Stop The Steal, Trump ! Since he was so soundly beaten in the 2020 presidential election by Joe
Stop The Steal, Trump ! Since he was so soundly beaten in the 2020 presidential election by Joe Biden Trump has managed, without a shred of credible evidence, to con his MAGA followers into believing there was ‘massive voter fraud’ and the election was ‘stolen from them’. That’s why we’re seeing the ‘Stop The Steal’ slogan on placards waved by raging Red-Hats and being parroted in the right-wing fever-swamps of the internet and social media. They believe Trump, with his refusal to concede and barrage of lawsuits seeking to over-turn the election, is fighting on their behalf against a giant conspiracy.A conspiracy apparently so far-reaching and sophisticated it involves (they say) the long-dead Hugo Chavez, Cuba, the Democratic Party, ‘Big Tech’, Twitter, most of the news media, George Soros of course, China, Antifa, the Dominion computer company, secret Marxist cabals, and any Republican politician or official willing to uphold election law or admit Biden won. There may be other alleged conspirators I’ve missed.It seems the fiendishly clever conspiracy has covered it’s tracks so well that Trump has been unable to produce even the tiniest shred of hard, credible evidence of fraud or wrongdoing that will stand up in court. Nothing. Zero. Judges have been heavily critical of the slap-dash incompetence of his self-described ‘elite strike-force’ legal team (Mad Rudy Giuliani and the Kraken lady) and have thrown cases out as fast as they’ve been presented. Right now Trump’s loss rate in these farcical lawsuits is a truly staggering and embarrassing 46-1 ! Which won’t surprise anyone living in the real world.In the real world Trump’s own DHS officials issued a statement categorically confirming the election was the “most secure in American history”, with “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” In the real world even Trump’s most faithful manservant, ‘Attorney General’ Bill Barr, broke ranks to admit that “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” and to rubbish Trump’s crazy conspiracy theories about ‘rigged’ computer systems. In the real world Republican and Democrat governors and election officials across the country, in rare agreement, have repeatedly confirmed that the election was conducted in a free and fair way according to states law.But that’s the real world. Over in the crazy, fact-free alternative world inhabited by Trump and his Red-Hats there was a devilishly sophisticated conspiracy and ‘Massive Voter Fraud’ that snatched a sure-fire Trump victory from their grasp. An offense so huge, so evil, it can’t be allowed to stand.So ‘Stop The Steal’ has become their rallying cry. The thing is, they’re right even though they’re utterly wrong. There IS a ‘Big Steal’ going on, but just not the one they think. No, the real ‘Big Steal’ is being committed by Trump himself on his own supporters. A scam that is not just fleecing suckers but damaging democracy as well.Trump clearly, with no possible room for doubt, lost the 2020 election fairly to Joe Biden. That’s just a fact. No argument. He knows that. His scam is convincing his deluded followers that black is white, up is down, and that he actually WON the election.Or would have if it hadn’t been ‘stolen’ from him. So naturally they need to help him fight back. To ‘challenge’ it in court. To put right this monstrous injustice. That’s what he’s telling them.But what can they do ? How’s a poor MAGA-guy to over-turn an election ? You guessed it. CASH ! Send lots to Trump ! Since losing the election Trump has bombarded his followers with emails (over 30 times so far) begging for money to fight the election result. That’s what the political theater of his no-hope frivolous lawsuits is about. The ones he’s lost 46-1.But wait ! What’s in the small print of his pitch for their money ? Does ALL of the cash they send in go to an ‘Election Defense Fund’ as you’d expect ? Hell no ! The small print reveals that most of it, 70% or more, can be creamed off to Trump’s new personal political action committee (PAC), effectively a slush fund where he can do pretty much whatever he wants with the cash. Sneaky, eh ? It’s just the latest example of the grubby sleaze and grift he is notorious for. Sure, at an instinctive level his continuing nonsense about not conceding and the election being stolen is a toddler tantrum because his damaged psyche makes him incapable of handling reality. But at another level he knows its a lie yet still persists with it to rile up his followers so he can carry on grifting.And that is precisely what he’s doing. His ‘stolen election’ scam has raked in over $200 million in a little over a month and the money keeps on coming. He is fleecing his gullible Red-Hats shamefully. That’s the greedy, disgraceful, and democracy damaging Trump ‘steal’ that’s going on. By all means let’s talk about ‘Stopping The Steal’ but not the nonsensical and thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory of a ‘stolen election’. Let’s focus instead on the very real steal that’s going on. Trump’s big lie. Trump’s big scam. Trump’s big steal.That’s what needs to be stopped.Blogology(cartoon Mat Wuerker) -- source link
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