politicalsci: TODAY Thursday December 12th please VOTE LABOUR and GET THE TORIES OUT! Make sure you
politicalsci:TODAY Thursday December 12th please VOTE LABOUR and GET THE TORIES OUT!Make sure you get to your polling station early today so you aren’t turned away. It’s open from 7am to 10pm, and you don’t need ID or a polling card to vote. If you can, visit a marginal seat to help getting out the vote.Low turnout: Tory victory High turnout: Tory loss Find your polling station: https://action.labour.org.uk/page/content/polling-station-finder Plan for today and help get the vote out at a marginal: mypollingday.comDo not take selfies or pictures of any kind inside your polling station! It could automatically invalidate your vote and isn’t worth the risk.If you haven’t sent off your postal vote you can hand it in. You can get an emergency proxy if you’re ill: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/get-ready?utm_source=parliament.uk&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=GE19 -- source link
#tw politics