deathspeaker: antifainternational: via Mitch Baird: “We were witness to something beauti
deathspeaker:antifainternational:via Mitch Baird: “We were witness to something beautiful today. These two men are the same two men who were in that picture that went viral. Only in that picture, the gentleman on the right was wearing red face and feathers and angrily screaming at Robert Roche on the left. Today this man came up and asked for the forgiveness of my mentor and all those present. True to form, Robert graciously forgave him and listened to what he had to say. This baseball fan used my megaphone to address the wrong in how he acted previously. I watched my hero become an even more honored and cherished elder in one moment. This is the moment they shook hands and peace was made. I’m blessed to have been witness to this. — with Bee Schrull in Cleveland, Ohio.”Never give up hope that people can change. -- source link