may-shepard: tendergingergirl: loveinthemindpalace: love-in-mind-palace: tendergingergirl: simpleand
may-shepard:tendergingergirl:loveinthemindpalace:love-in-mind-palace:tendergingergirl:simpleanddestructivechemistry:#trmosThe waters this day were perfect; calm, and lukewarm. The streaks of electric blue and pink from the setting sun made it shimmer. Yes, a great day for quiet row around the bay. John had finally been able to sneak away from his friends for this. The 5 of them were back at the cabin the boys had rented for the week. nice getaway while they were together, until Summer break. The rest were well on their way to being pissed, when John had made an excuse of checking on something in the ar. He just preferred to be alone for a bit. The plan was to row around the half-moon shaped bay, just to get a closer look at it, then cut back across.Rowing was hard work, but he made quick time. John was up to the task. He was on the rugby team in school, along with the rest of the boys he was there with. His white t shirt was already soaked through, as were his shorts. They had gotten wet when he got in. It was a nice warm day, so…Suddenly, he heard was splashing up ahead, about 20 ft. ahead. Broken out of his reverie, John focused ahead, and spotted a dark head gliding through the waters, at a smooth, rapid pace. John halted the boat, so as not to collide with the water creature. As he came closer a long, pale, muscled arm shot out, water spraying in all different directions, as a huge hand with graceful fingers gripped the side of the boat and up popped a face, drops of water dripping down, inky black trendles, plastered to smooth, pale face, holding the hugest, sea-green eyes that John had ever seen. He gulped. What the bloody hell?““Well? Are you just going to stare, or could you possibly manage to give me a hand?”John’s eyes nearly fell out of his head. That voice!(Writing challenge. This picture is begging for a story) @may-shepard @mssmithlove1 @love-in-mind-palace @silentauroriamthereal Finish this thing please omgGodDamn“I said, I could use some assistance.” the deep voice that could cut glass spoke again. The young man looked at John like he was soft in the head. John blinked, and glancing over towards the shore, but not seeing anyone, he recovered quickly, focusing his attention back over the side of the craft. Clearing his throat, he quickly took charge. “Of course.” Looking relieved, the young man breathed out a ‘Splendid’, as he sunk briefly under the water, popping up to spit a fountain of water, neatly through a perfect set of pink bow lips, sending it arcing through the air, then dipped his inky curls into the water, baring his throat, as his head went back. John, who had finally released his grip from the oars, to get braced, stopped and drank in the sight, for a moment. The long, pale surface was smooth, with just a couple of moles. Nice. The young man swept his hair back with a hand, drops spraying John in the face and breaking him out of his fog. Christ, this was turning into quite the thing. John. Behave. “Come on, let’s get you out of there.” Focused now, and bracing some of his body weight to the opposite side of the boat, John waited until the tired-looking young man nodded in accent, then, reaching over to grab at midsection and a leg, as the other man grabbed the seat, to haul himself in, they worked together, straining to get him in. John, once, almost gets kicked in the face, prompting him to lose his grip on the wet flesh, which prompted a sharp ‘Careful!’ from the gravelly voice. John growled “Hey, I’m trying to help YOU here. Quit flailing like a twat and let me do this. After managing to get him in most of the way, John untangled himself and fell back in the stern seat, chest heaving from the exertion, t-shirt definitely soaked through by now. John watched in exhausted amazement, as this incredibly tall, lanky, glowing Moon Fish of a boy flopped himself into the bottom of the rowboat, long limbs just going every where. John tried to look away, out of decency, but it was hopeless. Finally, hauling himself carefully onto the bow seat, the young man preened a bit, arranging his long limbs, sideways, over the side, long feet resting on the edge of the boat, with his limbs crossed in the interests of modesty. John just chuckled quietly, and shook his head to himself. Too late for trying to be decent now. That ship had sailed. The young man’s head suddenly swiveled towards John, bright verdigris eyes flashing in the sunset, as they appraised him, head to foot. John looked back, taking in a long face, classic nose, and cheekbones that would make a Greek God jealous. Yes, John liked guys, although his last relationship was with a girl. But who knew you could just fish hot guys out of Budle Bay? The eyes suddenly seemed to take on a bit of a twinkle. With a deep, smooth rumble the stranger spoke. “By the way, the name is Sherlock Holmes.“ Yep, thought John, like a man about to happily walk the plank. Definitely too late. Here you go @love-in-mind-palace @sarahthecoat @221booksinthetardis@may-shepard I HATE YOU!! LOL.Too bad because I love you!!! And I love this! (You know people want you to keep going, right?) -- source link
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