chrringoftheprintingmachine: Karna: The fallen hero of Mahabharata The son of Surya (Sun God)?
chrringoftheprintingmachine:Karna: The fallen hero of MahabharataThe son of Surya (Sun God)? Or just the son of a lower caste charioteer? The bastard son of Great Queen Kunti or the trueborn son of lowly Radha? Brother to the Great Heroes Pandavas? Or friend to “evil king” Duryodhana? The generous king who peeled his divine armour from his flesh to gift it to a stranger? The jealous king who vowed to kill his blood brother Arjuna? Karna is a man straddling two extremes, multiple identities, yet he is defined by his deeds. When Lord Krishna offered him kingdom, fame, legitimacy and even Draupadi (as she was supposed to be shared with all the Pandava brothers), Karna chose to stand with his friend Duryodhana and reject the gods.For @just-a-clever-fool : Karna’s reply to Lord Krishna from Section 3 of the poem Rashmirathi by Dinkar “कुन्ती ने केवल जन्म दिया, Kunti might have birthed me, राधा ने माँ का कर्म किया Radha acted as a true mother. पर कहते जिसे असल जीवन, However, what could be considered a true life, देने आया वह दुर्योधन Was bestowed to me by Duryodhana. वह नहीं भिन्न माता से है He might be born of a different mother, बढ़ कर सोदर भ्राता से है But is dearer to me than my blood brothers. “राजा रंक से बना कर के, [He] Made me King without a doubt, यश, मान, मुकुट पहना कर के And adorned me with respect, fame and a crown. बांहों में मुझे उठा कर के, He embraced me in his arms, सामने जगत के ला करके and showed me off to the world. करतब क्या क्या न किया उसने What all has he not done for me? मुझको नव-जन्म दिया उसने He has given me a new life. “है ऋणी कर्ण का रोम-रोम, Every single cell of Karna is indebted to him, जानते सत्य यह सूर्य-सोम Even the Sun and Moon knows this as truth, तन मन धन दुर्योधन का है, My mind, body and wealth is for Duryodhana. यह जीवन दुर्योधन का है My life belongs to Duryodhana. सुर पुर से भी मुख मोडूँगा, I may betray my home and homeland, but- केशव ! मैं उसे न छोडूंगा O Keshav [God]! I shall not abandon Duryodhana. -- source link
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