imaginedsoldier: t0biass: solarpunkwobbly: floatingstirnerhead: walklikethedead: r4cs0: loptrcoptr:
imaginedsoldier:t0biass:solarpunkwobbly:floatingstirnerhead:walklikethedead:r4cs0:loptrcoptr:iplaytolosebitch:JOE BIDEN PUT CHILDRENIN CAGES AS WELLThe Russians are at it again, I seeIf he gets the nom you have to vote for him. Why? Because one man who accidentally puts kids in cages because he’s an asshat is, sadly but truly, better than one who wants those kids in cages. Moral of the story? You need to vote for the candidate represented by the more compassionate party. The dems are a mess, but the republicans were willing to set aside justice and ignore treason all to try and save their seats. Vote for the man whose policies you yourself can help influence, not the narcissist with a pack of warmongering yes men behind him. No one wants Joe Biden. But those kids in cages? They won’t survive four more years of trump. This is one of the most serious cases of brainrot I have ever seen.Congrats, I’m impressed.Okay, I had to step away from my desk for a minute after reading loptrcoptr’s bullshit, so that I wouldn’t end up typing something I would end up regretting.“The Russians are at it again, I see”I just… I almost put my fist through my screen because I am so. Fucking. Sick. Of hearing this. Anytime one of these Galaxy Brains sees an opinion they dislike or evidence that shatters a narrative they hold dear, what do they do? Invoke the Kremlin. They believe so fully in this bullshit, ass-covering lie about omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Russians controlling everything in this country that they use the conspiracy theory as a Crucifix to keep actual facts at bay.“If he gets the nom you have to vote for him. Why? Because one man who accidentally puts kids in cages because he’s an asshat is, sadly but truly, better than one who wants those kids in cages.”“Accidentally????” The Barack Obama Administration set RECORDS in terms of how many immigrants they deported. I assure you that none of this shit was accidental, and the idea that it’s better to be an “accidental” oppressor is the most hilarious shit I’ve ever heard. “hu hu it’s bad when republicans do bad stuff cuz they mean to do it, but when we do the same shit it’s okay cuz it was an accident! derp!” Get the fuck out of here with that shit, man.“Moral of the story? You need to vote for the candidate represented by the more compassionate party.“The moral of the story is that you people are a bunch of Little Eichmanns. You call yourselves the “compassionate party” while blatantly doing the same criminal shit as the Republicans. Barack Obama did the same shit George W. Bush did, AND MORE, including doing away with Habeas Corpus, one of the most basic rights guaranteed to any person living in any free country. He bombed seven countries for eight years. He inflicted PTSD on entire regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, leaving people living in these areas too terrified to go outside, out of fear that a US Drone and its missile may find them. And yes, he caged children, he separated families, and he deported undocumented immigrants. None of this means Trump is somehow innocent but stop pretending your party is superior because you pretend to be compassionate and to care about human life even as you lock up children on our border and blow them to pieces abroad, and stop acting like we’re stupid or childish for finally calling you on it. The Republicans may be trash, but at least they’re honest about being trash. Democrats like Biden stick will stick a knife in your back and call it a “stimulus package.”Sorry for jumping into your notes with all this noise, r4cs0, but I’m sick of keeping my mouth shut about this nonsense, and I’m sick of self-righteous “moderate” Democrats and their empty-headed logic. (Also they deleted their post like the cowardly scum they are.)These guys are no better than Qanon conspiracy fuckers. Joe Biden and the DNC have made it EXQUISITELY clear that you CAN’T influence his policies, no matter what. Young people have spent the past EIGHT FUCKING YEARS trying to influence the democratic party and all they’ve done is buckle down. If you seriously believe that anyone who points this out is a Russian chaos agent you have shit for brains. The Obama/Biden administration deported more people than any administration before them, increased funding and militarisation of ICE and the DHS, they paved the way for Trump. They drone-striked a fucking wedding.Looking back on Obama’s deportation regimeThe Obama Administration Six Years In: the situation worsens I see posts like this bashing Biden (which, btw, mood) and discouraging dems from voting for him by explaining how he puts immigrants in cages, I’m left wondering if the ppl bashing Biden expect dems to instead vote for Trump, who ALSO puts immigrants in cages? What is the aim with these posts? You don’t have to do either. Build parallel structures, disrupt the flows and workings of capital, organize in your own community, participate outside of the electoral structure. The aim is to put on display that American electoral politics, in this case particularly the office of the Presidency and its attendant influence, are always acting in favor of capital, always pushing forward imperialist interests, always driving towards what is essentially a reactionary politic. Continuing to support the DNC in the face of that evidence is a choice you can make, but no one is obligated to pretend its radical, revolutionary, compassionate, or even ‘progressive.’ If you feel like voting for Biden or Trump is a shitty catch-22 then you’re right- the American electoral system will produce American politicians, and picking the lesser of 2 evils every 4 years is not a program for change. Its just that this year the daylight between the two candidates we are discussing, Trump and Biden, is so thin that the veneer of choice is fading, and hearing that you’re a Russian agent for pointing that out is annoying. -- source link
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