white-ram: When Malintzin watched her white master Cortez’s troops march through the capital she fel
white-ram: When Malintzin watched her white master Cortez’s troops march through the capital she felt fulfilled, almost as fulfilled as she felt by the baby Cortez had placed in her womb with his great white “cross”… Born a slave, Malintzin had despised her native peoples, the cruel and savage Aztecs, and when she was “gifted” to Cortez, she initially felt the same animosity towards him as she did her own race. That is until she was enlightened by the might of his conquering European cock. And so she became Cortez’s greatest asset, becoming his translator, diplomat, and mexicunt cocksleave, providing stress relief after long days of conquest over her native land… Fun fact: Malintzin was a real person, and is often considered one of the first, if not THE FIRST race traitor/race upgrader of the new world, and is openly hated by Mexican men (and secretly admired by Mexican women) to this very day! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Malinche There’s something about the phrase “race traitor” that brings me endless delight. I especially like reframing it as “race upgrader”. It so vividly paints the picture of jealous, inferior natives clinging desperately to their ways of life, and being so very jealous of the few that see sense, and are trying to drag not just themselves, but their entire race upwards. There should be statues to this woman, as far as I’m concerned.Interesting thought, who from my followers would identify as a race traitor? I’m curious -- source link