dominusvenustas: Giorgione, La Tempesta, c.1505 tempest n. 1. A violent windstorm, frequently
dominusvenustas:Giorgione, La Tempesta, c.1505 tempest n.1. A violent windstorm, frequently accompanied by rain, snow, or hail.2. Furious agitation, commotion, or tumult; an uproar:[Middle English, from Old French tempeste, from Vulgar Latin *tempesta, variant of Latin tempests, from tempus, time.]Giorgione was a painter from Venice. He was however, not a painter of conventional subject matter. An aura of mystique surrounds the meanings of the few paintings that do still exist by him. He was of the Renaissance times. Titian and Sebastiano del Piombo were in his studio learning from this Maestro.La Tempesta… per esempio. A storm is on the way. The sky darkens. Two figures remain in the rural landscape. A clothed man and a nude woman with a small child. Her head slightly turned, she looks straight at you. That’s the essence of Giorgione’s paintings. They don’t quite make sense as a narrative. Not to us, in the 21st century. Perhaps in the 1500’s, in Venice it made perfect sense.You have just got to love Giorgione for his finesse and originality. I do. -- source link
#giorgione#art history#renaissance#venice