Rose, Humiliatingly Held for SaleA story requested about a young woman named Rose, put in some extre
Rose, Humiliatingly Held for SaleA story requested about a young woman named Rose, put in some extremely uncomfortable, humiliating, and frightening bondage for the sick pleasure and profit of some truly deviant men. Imagine, all kinky you girls out there, if this was now your life…..Rose watched as her abductor opened the double swinging doors of the barn and stood there in the bright sunshine flooding in. She blinked her eyes quickly, trying to adjust to the bright light she hadn’t seen in weeks. His figure was just a hulking black outline in the barn’s entrance as dust motes floated in the rays of sunshine. He had a short whip dangling from one hand and the remote to the shock collar, strapped tightly to her thigh, in the other.She trembled and felt that panic frisson of horrifying fear envelope her body and soul. ‘How bad will it get today?’ she questioningly sobbed in her tortured mind.“Come on Fuck Meat! Get moving, time to get a little exercise in and prep you for the auction.” He growled. He walked into the shadows on Rose’s right side. Her dirty bare feet awkwardly tried to move forward, but the hinderance of the spreader bar roped to her ankles made forward motion slow and awkward. A sudden intense flood of pin pricks and a painful buzzing rocketed thru her thigh and metal encased mound, forcing her to try and move quicker. He squeezed the remote for the shock collar strapped to her leg, holding it down for long excruciating seconds.Rose staggered and screamed into her gag. She tried to shuffle faster, as commanded, but the weight of the evil wood and metal she was hobbled with kept her movements slow and anguished.Her neck hurt constantly. Her once pristine skin chafed badly by the iron collar restraint she was now forced to wear. Her neck and shoulders both aching and bruised from the weight of the massive wooden beam that her wrists and neck were sickeningly bolted too. A permanent state of affairs, it seemed, ever since she despairingly watched her sadistic abductor padlock the wrist cuffs and the waist pinching metal band, and then toss the keys down into the darkness of the ‘hole’.The hole is where he had just lifted her out of. Rose’s forcibly spread legs flailing about and huge sobs of part relief and part terror, coming from her blocked mouth as she was pulled up and out of the dreary darkness.An array of overhead ropes and pulleys he had used to lower her into the dark and dank, lonely place, god knows how many days ago. Leaving her there in the whimpering alone in the dark, gagged, strictly restrained and terrified that he may never let her out.Only her thoughts of what she had already suffered, and what he might do next, racing thru her anxious and scared mind as she waited down in that black lightless dirt lined pit. In that hole Rose begged to be free and no longer trapped liked an animal. Her innocent mind trying to wrap her head around how some person could be so cruel and sadistic. Unaware that her captor did this all the time, for a living. Snatching pretty women and girls off the street so he could torture them into submission and then sell them for a tidy profit as bound sex slaves.In the barn, Rose grimaced as she took a step with her left foot. It was not the spreader bar causing the most discomfort though. It was actually the huge fat wooden dildo plunging up into her sex and strapped there to the metal contraption painfully cinching in at her waist. It had been there for what seemed like forever and was causing her excruciating discomfort with any movement. Its spike encircled base jabbing its pointed teeth into the soft flesh of her thighs as she tried to walk. She pondered why he even bothered with the spreader bar, when this devious torture device did a fine job of forcing her to keep her legs spread wide. Her pondering cut short by her garbled scream into her jaw breaking ball gag. A flash of pain ripping thru her right ass cheek as the loud CRACK of a leather whip bit into her skin. The snap of the whip and her wailing screech of agony rang out loud in the barn.“Move it you stupid whore!” …CRACK…CRACK…CRACK. ”Get your useless fat ass moving slut, or I will hang you upside down in the hole for an entire fucking week, before I try to sell your pathetic pussy!”Rose grunted now as she tried to pick up her stumbling pace. Her stiff legged graceless wide steps still inflicting a painful pricking and scraping across her inner thighs with each god awful wobbly step. Her ass was glowing red and stinging hot from where he was whipping her flesh mercilessly.As she stumbled out into the sunshine for the first time in weeks, her bare feet hurt from the gravelly path that she found herself stumbling on. The heavy weight of the wood beam almost sent her toppling over as she tried to get her weak legs to work faster and cover more ground. She was drooling from her gag and moaning out horrible noises, “Aww..Awwgg..Ahhg.” with each precarious step. The discomfort of her predicament written in the terrified grimace on her tear streaked face.Suddenly she yelped and was halted, as up ahead of her the doors swung open to another tin roofed shack. A rugged looking bearded man in a blue plaid shirt stepped out of its doors and shouted at her captor, who now had come up behind her. He had fisted her long dark hair, bringing her to that sudden halt. “Mighty fine looking specimen, you got there Barkley, love the restraints. You really like making the pretty ones suffer, don’t you?”Barkley, the man who had brutally abducted Rose from the quiet secluded beach she had been sunbathing on, jerked and shook Rose’s head around with his strong gripping fist wrenching at her hair. “Got to show them who’s the boss, you know. And let them know they are just worthless pieces of fuck meat, until we sell their hot bodies. Isn’t that right ‘Fuck Meat’?” He said with an evil sneer into Rose’s horrified and tear streaked face.He then gripped Rose’s hair even harder and forced her head to nod in agreement. Small snivelling sounds coming from her as he made her neck bite into the thick iron collar entrapping it. He shook her head so hard, it even banged into the wood beam behind, that was framing her head and securing her wrists.“See even the stupid slut agrees, she ain’t nothin but fresh Fuck Meat to be fucked, trained and sold.” Both men laughed and Rose just sobbed. Her legs beginning to quiver and tremble from being spread for so long. Her full weight on them now, after having been partially suspended for days in the dark hole, was causing her to crumble physically. Though her mental state had long gone down that road.As her captor released his grip on her hair, she awkwardly lunged forward. Her legs giving out and she collapsed painfully to her spread wide knees. Both thighs felt the agony of the spiked dildo scraping and puncturing her raw skin. Her knees scraped and indented by the chunks of gravel under them, throbbed in pain too. She sobbed, unrelenting huge gulping sobs, as she knelt there humiliated and utterly terrified before these two evil men. She so wanted to be anywhere else, free of the diabolical restraints and free from the horrific abuse.Rose could glimpse the bulging jeans of the blue plaid man now standing squarely in front of her as she knelt there crying with her head bowed. Suddenly her head was jerked upward by the rough pulling of her hair again. She looked up into his deep blue eyes and saw the lecherous wide grin on his face. “So Barkley here says, I can try out your mouth before the auction. Isn’t that nice of him?” He asked, a slight tilt to his head. He then grinned again and pushed the button on the remote that Barkley had handed him.Rose screamed into her gag as the jolts of electric pain ripped thru her lower torso. She blinked up at him, still trying to process the word auction, as tears flowed from her eyes. Knowing full well what he meant by ‘trying out her mouth’. She would gladly take this man’s cock in her mouth as she desperately did not want him using the shock device anymore. Her captor had, with some brief yet extremely painful persuasion, made her use her mouth on him numerous times a day. Her oral skills going from ‘nothing to expert’ in just a few days he gloated, before sealing her up in the hole. And Rose would now do anything, not to go back in there, so she nodded a small and meek affirmative to the man towering in front of her.“Well I’ll be Barkley, the dumb cunt just agreed. Damn man …you can break these young slut’s so fuckin quickly.” He said with a real note of impressive wonder in his voice.Strong hands roughly tugged at the buckle holding the strap of her ball gag tight around her head. Loosened by her captor the ball rolled out of her mouth and over her drool covered chin. It plopped to hang like a slick morbid neckless just below her metal neck restraint. Her aching jaws never getting a chance to stretch and relieve the stiffness in her face muscles before she was choking on blue plaid man’s massively hard and thick cock. Almost his full length he had forced into her gaping and gasping oral orifice.Rose’s eyes lost focus as he gripped the wooden beam behind her head and began slamming into her mouth with a ferocity even her captor hadn’t yet administered. She gagged and choked around his fleshy huge cock as it bruisingly thrust into her mouth and banged the back of her gasping throat. With only a couple dozen slams or so, into her gurgling for oxygen throat, his steady spurts of hot semen began filling her oral cavity rapidly as he groaned and stilled his ejaculating cock in her mouth. “Swallow it all missy, or I will use buddy’s whip on your tits until they bleed fuckin red.” He groaned out. One of his hands now fisting her hair and his other pumping away at his cock to unleash the last spurts of cum into her slobbering sputtering mouth.Rose swallowed again and again, almost choking herself unconscious as she tried to get the tangy warm liquid down. The fear of having her tits punished making her carefully gag back and swallow every putrid drop. She was about to open her mouth and plead for a break from this hell, when she felt her captor grip her chin from behind and jam back in the terrible mouth stretching ball gag.“NO fuckin words from you cunt! Fuck meat don’t talk…EVER.” His gruff voice boomed.She could only whimper and shudder as he snugged up the buckle even one hole tighter. The leather strap cutting into her cheeks and adding to the agony she felt in her jaws. Then her captor hoisted her up by the ring bolts screwed into her beam and snarled in her face.“Getting walking cunt, into the shed. Time to prep you for the auction.”……..Rose tried to gasp around her intrusive gag, moaning out in distress as she tried to perch back up on her toes. The two men had suspended her wood beam to hooks hanging from the ceiling. It was at a height that once flat footed, meant the solid steel band bolted around her neck dug torturously into her neck and throat. Sealing off her airway and making her choke behind her huge ball gag for breath.Her breathing was already rapid and panicky as it was, from the hot ripping pain flowing out of each of her breasts. She scrunched her eyes shut and tried to shake her head in a pitiful and useless ‘No, no, no’ motion as the blue plaid shirted man tightened down the screws on the wooden clamp system crushing her young firm tits. With a few more grunting twists he nodded over at her captor.“I must say Barkley, that does make her tits stick out nicely. And look at the lovely shade of purple they are starting to turn. Should I loosen the screws a bit?” Barkley looked at his friend and replied with a brusque, “Fuck No! And you think she looks uncomfortable now, just wait till you see the last couple surprises. Here take these.” Her abductor handed the other man two pails with ropes attached and pointed for him to go behind Rose.“Hmmm really nice ass back here. Well minus the nasty whip marks, it would be perfect. You had this ass yet?” he asked, looking over the trembling wood beam and intrigued by the sight of Barkley now attaching two nipple crushing clamps to each of Rose’s squashed tits. The girl was literally quaking in her shoes as Barkley screwed down the pincer bolts on the clamps and ordered him to let go of the empty pails. He did and watched as the girl mewled into her gag as her nipples began to be stretched and pulled upward.“Nice man, really fuckin sick…Love it.” He said looking over Rose’s trembling shoulder.He was enjoying the feel of her full luscious ass in his hands as he leisurely felt her up from behind. He could feel how tight the metal straps was cutting down in between her firm ass cheeks. The metal disappearing between her thighs to where a short rubber strap linked the back and front thru the dildo.Barkley continued, “Oh just wait till you see what’s next dude! See all those nasty toys over there. Well they are going in the pails. Some extra weight to torment this stupid slut and some free ‘toys’ for whoever buys her. It will look awesome as she wanders around during the display period.”Rose’s mind was in a blaze of agony from what felt like stinging pain from almost every part of her captive and tortured body. The pain in her nipples as they loaded up the pails, now definitely the worst pain wracking her body. She was trying not to listen to any of their conversation. The words and concepts too horrific for her anguished mind to process. The metallic thud of items being dropped into the pails, building the intense pain flooding thru her nipples as she tried to wish herself free of these sick men.She was squeezing her wet eyes shut and hoping she could wish herself away from this hell, when she heard her sadistic captor laugh and tell the other man, a horrifying last step in her ‘preparation’.A loud bell clanged about the shed and the man in the blue plaid shirt bent over laughing, “Holy Fuck Man…That’s so awesome.” He roared.Rose’s red and water filled eyes shot open and darted to the left. To catch a horrifying glimpse her tormentor, holding a dangling cowbell from a chain, which in turn was attached to a massive steel shape that Rose knew immediately was meant for her ass. Screaming endlessly at the top of her lungs, she shuddered and thrashed about in a useless panic, as the men loosened the piece of metal separating her bum cheeks and helping to hold in the thick spiked dildo which stretched and violated her sex.Her screaming never letting up for a second, as one man held her flailing hips and the other thrust the oblong shape in between her clenching butt cheeks. Her screams reaching an ear splitting, glass breaking pitch, when Barkley began to grunt and force the large steel orb up into her tight virgin ass.Their success at stuffing it fully up into her young ass, only hitting them when they realized her screams had stopped and she hung there by her rubbed raw neck and chaffed and bruised wrists. Passed out from the pain of having been plugged with such an enormous implement.……Later that beautiful afternoon.It’s a glorious sunny day, the grass and trees are a deep green. The sky is totally cloudless and a remarkable blue. Dogs bark off in the distance and a couple dozen men stand or lean on a fence surrounding a small green paddock. The grass of the paddock interspersed with bright yellow wild flowers. The men laugh and point into the paddock as they pass a round a small black box. It’s the remote for a certain shock collar, strapped to a sobbing and sporadically howling young woman.As one man pushes the button. There is a painful squeal and sobbing sound followed by the loud ringing of a cow bell from the middle of the paddock. And there is Rose crying, sobbing in utter humiliation and pain as the men watch her shudder from the repeated shocks. She doesn’t notice the beauty of the day. She only hurts and is screaming for relief from the physical torment of her predicament.She tries to awkwardly walk around the fenced in space, as the men taunt her and order her to move. The spiked dildo impaling her pussy, now another two inches up higher inside her stretched throbbing vagina. Her cervix literally impaled and pushing her pussy into the most dire extreme discomfort imaginable. A throbbing discomfort almost equaled by the huge thing the two men had jammed up in her snug ass.The chain attached to the rectum splitting device dangling the shiny brass cowbell down between her legs. It is ringing loudly with every small stumbling step she tries to take. A chorus of whistles, jeers and laughs coming from the assembled men.Her humiliation complete, she shuts her eyes tight and screams into her gag. Just in time with her captor’s announcement of, “Okay who wants to bid on some fresh young fuck meat…tools included?” -- source link
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