la-galaxie-langblr: leplusgrandlivredumonde: Colloquial French verbs,from the dreamy, to the quaint,
la-galaxie-langblr: leplusgrandlivredumonde: Colloquial French verbs,from the dreamy, to the quaint, to the ridiculous Gribouiller : scribble, make doodles/squiggles Dégouliner : trickle down/along Éclabousser : splash, splatter Câliner : cuddle Mitonner : cook slowly and with care Sautiller : jump up and down, hop Grelotter : shiver with cold Emmitoufler : wrap up well/warmly (se) Ravigoter : perk (oneself/sb) up, reinvigorate Grignoter : snack, nibble Babiller : babble, prattle (esp. babies) Chantonner : sing softly, absentmindedly Fredonner : sing softly, hum Siffloter : whistle softly, absentmindedly Papoter : chat, natter (se) Rabibocher : vtr: patch (sth) up; make up with (sb) (se) Pelotonner : curl up, nestle, snuggle (se) Débarbouiller : clean up, clean (sb) up (esp. the face) Chatouiller : tickle Somnoler : doze Rêvasser : daydream Fabuler : make (sth) up, fabricate Embobiner : hoodwink, bamboozle Emberlificoter : lit: tangle up; fig: bamboozle Gigoter : wriggle Barboter : slosh in, splash around Patauger : wade, flounder Buller : laze around, do nothing Lézarder : lit: crack; fig: bask, laze around, lounge Musarder : dawdle Lambiner : straggle, linger behind Chambouler : turn upside down, shake up, upset It’s always nice to know random words like these! -- source link
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