Nate & Heather as Abraham & Peter McVries from Stephen King’s The Long Walk (f
Nate & Heather as Abraham & Peter McVries from Stephen King’s The Long Walk (f. Sara as Harkness & Ashley as Art Baker!)We have lots of feelings for this book. Heather always had lots of feels re: it (many thanks to her sister for making her read it so many years ago) and she’s spread it to everyone she can manage to spread it to. Off the top of her head she can list at least ten people who have read it because she pushed it on them like a persistent drug dealer – Nate, Ashley & Sara included!Heather & Ashley started wearing these at Dragon*Con 2007, wore them again at D*C 2008 and were joined at D*C 2009 by Sara and Nate and the four of us subsequently wore them at D*C 2010 & D*C 2011 (which is when these photos were taken). Ashley always did kickass makeup for everyone – whether it was post-Walk bullet holes or just a general tired mess – and we always had a lot of fun in these costumes!We would love to expand on photo ideas for this book – more people, more blood and more feels. AW YESSSSSS -- source link
#stephen king