frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B

frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B
frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B
frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B
frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B
frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B
frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B
frolicingintheforest: Sauron made friends with a Toad!At first, I thought he was going to kill it. B