Flesh-Eating Worms Invade Woman’s Ear After the British tourist returned from a vacation i
Flesh-Eating Worms Invade Woman’s Ear After the British tourist returned from a vacation in Peru earlier this year, she started experiencing headaches, shooting pains down the side of her face and an unexplained discharge from one ear. Though doctors at first dismissed the symptoms as nothing more than an ear infection, specialists soon made a startling discovery: Harris’ ear was filled with flesh-eating worms Harris was apparently infected after a swarm of flies pestered her while hiking in Peru; one flew into her ear, but after she shooed the insect away, she thought nothing more of it. Surgeons succeeded in removing what they called a “writhing mass of maggots” from Harris’ ear, the Daily Mail reports. Though a tiny hole had been chewed into her ear canal, Harris suffered no serious damage from her ordeal. -- source link