prismatic-bell:nefepants:intricatelysimple:micdotcom:In one quote, this 10-year-old nailed what’s wr
prismatic-bell:nefepants:intricatelysimple:micdotcom:In one quote, this 10-year-old nailed what’s wrong with police brutality Taye Montgomery, the 10-year-old boy allegedly Maced in the face by a police officer while peacefully protesting with his mother on Wednesday evening in Minneapolis, had a powerful response when he spoke to reporters on Thursday.Oh so this is what the system in the US has come to? Oh wowYou know your country is fucked up when its black youth says “Welp at least I didn’t get shot and killed”He’s ten.He’s just a baby.WHY THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THIS IS OKAY. -- source link