shobogan: colonel-kira-nerys: obstinatecondolement: attisten: readysteadytrek: readysteadytrek: coun
shobogan:colonel-kira-nerys:obstinatecondolement:attisten:readysteadytrek:readysteadytrek:counselortrois:hawk-justice:counselortrois:hawk-justice:counselortrois:happy Easter 2 me Jesus has risen and I truly feel His presence God blessDeanna Troi was a poorly written character and Marina Sirtis was an even worse actress.I admit that the writers could have done more w/ Deanna b/c the TNG writers were notoriously sexist but Deanna Troi is a great character and I adore Marina Sirtis and also why are you trying to ruin my fun I mean damnI don’t think that the TNG writers were notoriously sexist. Look at Dr. Crusher. She had a strong presence aboard the Enterprise whenever she stepped on the scene. She confidently clashed with Cpt Picard many times and never worried about anything besides the good work that she did. However, Mz. Sirtas’s acting style was extremely bland. She was half human and half betazoid but she showed less personality than her betazoid mother and any human (besides Denise Crosby playing the super half-assed Tasha-Yar). You do know that Gates McFadden was literally fired because she spoke out against sexism pertaining to her character, right?Denise Crosby left the show because they gave her hardly anything to sayMarina Sirtis was constantly objectified and told she was too fat to wear the normal uniform and was only allowed to wear it when she lost weightAnd I’m not denying that Star Trek has had great female characters but they were certainly not treated as well as the male characters nor were they given enough to doWere NOT sexiest?!?! You are joking me.Marina talked about how she was on a constant diet to fit into those insane outfits, which had spandex in them anyway.Those scenes where she eats chocolate, they would give her a bucket to spit the chocolate out. On top, they would give her milk chocolate because she doesn’t like that and so she wouldn’t want to eat it without feeling sick, so just spit it out into a bucket. All so she could fit into her outfits. Also the amount of times I have watched and worked on a TNG episode and note how the men are eating, but not the women is shocking. One of her favourite episodes is a Fistful of Data’s because she didn’t have to wear one of those outfits.Gates stood up for her character. She played a single mother yet she NEVER got credit for raising a child as smart as Wesley. It was always the men. She stood up for herself, her character and single women who don’t get credit everywhere. And her payment was to be fired. You can see her talk about this at many comic cons with Marina.She was lucky that EVERYONE just rebelled against that and she was brought back. But too this day she hasn’t watched series 2 of TNG. And can you blame her? She asks for more depth and she just gets fired. Well you know, good on her for doing it! She deserved to be heard. Denise. Well. Let’s be honest, I see where Denise was coming from. She did deserve more. Tasha was barley given the chance to grow, barely any words. She deserved more than to be remembered as the lady who shagged Data. She was head of security and she saved the men more than once in the few episodes she was in. She stood up, and she left. Have you seen code of honor?! Johnathon Frakes has called out what shit that is at Comic Cons defending Denise.The fact that ALL the women of Star Trek (yes, ALL OF THEM. In EVERY series has dealt with this shit) managed to act and slay in outfits where they couldnt breath (some have literally passed out from these outfits or been left crying because they hurt them so bad) is nothing short of amazing.I mean heck. Marina has had to deal with Deanna being sexually assaulted TWICE for plot development (which she has spoken about and how it was the hardest thing she had to do in Star Trek). You can not say that TNG did not suffer with sexiest writers. In fact, you can’t say Star Trek on the whole hasn’t suffered with them. It is well noted how bad it has been. All the Star Trek actors spoke about it. You can not like their acting, that’s fine and completely fine everyone enjoys different things, but you will damn respect them as women in this industry who have stood up for themselves and note the complete shit they have had to deal with. Also while I am bloody at it. The amount of women SHITTED on in acting for having bland characters or whatever is stupid.Have you ever thought that maybe, if they were given decent story lines this wouldn’t happen?! Perhaps if the writers actually cared about these women beyond their breast and hips size, we would of gotten better story arcs? Note how Marina said when she was given a proper Starfleet uniform suddenly she could solve problems which Data and Geordi couldn’t even do?!Maybe if Denise was given a chance she could have worked like the champ she is (she has worked on Gates theater stage) that perhaps she could of given more? Actors are as good as the material they are given.I will never not reblog a stirring defense and acclamation of Star Trek women, particularly Marina Sirtis.Fun fact: in the Robin Hood episode Troi and Crusher were the only characters that did not sword fight (they had vases to smash over people’s heads instead) DESPITE the fact that Marina Sirtis and Gates McFadden were the only cast members who could fucking fence. ^THIS^ Out of the three people in the main cast who were trained in fencing, (Patrick Stewart, Marina Sirtis, and Gates McFadden) two of them were relegated to smashing pots over people’s heads while the other (untrained) men fought with real weapons. It is impossible to see that and say that sexism had nothing to do with it.Also, with regard to “…and Marina Sirtis was an even worse actress,” I completely disagree. In my opinion, Marina was the one who had to deal with the most poorly written scripts, and yet, sometimes she made those terrible episodes better than they had any right to be, simply through her acting ability. Did the scripts still suck? Yes. But that wasn’t her fault. I think that Marina deserves all the acting awards because she went to work every day facing constant scrutiny of her appearance, endless objectification, and zero respect for both her character and herself. She never once got an acting note–IN SEVEN YEARS OF FILMING–which says a lot about how much the producers were paying attention; they gave her scenes a once-over to make sure she looked sexy enough to keep people’s eyes on her and moved on. Marina knew that the only thing the producers cared about was her appearance, and there was nothing she could do about it for fear of getting fired, seeing as they actually did fire Gates McFadden for pointing out sexism in the scripts. Sexism had everything to do with Deanna Troi’s character being what it was. Marina’s acting was not “bland;” she was simply doing what the writers and presumably the directors told her to do. When she was actually given interesting material to work with (Face of the Enemy comes to mind) I think she was brilliant.Don’t forget she had to make up an accent out of whole cloth and stick with it through ever scene. Gee, maybe Lwaxana came off better because they didn’t force her to do that. -- source link
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