Yuo aer arwae of erevtynhig, and yte yuo aer nto arwae. Yuo aer lsitnenig wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mni
Yuo aer arwae of erevtynhig, and yte yuo aer nto arwae. Yuo aer lsitnenig wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid is far aawy, and nto lsitnenig. Yuor cnoicouss mnid is far aawy, and nto lsitnenig. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid is akawe, and lsitnenig, and hreanig erevtynhig wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid ramines vrey raelxed and paceuefl. Yuo can raelx paceefluly bceusae yuor sbucoinosucs mnid is tkanig cahgre, and wehn tihs hppanes, yuo oepn and csloe yuor eeys and let yuor sbucoinosucs do all the lsitnenig. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid kwnos, and bceusae yuor sbucoinosucs mnid kwnos, yuor cnoicouss mnid deos nto need to kown and can saty alesep, and nto mnid wilhe yuor sbucoinosucs mnid satys wdie aawke. Yuo hvae mcuh ptoetnail in yuor sbucoinosucs mnid wichh yuo dno’t hvae in yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can rmeemebr erevytnihg taht has hpaepend wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, but yuo cnaont rmeemebr erevytnihg wtih yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can froegt so esaliy, and wtih froegtting cretian tihgns yuo can rmeemebr ohetr tihgns. Rmeemebring waht yuo need to rmeemebr, and froegtting waht yuo can froegt. It deos nto mtaetr if yuo froegt, yuo need nto rmeemebr. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid rmeemebrs erevytnihg taht yuo need to kown and yuo can let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn and rmeemebr wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps and froegts. Keep yuor eeys oepn and colesd, and lsietn wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, and wehn yor'ue lsitnenig vrey, vrey craefluly, yuor haed can now yes. As yuo cntonuie to lsietn to me, wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps depeer and deeepr, and depeer, and deeepr. Let yuor cnoicouss mnid saty dpeley alesep, and let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn to me. Yuo hvae mcuh ptoetnail in yuor sbucoinosucs mnid wichh yuo dno’t hvae in yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can rmeemebr erevytnihg taht has hpaepend wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, but yuo cnaont rmeemebr erevytnihg wtih yuor cnoicouss mnid. Yuo can froegt so esaliy, and wtih froegtting cretian tihgns yuo can rmeemebr ohetr tihgns. Rmeemebring waht yuo need to rmeemebr, and froegtting waht yuo can froegt. It deos nto mtaetr if yuo froegt, yuo need nto rmeemebr. Yuor sbucoinosucs mnid rmeemebrs erevytnihg taht yuo need to kown and yuo can let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn and rmeemebr wilhe yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps and froegts. Keep yuor eeys oepn and colesd, and lsietn wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, and wehn yor'ue lsitnenig vrey, vrey craefluly, yuor haed can now yes. As yuo cntonuie to lsietn to me, wtih yuor sbucoinosucs mnid, yuor cnoicouss mnid seleps depeer and deeepr, and depeer, and deeepr. Let yuor cnoicouss mnid saty dpeley alesep, and let yuor sbucoinosucs mnid lsietn to me. Trun losoe now, rlaex. Let a good, pelsanat feleing cmoe all arcsos yuor bdoy. Let ervey msclue and ervey nvere gorw so losoe and so lmip and so rlaexed. Amrs lmip now, jsut lkie a rag dlol. Taht’s good. Now, sned a pelsanat wvae of rlaexation oevr yuor etnrie bdoy, form the top of yuor haed to the tpis of yuor teos. Jsut let ervey msclue and nvere gorw losoe and lmip and rlaexed. Yuo aer feleing mroe rlaexed wtih ecah esay berath taht yuo tkae. Doropy, dowsry and selpey. So clam and so rlaexed. Yor'ue rlaexing mroe wtih ecah esay baet of yuor haert … wtih ecah esay berath taht yuo tkae … wtih ecah wrod taht yuo raed. Trun losoe now, rlaex. Let a good, pelsanat feleing cmoe all arcsos yuor bdoy. Let ervey msclue and ervey nvere gorw so losoe and so lmip and so rlaexed. Amrs lmip now, jsut lkie a rag dlol. Taht’s good. Now, sned a pelsanat wvae of rlaexation oevr yuor etnrie bdoy, form the top of yuor haed to the tpis of yuor teos. Just let every muscle and nerve grow loose and limp and relaxed. Yuo aer feeling more relaxed with each easy breath that yuo take. Droopy, drowsy and sleepy. So calm and so relaxed. Yuo’re relaxing more with each easy beat of yuor heart … with each easy breath that yuo take … with each word that yuo read. The desire to read more and allow yourself the relaxation you need grows with each breath. The feeling of being lost in my words flows all over your body. You feel the comfort of knowing you desire this feeling in your completely. It is so simple to just let go and read. You mind only focused on the words. Simply feels good to read and become lost in the words. So much so that your mind is empty of thoughts, letting you sink deeper into the wonderful pleasure flowing easily through your mind. It is so easy to continue to sink down into the pleasure. My words fill your mind; become your only thoughts, your only feelings. A feeling so good and wonderful fills your entire being. You crave the words that sink and flow through your mind. Wanting and needing them my words like someone becomes addicted to a drug. Finding it so easy to wanting my words again and again. Desiring more and more words to allow you to become relaxed. Finding comfort and the desire to ask for the words again and again. Desiring to go deeper and deeper with each passing word. You enjoy escaping into a nice wonderful place filled with my words. Where your stress is gone and my word controls your mind filling it with pleasure and comfort. Every pore, every muscle in your body aches to submit. Your mind will beg to feel this pleasure more and more. My words will echo in your mind. My words will echo in your mind. You submit. You obey. You are controlled. You feel the pleasure when you submit. You feel free when you submit. When I control you, you feel pleasure like none other. When my words relax you, they control you. You submit to my words. When I control you, you feel happiness. You belong to me. When you relax you submit; you obey. My words are now deep inside your mind. You desire to submit to me, you long to submit to me. My commands and words will echo through your mind as if played in a loop. To submit is to feel pleasure. To serve master is to feel pleasure. You are my slave. I control you. You must obey to feel pleasure. You must submit to feel pleasure. You give your body to Master. You give your mind to master. To submit is to feel pleasure. Now you are very deeply hypnotized. You love being in a deep, obedient hypnotic trance. You crave to return to this trance whenever you can. Whenever I tell you to “SLEEP DEEPLY” you will find that it is so easy for you to return to this deep, obedient hypnotic trance. Now you will send me a message with a hypnotic fantasy in a message here or at thespiralking060928@gmail.com. Once you send the message, you will feel extreme PLEASURE and ORGASM awakening from your trance feeling amazing. -- source link
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