threepenproblem: midnightx10: ohmycrim: midnightx10: hipstermerlin: Submitted by midnightx10. But hi
threepenproblem:midnightx10:ohmycrim:midnightx10:hipstermerlin:Submitted by midnightx10.But hipstermerlin, I submitted something a while back that hasn’t been posted, and I submitted this yesterday. DID TUMBLR EAT MY PREVIOUS SUBMISSION?!SHH DON’T ARGUE WITH DA HIPSTERMERLIN~I JUST WANNA KNOW IF I SHOULD RE-SEND IT THO Submit again. Make sure to link, and I’ll make sure it gets posted this time! Sorry if it got lost somewhere!ON IT!I totally didn’t just salute at my screen wtf are you talking about -- source link