you’re having a lovely lovely week, even just half as lovely as you are! <3smakjhskakas Thank you so much, Night! ;w; This is the sweetest kindest response ever and it makes me so happy aaaaaah!! X’DD <3 <3 Thank for all the nice words I can’t even I don’t know how to process so much niceness sent my way!!! -- source link
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