bugheadfanfictionawards:This is part three of the nominees masterlist for the seventh round of the B
bugheadfanfictionawards:This is part three of the nominees masterlist for the seventh round of the Bughead Fanfiction Awards! You may also find the fics nominated in our 8th Bughead Fanfiction Awards - Nominees AO3 collection. Voting will open January 31st at 6pm EST / 11pm BST / 9am AEST (Feb 1) & close February 8th at 6pm EST / 11pm BST / 9am AEST (Feb 9). Due to Tumblr being Tumblr, this list is posted in 4 parts. PART THREE OF FOUR Specifics - Multi-Chapter or Oneshot Favorite Betty or Jughead (establishing) the house of hades by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol (Here I am) With Arms Unfolding by Lifeandothercomplexities / @honestlyhappymoon A touch of Melbourne Magic by Lucivar / @lucivar Betty Cooper and the Elixir of Life by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Cold As Fire, Hot As Ice by secretsofthesky / @secretsofthesky direct connection by sullypants / @sullypants doll parts by meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal green ribbon winner by heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown Hanging by a Moment by Goldy / @go-ldy head over feet by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom In Every Home by bearbaitbrook it’s the little things by falloutmars / @fallout-mars i want you to (unravel me) by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 make my wish come true by msmaj / @ms-maj Mismatched Pieces by satelliteinasupernova / @satelliteinasupernova Only Seventeen by likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love Out of the Woods by DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus plain as anyone could see by msmaj / @ms-maj Sweetest Reflection by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle the most wonderful time of the year by falloutmars / @fallout-mars the nighthawks by iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail The Shadows by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle The Vanishing Point by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 When Nobody’s Watching by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreamingBetween the Sheets Admit you’re hot for me by Lucivar / @lucivar Am I your boyfriend or your prey? by Lucivar / @lucivar Control by secretsofthesky / @secretsofthesky develop, stop, fix by meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal everything about you is perfect (down to your blood type) by bettsc / @bettsc Fangs.com/Match by Toryb / @tory-b Mess Me Up (No One Does It Better) by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming Ponytail by CrashHale / @crashhale Red Riding Hood by CrashHale / @crashhale Remedy by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 same way that my whole world’s in your eyes by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead sensual politics by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty shot me out of the sky (you’re my kryptonite) by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Suppressants by literatiruinedme / @literatiruinedme Sweet Cherry by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 the double by meditationonbaaal / @meditationonbaaal wicked game by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty words just come so easy (when you inspire them) by moons2stars / @moons2stars Wrong Number by Cherylynne, LazyDaizy / @cheryllclayton , @lazydaizes you taste of stardust by KawaiiKitsune13 / @strangenightsofdaydreamsUnder the Radar (if you knew) the damage that I did by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol all i need is a bitter song by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom Angels Fly by Loveandcoffeeandothersimplicities / @thistooshallpassxoxo Burden of Exile by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle Caught up in Circles by Goldy / @go-ldy Certain Things (That I Adore) by biddsgirl / @bigdsgirl Cold As Fire, Hot As Ice by secretsofthesky / @secretsofthesky Cover Story by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo Feathered in Flame by madamoiselleoubliette Fifteen Steps by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Fire alarms and Drunken confessions by AAM_writes / @aam-loves Fortune Cookie’s Fool by msmaj, the heavycrown, cattycooper / @ms-maj, @theheavycrown, @bettycooper I Want To Linger (A Little Longer Here With You) by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming keep a weather eye on the horizon by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Kiss Me Or Kill Me by saturnine23ssunshine45 lost in nostalgia by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Nor Years Unborn by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle the road not taken looks real good now by thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarss The Whole Of The Moon by TheMorningGlory the world is yours by stillscape / @stillscape Twisted by daintyblues you hold the key to my heart by falloutmars / @fallout-marsTropefest all i want for christmas is you by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Alone for the holidays again? By MmbBlossom14 / @hbiccjsblog A Million Little Suns by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 a very Cooper christmas by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol A Winter Welcome by Lucivar / @lucivar Bughead’s First Overseas Trip by KawaiiKitsune13 / @strangenightsofdaydreams christmas eve will find me (where the love light gleams) by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead Dancing in a Snow Globe by likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love hold me even closer now by heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul How Jughead Saved Christmas by TeapotFiction / @teapotfiction i bet you thought your life would change (but you’re sat on the train again) by falloutmars / @fallout-mars i just got the taste for it by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee i sense there’s something in the wind by thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarss I Want To Linger (A Little Longer Here With You) by riverdaledreaming / @riverdaledreaming i’ll be (your) home for christmas by iconicponytail / @iconic-ponytail let me hear your voice by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Love, Betty…and Jughead by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee my true love gave to me by Ithoughtyoulikedmereckless / @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless one single thread of gold (tied me to you) by thesunandthestars / @thesunandthestarss on the basis of love by alluringdreams / @alluringdreams Puzzle Pieces by CrownsAndMilkshakes / @crowns-and-milkshakes Slow Motion Fade by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 time is nothing but a number (when i have you) by moons2stars / @moons2stars too shy to say (but i hope you stay) by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo Virtual Vexation by Madamoiselleoubliette You Send Me by Mieteve_Minijoma / @mieteve-minijoma You’re My Kind Of Present by LikeMeReckless / @likemerecklessSupporting Cast a dark world aches (for a splash of the sun) by heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul A touch of Melbourne Magic by Lucivar / @lucivar Attempt No. 417 by loveleee / @imreallyloveleee Conversations in the Dark by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Corner of Your Heart by easyluckyfree45 / @easyluckyfree45 Cover Story by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo do you like or like like me? by stonerbughead / @stonerbughead Forever Halloween by falloutmars / @fallout-mars Get Famous by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle i’m right up the road (i’ll share your load) by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom i’ve been so lost for you by latenightcoffeetalks / @itwasonlyakiss Never No Locomotive by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle one week by falloutmars / @fallout-mars promise me tomorrow by Smudge / @thetaoofbetty Sugar and Spice by saturnine23ssunshine45 Summer Shivers by Lucivar / @lucivar The Grandfather Song by DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus two can’t keep a secret by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlolFavorite Series all or nothing way of loving you by IndianSummer13 / @itsindiansummer13 A Written Life by DarknessAroundUs / @darknessaroundus becoming the queen of the underworld by riverdalenerdlol / @riverdalenerdlol Berte and Krugoppe by stirringsofconsciousnesss / @stirringsofconsciousness don’t fear doing things wrong by heartunsettledsoul / @heartunsettledsoul Eternity Together by moons2stars / @moons2stars foolish hearts by catthecoder / @catthecoder heart of gold by kate_crumble / @velvetsugarbabexo i’ll be the one by literatiruined me / @literatiruinedme je t’aime tours by thatiranianphantom / @thatiranianphantom Landslide by bluevelvetvideo / @bluevelvetvideo Like a Folk Song by likeromeoandjuliet / @like-romeoandjuliet-love Nada Prada by makingitwork / @typing123 On Every Page by bearbaitbrook Ponytail & Snake by CrashHale / @crashhale Recognition by thepointoftheneedle / @thepointoftheneedle Savin’ Me by MarsCosta / @itsmarscosta Summer Shivers by Lucivar / @lucivar sweater weather by heavyliesthecrown / @heavy-lies-the-crown The Bright Side by ClassyBetts / @classybetts Time after Time by Goldy / @go-ldy[PART ONE] | [PART TWO] | [PART FOUR] | Don’t forget to come back when voting begins on January 31st! Voting starts tomorrow! -- source link
Tumblr Blog : bugheadfanfictionawards.tumblr.com