Children of the Sky - (Uluscant)One the questions I honor the most, are the inquires of the Welkynd
Children of the Sky - (Uluscant)One the questions I honor the most, are the inquires of the Welkynd stones. Unbeknownst to many who study the languages of ancient mer, the ayleid produced a slight roll to sound the ‘L’. In our language the name means children of the sky. The other crystalline property found within an ayleid ruin is what scholars refer to as the varla stones, but it was common to simply this as varlais. Varla is the word for ‘star’. When speaking in ayleidoon, the plural form of a word ending in a vowel always ends in ‘is’, while the plural form for a welkynd stone is welkyndi. Remember this.As their names suggest, these objects come from the sky, but more appropriately–beyond the sky. They carry the essence of Aetherius within meteoric glass that hardens when cooled, but you may not realize that crystals can grow much like a plant. It is the patience and longevity of mer that allowed for this discovery, and the cultivation of welkyndi. This is why my people built such elaborate underground systems below our cities. To house and cultivate the stones within Twyllvarlais, ‘star wells’.Each ruin had a cyrobal welkynd, the heartstone. The great welkynd stone as many classify it. This would be placed upon an empty well crafted from angavarla, ‘star iron’ and attuned to several smaller fragments. A cut and polished stone is often engraved with the first letter of the colony it hails from to prevent impurities when taken to other locations. This is why the cryobal welkyndi are housed below ground, even the light of the sun and stars can corrupt the attunments. Purity is the key to maintaining their longevity.I realize however, that most of you are here to seek out the most imperative secret of these stones. What I have already told you may already be within your arsenal of knowledge as you eagerly anticipate explanation in regards to the recharging and maintaining of the welkyndi. I will show you, if you gaze upon the cyrobal welkynd of Bisnensel. If you listen carefully, a sound emanates from the glow in an eerily unexplained manner…or so I have been told. I do not hear what you do. I hear a song, a chorus of soft hums. At times there are words spoken in ayleidoon that I can discern, but it is a somber cacophony. It is an imprint of several soul’s animus. Like the ripples of water cast by stones, growing into waves as it reaches the opposite shore. A metaphor for the slow, millennia long growth of each stone from when it was cast from aetherius to land upon this mundane realm to solidify. You are not attuned to the stone as I am, for a piece of my animus was set into the well ages ago. Every resident of Bisnensel, including Llaorian Dynar has sacrificed a portion of their animus to the cyorbal welkynd, and it has grown its own soul. The soul of Bisnensel, which we can replenish our magical properties with here, but when we take more than what the great stone can replenish, it will disintegrate into ash. The sacrifices, the soul of this ruin that was cultivated over thousands of years will ultimately disappear. -- source link
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