viroblog:convertedinvader:thespectacularspider-girl:home-wrecker-holmes:ilikemyownopinion:matt-ruins-feminisms-shit:the-eagle-atarian:inspredwood:clintbarthon:feminist thor is the best pass it onThe fact that any of you get any sort of enjoyment out of this is paramount to how low the bar is set when it comes to writing.There is nothing redeemable about the writing in this issue and you should be insulted not only as reader’s but as feminist if you are one.This is 50 shades of grey bad.I can almost feel the writer patting themselves on the back as I read this.Cringed hard.There is no way this is what the comic actually says…it can’t be. This is the worst of propaganda and the worst of pandering meeting in an unholy abomination of awful.Never has a comic book villain made more sense in all of comic books lol.I had the issue right next to me, I’m a few issues behind so I haven’t read it yet, yes, that is exactly what it says.Ugh I am nauseous. thespectacularspider-girlTHEY TOOK DOWN THOR FOR THIS. THOR WAS FUCKING GOOD. IT HAD FEMALE READERS. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK.Just in case someone hasn’t yet realized that this new “she-Thor” is about pure feminist pandering.On a sidenote, the guy actually makes some good points about her “getting her own identity”… but I’m quite sure the irony is lost on the issue’s writers.EDIT: if the above scene wasn’t cringe-inducing enough, here’s a summary of what occurs afterwards:“When Absorbing Man and Titania were robbing an armored car, the female Thor appeared to thwart their plans. Upon meeting the female Thor, Creel mocked her for being a woman and for having taken Thor’s name for herself, which she answered by breaking his jaw. Titania then appeared to confront her. But in respect for what she was doing, she knocked out her husband with his own weapon and surrendered.”I have no words for how fucking ridiculous this is.The worst thing though, in my opinion, is in the last panel she punches him first and foremost because he offended her and only then does she add in the crime. The writers made the crime seem insignificant in comparison to her hurt feelings by tacking it on to the end of her train of thought. The notion that being offended justifies physical assault has been a long-standing ideal of feminist and SJ circles, though. It’s not at all surprising to see it appear in the internal monologue of a decidedly feminist-pandering character. -- source link
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