korstudying: Week 9 vocabulary 안녕하세요~ If you have been following my blog, you’ll know that I a
korstudying: Week 9 vocabulary 안녕하세요~ If you have been following my blog, you’ll know that I am currently studying in South Korea. I decided to share the vocabulary I have to learn every week. So if you want to study in Korea, this might be a fun little challenge for you to try and keep up! This is the actual pace, so a great way to get into the Korean study vibes~~ All the vocabulary can be found on memrise. coat - 코트 jumper - 점퍼 sweater - 스웨터 skirt - 치마 pants - 바지 jeans - 청바지 shorts - 반바지 onepiece - 원피스 t-shirt - 티셔츠 blouse - 블라우스 dress shirt - 와이셔츠 underwear - 속옷 to wear - 입다 socks - 양말 stockings - 스타킹 Czytaj dalej -- source link