samiholloway:gypsysilhouette:sixpenceee:A glitch in the matrix is an experience that proves somethin
samiholloway:gypsysilhouette:sixpenceee:A glitch in the matrix is an experience that proves something isn’t right in the world or sometimes your brain. Here are some creepy experiences that are supposedly true as reported by these users. DEAD BUT NOT DEADby reddit user 3clipseI knew my uncle had died.My mom had called me and told me the news. It was very sad. She told me in the middle of work and I told one of my coworkers. He expressed his condolences on my loss.A couple weeks later, my sister mentioned my aunt and uncle doing something. I said “but…he’s dead.” And my sister said no, he wasn’t.I called my mom. No, he wasn’t dead.To this day I’m still not sure how much of it my brain imagined and how much was real. Did I really talk to my coworker? Was I even on the phone with my mom at all that day?It still freaks me out knowing that my mind could fabricate so complete and real a memory like that.WHY DID WE TALK LIKE THATby reddit user WittyRepostSeveral years ago I woke up in bed next to my (now ex) girlfriend and we had a conversation in fluent French. I got up and got in the shower, and as the water started running I realized, neither of us spoke French. When I got out I asked her about it. She remembered it happening but was as confused as I was. I can’t even remember what we talked about because I don’t fucking speak French. Brains are weird.FORGOTTEN by reddit user JoevualMy dad has epilepsy and says that he’ll experience this when he doesn’t take his meds. Sort of like a fugue state. He went to Aspen on a business trip to design a ski lodge and he forgot his meds at home. He was supposed to do a big presentation but he never showed up. His coworkers looked for him for hours until they finally found him walking down the highway in the snow, 8 miles from their hotel. Apparently he had completely forgot who he was, where he was, and why he was there. He figured if he just started walking he could piece things together and figure things out. He snapped out of it when he saw the familiar faces of his coworkers.A DIFFERENT PATHby reddit user A_lot_of_italicsOne day I was walking to work and all of a sudden had an urge to walk a different path than usual. I work downtown in a big city. It was a strange spur of the moment urge to walk a different way that changed my life forever.I turned into an alley I had never seen before. As I remember it, I made it about fifteen feet or so when an actual “glitch” happened. Everything in my mind scrambled. I felt like I didn’t have a body anymore, just that I was a semi-conscious entity floating through some weird dimension. All of a sudden in the array of different colors and shapes a vision came to me. It was a bunch of strange looking people that in my mind resembled businessmen in suits. They looked startled and panicked that I could see them. One of the “people” made a quick movement and everything turned to black.When I regained normality, I was on a completely different street. It was the same street that I always use to walk to work. I felt sick, and severely disturbed/depressed.I’ve never done any hard drugs, never experienced any hallucinations, never have had anything like this happen to me. The weird thing is, when the glitch was correcting itself and I could see those “people” watching me like a caged animal I had the feeling that I knew I was being controlled. It still bothers me very much to this day.A SHARP BENDby reddit user pistacchioWhen I was like 10 or 11 I was going to the beach with my aunt and her friends. There were two cars of us. To get there we had to go through a very large industrial area. We didn’t know the direction, so our car was following the other. Suddenly, they did an unexpected turn and so our driver had to take a sharp bend.In that moment we heard a very clear, loud voice inside the car saying laughing “Sharp bend, hm?!”. The driver immediately hit the brakes. We looked at each other, puzzled: we all recognized it as a voice not belonging to any of us.In the very same time, we noticed that the other car has stopped as well. The other driver got out of the car with a scared face and shouted to us: “Did… did you hear that as well?”.They heard the very same thing inside their car. The area around was full deserted.THE SUICIDE DREAMby reddit user 47attemptslaterWhen I was a teenager I had two really intense dreams one night. The first one was about an online friend of mine calling me to say she’d broken up with her boyfriend, and I sang a few lines of Seal’s “Don’t Cry” to her over the phone. The second dream was finding a (real life) friend dead body floating in her bathtub.I didn’t think anything of it up until I logged online that evening and the online friend came online to tell me her boyfriend broke up with her. I immediately asked if I could call her, and she said no. I remember thinking that it meant something, like I could change it. Not long after, my phone rang, and it was Real Life friend from the dream calling me. I was completely freaked at this point, but talked to her normally… she was just talking about school and shit… up until I realized I heard a splash in the background. I asked her, “Are you in the tub?” and when she said yes I felt like my heart had stopped. I asked her, “What did you do?”. She didn’t answer me right away, and then after a very long pause she told me she’d taken an entire bottle of pills and chased it with mushrooms and vodka. She’d gotten scared waiting for it to hit her… so she called me so she’d hear someone’s voice. I hung up and called 911. By the time they got there she was unconscious, but alive. Today she’s a mom to a beautiful little girl, and she’s ok.NO BRUISES OR SCRATCHESby reddit user mbalsevichWas monkeying on the hand rails of a balcony on the 4th floor of my building and fell off, as 2 of my buddies watched in horror.I remember seeing the concrete floor approaching as I fell head first and thinking “oh fuck - I’m going to break my wrist” (Why my wrist? dunno)Next recollection is seeing my buddies yelling, from up there, “Are you OK!? ARE YOU OK!?”.I look up, I say: “What happened?”.They did not see my actually hit the floor, they just ran outside and saw me already standing looking up.Not a scratch, not a bruise, nothing hurted. I don’t remember hitting the floor, standing up, nothing. No memories exist for those 1 or 2 seconds.None of us 3 ever understood what happened. But we all saw it and agree on what happened.MY EYES ARE BURNINGby reddit user ClassicJennyAbout 15 years ago my friends parents, Steve and Julie, were woken up at 1am to a very loud THUD that rattled the house. Worried that one of the kids had fallen out of the bunk bed Steve went downstairs to check on them but all three kids were sound asleep and safe in their beds. Julie told Steve to check the house in case of intruders so Steve checked the doors and windows before going outside to take a look.After ten minutes of investigating the noise Steve came across nothing unusual and went back inside to go to bed. He found his wife absolutely worried sick and she demanded to know where the hell he had gone and what happened. Confused and tired Steve told her he found nothing and tried to calm her down before Julie pointed out that it was now 4am and that he had been missing for 3 hours. Julie had even gone outside to check on him and he was nowhere to be found and didn’t respond to her calling his name. Unable to figure out what happened they returned to bed and slept until Steve had to get up for work in a few hours.Steve owns a painting business and a couple hours after working on a house he noticed his eyes started to feel itchy, then his eyes started to burn, then after a couple hours his eyes burned so badly that he was holding his eyelids open as to not blink because it felt like his lids were sandpaper against his eyes. His employees rushed him to the hospital and Steve was treated for second degree flash burns on his eyes. He was told his burns were equivalent to staring at a welders torch without eye protection for an extended period of time. His eyes were treated and he was lucky to have his vision fully restored.________________________________________________________So that’s all I got for now. You can view the full thread hereSo do any of you have experiences like this? A glitch in the system experience?Make a post and tag “sixpenceee”! I would love to read them and will be reblogging the ones that really make me go “woah”I’ve had the dead-not-dead one. Also, the other night I was dreaming one of those absolutely-convinced-reality dreams, where I was walking on walls and the sky was made up of bubbles, but I thought it was real and when my husband woke me up because I wasn’t responding to the alarm, I literally felt like I was being ripped from the fabric of time. It was scary and I had a headache the rest of the day.Sort of like the not/dead one, when my mom told me my cousin was getting married, I just went “I know”, and she was like “what? How? I only just found out before you came in!”. And I mean, I remember her telling me, so I thought she was just repeating herself, but the time and place I remember never happened?Before he retired, my dad was an accountant who traveled often for business.One time when I was nine or ten he showed me his plane tickets. For some reason, that time, I got this squicky feeling, and said “Dad, I don’t want you to go. I have a bad feeling about this.”He went, of course, but promised to call as soon as he got where he was going.I went to play in the backyard. It was high Oklahoma summer, and in anticipation of a winter that was still months away, I was making snowshoes from grape vines we’d trimmed in our backyard. Suddenly it was like the sky got darker, but when I looked up, it was cloudless. It was just like looking at everything through a huge pain of tinted glass. The quality of light was very much like the light in a storm. I had this feeling, almost like an echo, in my head. Things felt unreal.I heard my dad’s car door, then heard him call my name. “Mandy!”“Dad?”He called my name again, louder. I ran out the side gate and there was nobody there.Distressed, I went inside and told my mom what had happened. She was sympathetic to my worry that this meant something bad had happened, but there was nothing we could do. I sat and watched TV, figuring if the plane crashed it would be on the news. I tried to forget about it but I couldn’t. Dad was already late, and it got later and later, and I was truly scared. Mom tried to get me to leave the TV, but I was too freaked out. An ad for a local ice cream place came on, and mom said “I will buy you ice cream if you will come away from the TV.”Strawberry shortcake sundae. Sounded good. I reluctantly got up and as I was stepping over the telephone cord the phone rang. I snatched it up.“DAD?!”It was him. His plane had been stuck in a big storm for a long time, circling the airport and unable to land, and getting low on gas. My dad is a Vietnam vet, he’s been shelled and shot at, he doesn’t spook. This one scared bad, though, because there was lightning everywhere and it was turbulent as hell. All he could think about was being scared he’d never see me and my sister again.After my mom hung up, I looked at her, pointed, and said “I WAS RIGHT.”I did not get ice cream. -- source link
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