bobbycaputo:micdotcom:NASA: The U.S. is headed for a disaster not seen 1,000 years A new study,
bobbycaputo:micdotcom:NASA: The U.S. is headed for a disaster not seen 1,000 years A new study, compiled by scientists from the space agency, Cornell University and Columbia University, predicts an 80% chance that the Great Plains and the American Southwest will endure a major weather shift beginning in 2050. “We really need to start thinking in longer-term horizons about how we’re going to manage it.”Oh. Wonderful. Here’s how bad it really is:“California continued as the leading fresh market vegetable producing state in 2012, accounting for44 percent of the U.S. harvested area, 48 percent ofthe national production, and 50 percent of the value,for the 24 selected vegetables and melons estimated. ..California also led the nation in processing vegetable production during 2012, with 25 percent of theU.S. harvested acreage, 70 percent of the nationalproduction and 51 percent of the total value, for theeight processed vegetables estimated.” -“California accounts for 65 percent of the U.S. non-citrus fruit and nut production and 73percent of the national value. Of the citrus crops,California accounts for 30 percent of the U.S. citrusproduction and 42 percent of the national value…California grapes accounted for over 90 percent of the United Statesutilized grape production in 2012. Californiais the top raisin producer in the world. Cropswith record California production in 2012 weremandarins, pistachios, strawberries, and winegrapes. California accounted for all or nearly allthe national production of almonds, dates, figs,kiwifruit, olives, Clingstone peaches, pistachios,dried plums, raisins, and walnuts. …The United States is among the top producers and consumers of fruit and tree nuts in the world. Thetypical American consumes around 286 pounds offruit and tree nuts (fresh and processed products)each year. Oranges, grapes, apples, and bananasare the most popular fruit while almonds,walnuts, and pecans are the most preferredtree nuts. Per capita consumption of fruits andtree nuts is the third-largest among major foodgroups, after dairy products and vegetables. The nation’s largest fruit producing states areCalifornia, Florida and Washington. Californiaaccounts for over half of the harvested fruitacreage in the country.” -“California growers planted 225,000 acres of American Pima cotton… In 2012, California produced approximately 6.56 million tons of alfalfa hay, valued at $1.38 billion … Rice plantings decreased by 4 percent, with 561,000 acres planted in 2012… Wheat was planted on 750,000 acres and 445,000 were harvested for grain” -“Since 1993, when it surpassed Wisconsin in milk production, California has been the nation’s leadingdairy state… California ranked number one in the U.S. in the production of fluid milk, butterand nonfat dry milk. California was second intotal cheese production behind Wisconsin… California’s dairies produced 41.8 billion pounds of milk, accounting for nearly 21 percent of thenation’s milk supply.”-“ California is the nation’s sole exporter of many agricultural commodities, supplying99 percent or more of the following: almonds,artichokes, dates, figs, grapes (raisins), kiwifruit,olives, peaches (Clingstone), pistachios, plums(dried), pomegranates, rice (sweet), seed (LadinoClover), and walnuts.” - You Think the Water Crisis Can’t Get Worse, Wait Until the Aquifers Are DrainedCalifornia drought driving the depletion of irreplaceable groundwaterState let oil companies taint drinkable water in Central Valley -- source link
#california#water wars#agriculture#farming