I confessed to the boys that, as their social media rep, I dropped the ball. Well, dropped the ball,
I confessed to the boys that, as their social media rep, I dropped the ball. Well, dropped the ball, let it roll away & now I can’t find it. We’re ball-less. I thought they’d be barking mad (#SorryNotSorry) but instead, they told me not to worry- they even said they’d step up n try to do some posts themselves. Hence this #Selfie (#Stumpie). I’m just so thankful for them (and all of u) who’ve been so patient and continue to hang in there while I deal w this FCKING LAWSUIT THATS BEEN RUINING MY LIFE FOR THE LAST TWO YRS- TRICKASS SHADY SOULLESS LAWYER- GAWD I MISS THE DAYS WHEN A SIMPLE DECAPITATED HORSE HEAD WOULD BE ENOUGH TO SLAP SENSE INTO PPL- I DONT CARE IF WE ALL SLIPPED INTO THIS F*CKD UP, BACKWARDS WORLD WHERE WRONG IS RIGHT AND RIGHT DOESNT MATTER. AND YES ITS KILLING ME, BUT IM NOT GONNA DROP IT, I - *deep breath*, *deep breath* apologies about that outburst. T’was not lady-like. Luckily, it only happens every OTHER hr now. And no heart attack yet!! *knock on wood* #TLDR #ThanksForStickingInThereYall -- source link