apossibletwin: what-the-fiish: apossibletwin: what-the-fiish: what-the-fiish: My two tanks as of Aug
apossibletwin: what-the-fiish: apossibletwin: what-the-fiish: what-the-fiish: My two tanks as of August 1st, 2014 What is your set up? Your fish, tanks and their sizes? (picture) my 300 (first picture, currently aquascaping) which houses: 1 Royal Alenquer Discus1 Blue Snakeskin Discus1 Yellow Marlboro Discus1 Yellow Pigeon Blood Discus1 Red Pigeon Blood Discus3 Blue Checkerboard Discus3 Fineline Snakeskin Discus2 German Blue Rams1 Red tailed Shark12 Red Eye Tetras7 Celebes Rainbowfish this tank runs a wet/dry filter and an Eheim canister filter and my 40 gallon (second picture) which houses: 1 Double tail Betta2 Apisto cacatuoides2 Apisto borelli2 Apisto viejita2 Scarlet Darios2 Angelicus Loaches13 Rummy Nose Tetras5 Boraras maculatas2 Madagascar Rainbowfish5 Roseline Sharks3 Golden Long fin Danios1 Rubber Lip Pleco1 Clown Tiger Pleco10 Nerite Snails4 Gold Mystery Snails1 Female Fiddler crab this tank runs two hang-on filtersAqua Clear 70 gallon power filterAqueon Quietflow power filter 55/75 I made this post yesterday without knowing that today’s question was this lol Hey, I just got a question for you :)I can see that you got white sand (or atleast very light sand) in your tanks. I love the look of it! But I’ve read alot that it is horrible to have white sand both cause algae and waste/dirt will show on it and it just hard to keep it white then. Or what do you say? Are you working extra hard cause you got that light/white sand instead of dark?I want white/light sand Oh and btw. Both tanks are awesome :) Well idk who told you about the algae but as long as you have fish who sand sift or scavenge it’s really hard for algae to grow on sand. I’ve never seen algae on sand actually. As for the cleaning, it’s much more convenient because you’ll have to vacuum sooner or later and the waste is already on the top for you to vacuum up. Compared to gravel where the waste falls inbetween the crevices of the rocks and makes it harder to vacuum. So yeah :D Okey! Sounds great then. White sand it is! ;) -- source link
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