star-stream: Hmm… let’s see, You’re the messiah of the entire wizarding world, ch
star-stream: Hmm… let’s see, You’re the messiah of the entire wizarding world, chosen as a profit to vanquish the darkest and most evil wizard of all time. You have a small bit of that man’s soul trapped inside of you keeping him alive, so the only way to kill him will be to kill yourself. Your father’s best friend is his killer and his killer was his best friend (one being your godfather and the other being your best friends pet rat). Your best friends are going to marry each other and you’re going to marry your best friends sister. You’re actually going to lose your ability to speak Parseltongue You’re going to save your life long arch enemy, and his family, from certain death for no good reason after he, and his family, tried to kill you, and your friends and family, repetitively At one point you are going to be the master of death. And finally, everyone is going to try to kill you, including most of your Defense Against The Dark Arts professors, and most of the people you love are going to die because of you. Oh, and your potions teacher wants to shag your mum. HAVE FUN -- source link
#harry potter