infuseh: *Warning: If u delete the text then I’ll get my cats on u* Hello there lovely people!
infuseh: *Warning: If u delete the text then I’ll get my cats on u* Hello there lovely people!! So I decided to do my first ever favourites page in order to showcase the blogs I love and find most beautiful!! x Rules: mbf me reblog this post (likes for bookmarking only) Perks: a spot on my cute faves page here a follow from yours truly a friend to talk to at any time (literally I never close my tumblr tab) random promos from me every now and then without you having to ask!! you may also ask me for promos whenever you like!! q’s.. lots of q’s literally anything!! here, have my soul :) Higher Chance: be a nice person :) the more you reblog the more I will notice you message me bc I love chatting with literally everybody!! More: I’ll probably choose sometime in January but don’t quote me on that haha choosing 12-24 blogs (though this may change!) boring af banner made by me if you have any questions fire away here love you all!! xx if this flops lets obliviate our memories with our wands k? -- source link