This is part four of the nominees masterlist for the seventh round of the Bughead Fanfiction Awards!
This is part four of the nominees masterlist for the seventh round of the Bughead Fanfiction Awards! You may also find the fics nominated in our 8th Bughead Fanfiction Awards - Nominees AO3 collection. Voting will open January 31st at 6pm EST / 11pm BST / 9am AEST (Feb 1) & close February 8th at 6pm EST / 11pm BST / 9am AEST (Feb 9). Due to Tumblr being Tumblr, this list is posted in 4 parts. PART FOUR OF FOUR Authors Author Overall (Ao3 username/tumblr url) ariquitecontrary / @aresaphrodites easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 falloutmars / @fallout-mars heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail LazyDaizy / @lazydaizies Lifeandothercomplexities / @honestlyhappymoon loveleee / @imreallyloveleee Lucivar / @lucivar Smudge / @thetaoofbetty stillscape / @stillscape stonerbughead / @stonerbughead sullypants / @sullypants TheMorningGlory thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedleNew(er) in Town bearbaitbrook bigdsgirl / @bigdsgirl cooperandcrown / @cooperandcrown edamamechips / @edamamechips kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Lucivar / @lucivar Madamoiselleoubliette Saturnine23sunshine45 Ultraviolet_violet / @ultravioletvioletvioletSmut CrashHale / @crashhale LazyDaizy / @lazydaizies lilibug / @lilibug–xx literatiruinedme / @literatiruinedme Lucivar / @lucivar meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming Smudge / @thetaoofbettyFluff AAM_writes / @aam-loves bettsc / @bettsc CrownsAndMilkshakes / @crowns-and-milkshakes edamamechips / @edamamechips heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail Ithoughtyoulikedmereckless / @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless javajunkie / @javajunkieao3 Jenny_Jensen / @jenny-jensen jjonesin4 / @jjonesin4 loveleee / @imreallyloveleee Mieteve_Minijoma / @mieteve-minijoma MmbBlossom14 / @hbiccjsblog moons2stars / @moons2stars stonerbughead / @stonerbughead SunlitGarden / @lovedinapastlife SweetBettyCooper / @sweetbettycooper TeapotFiction / @teapotfiction thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarssAngst or Hurt/Comfort ariquitecontrary / @aresaphrodites bearbaitbrook catthecoder / @catthecoder erinx / @erinxwriter flwrpotts / @flwrpotts Goldy / @go-ldy heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown IndianSummer13 / @itsindiansummer13 Lifeandothercomplexities / @honestlyhappymoon LikeMeReckless / @likemereckless Mieteve_Minijoma / @mieteve-minijoma miss_eee / @miss-eee msmaj / @ms-maj riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol sandraven / @ssssandraven stillscape / @stillscape thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantomFantasy/Sci-Fi AdamantEve / @writeradamanteve DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Ithoughtyoulikedmereckless / @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless LikeMeReckless / @likemereckless makingitwork / @typing123 MistressOfMalplaquet / @mistressofmalplaquet moons2stars / @moons2stars msmaj / @ms-maj riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol satelliteinasupernova / @satelliteinasupernova soyforramen / @soyforramen SunlitGarden / @lovedinapastlifeCreative satelliteinasupernova / @satelliteinasupernova AdamantEve / @writeradamanteve DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus Goldy / @go-ldy kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Loveandcoffeeandothersimplicities / @thistooshallpassxoxo Lucivar / @lucivar meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal sandraven / @ssssandraven sullypants / @sullypants SunlitGarden / @lovedinapastlife thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle CrownsAndMilkshakes / @crowns-and-milkshakes falloutmars / @fallout-marsBonus Favorite Other Ships Fanfic A Worthy Challenge by sullypants / @sullypants Betty Cooper for Sheriff by Minervas_Revenge Can’t Stop Watching by DreamWalkLady / @dreamwalklady Enough by soyforramen / @soyforramen marked & monogrammed by monicaposh / @monicaposh Never Have I Ever by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo ‘tis the damn season by flwrpotts / @flwrpottsFavorite Other Ships Author andsmile / @andsmile bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo CrashHale / @crashhale kaatiekinss / @aarchiess Minervas_Revenge monicaposh / @monicaposh riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming soyforramen / @soyforramen Tuesdayschilld / @tuesdayschilddFavorite Beta Reader @arsenicpanda @bettycooper @bugggghead @easyluckyfree45 @iconic-ponytail @jjonesin4 @kittileepdx @moons2stars @mrsreinhart @ponytailplaymate @velvetsugarbabexoFavorite Commenter cattycooper / @bettycooper EarthLaughsInFlowers / @earthlaughsinflowersblog heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown kittilee/ @kittileepdx loveleee / @imreallyloveleee Lucivar / @lucivar MmbBlossom14 / @hbiccjsblog redcirce / @redcirce Sabrinasaenz1d / @sabs1d stonerbughead / @stonerbughead sullypants / @sullypantsFavorite Bughead Edit/ Gif Maker @archie-andrews @arsenicpanda @bettycooper @bluevelvetvideo @bugheadchemistry @jugheadjones @lilireinxarts @moons2stars @scratchtovoid @sprousehart-x @thepointoftheneedle @unspeakableausFavorite Riverdale Gif Maker @aryastaark @betty-coopers @faeryglass @jemmablossom @jopazcentral @lopazsource @reggierightsactivism @theheavycrown @tibby @tokugou @veronica-lodge / @yenvengerbergFavorite Fan Artist @50shades-of-bughead @alpacalypseartb / alpacalypse_art (on ig) @bonkalore @celandineitsaflowerdickward @gogenevieveart @lucivar @pinklisalizard @redcirce @satelliteinasupernova [PART ONE] | [PART TWO] | [PART THREE] | Don’t forget to come back when voting begins on January 31st! -- source link
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