kyleehenke: fivetail: mobiusnook: Have Fun, Shippers! Apathy An Absence of involvement in the entire
kyleehenke:fivetail:mobiusnook:Have Fun, Shippers!ApathyAn Absence of involvement in the entire troll romance system. Only applies to non-non trolls. Matespriteship FlushedInvolves two people who have positive feelings of affection for each other. Often involves sexual or reproductive activity.Unspriteism F/F/F/AWhen the main troll in a spriteship is forced out of it by the friend group that they themselves have founded.Spriteship Flushed/Flushed/AshenWhen one is in a Spriteship, they surround themselves with multiple Matesprite candidates, but does not reproduce with anyone. What a tease.Triospritism F/F/A/F/AWhen a group is gathered around the spectacle of a particularly ravenous Auspisticism.Matespicism Flushed/AshenA situation where two otherwise indifferent people begin to have flushed feelings for one another, under the encouragement or force of a third individual.Alpha Duostorgiation F/A/F/A/A/FOne of the two Duostorgiation final results. In this result, the relationship of the monitors becomes more flushed as the relationship of the second couple becomes more violent.Duostorgiation Flushed/Ashen/Ashen/FlushedSimilar to a Storgiation, except instead of a relationship growing under pressure, the relationship will grow when love is encouraged in others. The success of the Duostorgiating trolls is directly affected by how successful the relationship that they encourage turns out to be.Beta Duostorgiation F/A/A/F/A/FIn the second Duostorgiation, the relationship of the monitoring couple becomes more flushed as the second couple’s relationship becomes more flushed.Storgiation Ashen/FlushedTwo people work together to resolve conflict and find themselves developing red feelings for one another. This relationship can fade easily, and can sometimes only be strengthened when put under a pressure comparable to the one that instigated it.Spewterism A/F/A/F/AThe opposite of a Scalemateship. This is when the monitor of an Auspisticism begins to have flushed feelings for both of the other trolls involved. These two trolls must decide how to respond to their monitor’s redrom persuasion.Scalemateship Ashen/Flushed/AshenA very rare time when an Auspistice finds both of their monitored enemies flushed for them. The Monitor must now choose which of their courtiers they will continue on with and which one they will kill. If they do not kill either of the violent lovers, the two may develop an Infinism.Polyscalemateship A/F/F/AWhen the members of two separate Auspisticisms become violent with each other, a third Auspisticism must step in to be the monitor. The monitor of the monitoring Auspisticism is usually put under intense pressure. Nicknamed ‘The Inception’Auspisticism AshenA scenario where a mediator is required to keep a relationship between two people civil and avoid bloodshed.Metabollegiance A/A/A/CSurrounding trolls are naturally drawn to this central troll.Chromership Ashen/Ashen/CaliginousWhen an Auspistice becomes unreliable, an additional Auspistice may become involved in order to monitor the original Auspistice. This is usually done to avoid the development of Infinisms or Scalemateships.Crosscorosion A/A/C/A/CWhere a Kismesissitude constantly vicilliates between stability and requirement of an AuspisticeClovership Ashen/CaliginousA delicate balance in which the four participating individuals harbour a strong hatred for the other three. Together, the relationship is made stable and civil. If a participant is removed from the Clovership, relationships can progress to Kismesissitude unless a mediator becomes involved or the Clovership is re-completed.Carcatuition A/C/A/C/C/AWhen a troll causes ambient conflicts in all surrounding trolls.Counter-ClovershipAshen/Caliginous/Caliginous/AshenA counter clovership is the opposite of a clovership. It is a group of four trolls who, while usually very friendly or indifferent, will become extremely vicious and violent when the full Counter Clovership comes together. While the members of a Clovership must be kept together, the members of a Counter Clovership must be kept apart at all costs.Flagism A/C/C/A/C/AWhere a troll can only seem to have romantic feelings for other trolls of a similar caste.Infinism Caliginous/AshenA form of Kismesissitude, but the people involved can only have a successful black relationship if constant intervention is involved. Otherwise, their hate is so strong that they will take any opportunity to murder their Infinist.Infimoaillegiance C/A/C/A/CWhere four trolls are compelled by fate to become an Infimositude.Infimositude Caliginous/Ashen/CaliginousAn Infinimositude is an extremely rare and very volatile series of events. The two hateful enemies that make up an Infinism will find themselves monitored by the members of a completely different Infinimositude. The result is something not that different from a clovership. Two pairs of trolls who hate the other troll in their pair have to keep the members of the other pair from killing each other. This results in either a brutal bloodbath or a mysterious harmony.Voidance C/A/C/AThe Absense of any romantic persuasion in a troll. Can be romantically occurring or the result of a Counter Philiasma.Kismesissitude CaliginousA mixture of of mutual sexual attraction and hate. Leads to reproduction.Gladiem C/C/C/PWhen a troll is hypnotised or contractually forced into a relationship. Descellegiance Caliginous/Caliginous/PaleMany trolls that are part of a Kissmelegiance are actually part of a Descellegiance. This is when, due to the placebo effect, two trolls will become Kismesissitude because they believe that they are a Kissmelegiance. Unlike a Kissmelegiance which can be long and drawn out, these are short and violent, but they are also stoppable. When these two trolls are convinced that they are in a Descellegiance, they will be able to end their Kismesissitude. However, it is often hard to tell the difference between a potent Kissmelegiance and a light Descellegiance.Literositude C/C/P/C/PA troll who is attracted to fictional characters, and can only fulfil sexual desires through fictional literature. This is a quadrant that is prominent in cherubs.Kissmelegiance Caliginous/PaleA troll in a Kissmelegiance is compelled by fate to make an enmity with the other participant. This can progress to Kismesissitude or Infinism.Sedatespriteship C/P/C/P/P/CA relationship where a troll is the Matesprite or Kismesiss of another troll, without the second troll’s knowledge.Double Agency Caliginous/Pale/Pale/CaliginousA Double Agency is when two trolls, who have flushed feelings for one another, both pretend to have black feelings. This tends to happen when the personalities clash, usually competitive trolls. Usually, both trolls will suspect that the other actually has flushed feelings for them but neither is willing to reveal themselves in case their suspicions are wrong.Interagency C/P/P/C/P/CA relationship that begins with powerful love but slowly dulls to hate over time.Erosissitude Pale/CaliginousThe two trolls are compelled by fate to constantly and simultaneously vacilliate, but are both on opposite ends of the spectrum. When one troll feels extreme red feelings, the other will express loathing. They both usually vacilliate at the same moment, meaning that they will never be able to have a stable and reproductive relationship. N-way Moirallegiance P/C/P/C/PA Moirallegiance with an unprecedented number of trolls. Usually ends with one or many Kismesissitudes.Insurgence Pale/Caliginous/PaleAn Insurgence is a group of four Moiralls that each feel a powerful romantic and protective love for one another that is harmonious and will not end with bloodshed between the Insurgents. However, they are all destined never to have sex or any form of troll reproduction.Auspinsurgence P/C/P/PTwo sets of Moiralls clash and require a monitor to keep them safe. There I sthe possibility that these two sets of Moiralls are themselves Moiralls. While trolls A and B are Moiralls, and trolls C and D are moiralls, Moirallegiances AB and CD also become moiralls.Moirallegiance PaleA couple encouraged by fate to protect one another and ensure stability in the other troll/person’s life.Stabbance P/P/P/FIf someone is a stabbance, they are a troll that has a fate-given gift of destroying the relationships of others.Constituency Pale/Pale/FlushedA Constituency is when one troll in a pair believes that they are the Moirall of another troll, but the second troll does not think that this is a Moirallegiance.Matestituency P/P/F/P/FA barrier by fate or destiny that completely blocks two trolls from having a relationship.Stituency Pale/FlushedA couple that is formed by defying fate. This can be done by destroying a Moirallegiance in order to form a new relationship or by turning A Kismelegiance into a Moirallegiance. Webship P/F/P/F/F/PA relationship that can only remain stable when it takes place online. This can function through pesterlogs or trollian.Envelopment Pale/Flushed/Flushed/PaleAn Envelopment is when a troll intentionally does not reveal their true feelings on who they have powerful red or black feelings for, because they do not want to cause conflict with an existing Matesprite or Kismesiss.Masquerade P/F/F/P/F/PA Masquerade is when two trolls can only have a stable relationship through roleplay.Philiasma Flushed/PaleA Philiasma is when, due to outside intervention, a Kissmelegiance or Erosissitude is broken. When a Moiraillegiance is formed, it becomes unbreakable. The status of this love becomes unconditional and cannot do anything but grow stronger.Fatespriteship F/P/F/P/FA scenario in which a trolls A and B are in a Kismesissitude, C and D are in a Matespriteship. Both of these relationships are destroyed, sometimes by a Stabbance. A will pair with C or D and B will pair with the troll that A does not pair with.Counter Philiasma Flushed/Pale/FlushedThis is a situation that is just as rare, if not more rare than an Infimositude, because when one person in a Philiasma dies, the other usually commits suicide immediately. However, when the living troll does not kill themselves, they will always withdraw from the troll romance system entirely and have feelings only of depression and apathy until they die.Laytherithm F/P/F/FWhen troll A is flushed for troll B, but troll B is black for troll A and flushed for troll C. Troll C Is black for troll B and flushed for troll D. Troll D is black for troll C and flushed for troll E. There is a possibility of the Laytherithm linking into a circle, where Troll E would be flushed for troll A but troll A would be black for troll E, or they can end on their own.WE DIDN’T NEED TO GO DEEPER. -- source link
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