Men’s rights activist Paul Elam: “If we want society to advance, we need to leave men al
Men’s rights activist Paul Elam: “If we want society to advance, we need to leave men alone to do their work”“There’s just a different way that men do things with each other, and it results in excellence”“Paul Elam, the founder of men’s rights group and human garbage army A Voice for Men, wants women to just leave men alone already because women are always getting in the way and then society can’t be excellent! (Men are excellent at excellence, but women are never doing excellent things, obviously.)“There’s just a different way that men do things with each other, and it results in excellence,” Elam said on something called the ManStream Media. “In civilization. In the aqueducts being built. To people landing on the moon and cures being found to disease.”“I’m sorry, ladies,” he continued, “but if we want society to advance, we need to leave men alone to do their work — to do their thing and be with each other to get things done. Because that’s how it works.”In his best feminine voice, Elam said, “‘Hi! I have a vagina and a whole new set of rules! Never mind what’s worked for thousands of years, because I’m female and I know how to make 9,000 people work together to build a bridge across two miles of river!’”LOL "human garbage army.” Read the full piece here. It is based on a article which includes video footage of Elam.Annoying as that quote is, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This guy is a human trigger warning. To understand how bad his rhetoric is on violence against women, rape and more, has compiled his quotes categorized by topic: Paul Elam of A Voice for Men: In His Own Words. Seriously TW for everything. His group has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Here is a very useful page from the SPLC listing MRA groups that they regard and track as hate groups: Misogyny: The Sites -- source link