strawberrypatty: petratodd: wearywanderer: witchymoony: picascribit: pommedeplume: remussiriusetc: l
strawberrypatty:petratodd:wearywanderer:witchymoony:picascribit:pommedeplume:remussiriusetc:ladyamina:ladyleanam:shayalonnie:julietsemophase:pottermore:‘I had the idea he was wearing James’ – his older brother’s – hand-me-downs.’ - Sam Clemmett #HarryPotterPlayI’m really bothered by this. Why would Harry, after all the abuse he went through with the Dursleys, ever allow his son to wear his brother’s hand-me-downs? What we saw of Albus in the epilogue, he seemed to be an anxious child. How would ill-fitting robes help that? And Ginny! Her family never had money, she would never want her own children to go through that! Of all the characters, Harry and the Weasleys would know what it feels like not to have your own clothes. I find this decision ominous.How I predict the next few months… Fandom: Omg Why?!Fanfiction: Originally posted by crystallgays^^ THISActually, I just realised what really bothered me about this. Because this is the vibe I’m starting to get:Imagine James, going to Hogwarts for the first time. Imagine Albus being all equal parts excited and jealous because James is going to HOGWARTS and he can’t wait to go himself.Imagine the Potters going to Diagon Alley, and all the excitement of getting the books on the list, the cauldron, the potions ingredients, a telescope, being fitted for new uniform robes, getting a new wand, having ice cream at Fortescue’s and then choosing an owl for James, because he’s going to HOGWARTS and if he has an owl he has no excuse not to write, and it’s almost like a party because JAMES is going to HOGWARTS… And Albus looking at his brother equal parts excited and jealous, and thinking, ‘next year it’s my turn’.Imagine the next year, when Albus’ Hogwarts letter arrives, and Ginny glances at the list of books and says, oh, they’re all the same as last year. You can use James’ copies, can’t you? And maybe his robes too, they’re still quite good. Jamie’s grown so much, he’ll need new ones, but with a few alterations, these will be perfect for you. Thank god we won’t have to do all those shops on the Alley again…Imagine Harry, trying to make the trip to Diagon Alley exciting for Albus, anyway, but they only really need a wand and the potions supplies, and Lily didn’t want to come this year, she’s sulking, and James has friends to see, he’s not interested, and instead of a family trip, it’s just them, rushing from one shop to the next, and pretending it isn’t just wrong. And Ginny laughs in delight when the wand chooses him and illuminates the wand shop in streaks of gold and silver, but she keeps checking her watch because Lily will be home in fifteen minutes and where did James get off to? And no, you can’t get an owl because you can use James’ owl - one family doesn’t need three owls, Albus. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have a Kneazle?Imagine how Albus grows smaller and smaller, the contrast between his Hogwarts preparation and James’ bitter and sharp. Imagine how he gets more and more unsure about his place in the family, only ever second best to James, about his future at Hogwarts, dressed in ill-fitting robes with the Gryffindor insignia magically removed - because let’s not tempt the fates, shall we? - and James teases him mercilessly that they’re doing this because they know he’s not a Gryffindor, and he’ll never speak to his brother again if he’s sorted into Slytherin.Imagine his last desperate appeal to his father for reassurance, that he belongs, that it doesn’t matter, that he matters, when they’re standing on Platform 9 ¾ and getting ready to board the Hogwarts Express. Imagine him asking in a quiet voice, ‘But Dad, what if I am sorted into Slytherin?’Okay, you wait here, I’ll just be over there, crying forever, mkay?Ok, no, I have to reblog this because I really do not agree. I am the younger child in my family and I’ve grown up wearing my sister’s hand-me-downs, not because we don’t have enough money to buy new clothes or because my parents don’t care about me, but because it makes sense. Why be wasteful when you can reuse an article of clothing or another school supply? And don’t you think that Ginny would respect the way her parents stretched what little they had to provide for their children, rather than renouncing them entirely? Money and new clothes don’t equal a better life, and she of all people should know that. Is it so far-fetched to think she’d maintain some of her parents’ frugal ways, and recognize that material goods are not determinant of happiness? And also, it’s not like it’s some horrible experience to use another person’s hand-me-downs– whenever my sister bought a new shirt or dress I used to be so excited thinking that some day I would get to wear it. And if a couple years later my tastes had changed or it didn’t fit, it’s not like I’d be forced to wear it. My parents weren’t cruel, just practical.I’m not saying that I think Albus would only have hand-me-downs to wear, especially if they didn’t fit like the photo above seems to show– he’d surely have clothes that fit him. And I do think it’s a strange thing to emphasize about Albus’s character and costume. I only question why so many people have got it into their heads that wearing hand-me-downs is somehow shameful or means your parents aren’t paying you any attention. If you don’t think Harry or Ginny would have let Albus wear an ill-fitting robe, then why ever would you think they’d make him feel less than his older brother? But they don’t need to always buy him shiny new material things to show that love and attention.It’s not about the stuff. It’s about Harry and Ginny as parents making sure their children never feel ignored or unloved or less than.Seriously, there is *nothing* wrong with hand-me-downs. It’s perfectly sensible. I can’t begin to even wrap my head around the idea that it’s somehow abusive. Sure, Harry has money but it’s not that big of deal. If you are Albus, sure it might be a little awkward if they don’t fit right but it’s not the same thing as what the Dursley’s did to Harry (they made him wear Dudley’s stuff because they didn’t care. It was the least they could possibly do and Harry knew they didn’t care.)OMG there is an enormous difference between the Dursleys forcing Harry to wear Dudley’s old clothes and having a younger kid wear an older sibling’s hand-me-downs. One is about humiliation and neglect. The other is about practicality.Children grow really fucking fast, OK? They usually don’t wear out their clothes by the time they can’t wear them anymore. Why get rid of clothes that are still useful, just to buy almost exactly the same thing over again? That’s so fucking wasteful.This post is not saying that Albus never had any new clothes of his own. Because of course he would have, and a new sweater from his gran every Christmas. But for the day to day stuff, wearing his brother’s hand-me-downs is fine.Harry and Ginny would never have made any of their children wear something which humiliated them, or that didn’t fit them well. Hand-me-downs are not inherently abusive or neglectful. Like, at all.“Harry and Ginny would never have made any of their children wear something which humiliated them, or that didn’t fit them well. Hand-me-downs are not inherently abusive or neglectful. Like, at all.” Thank you!!! And to say that it’s ill fitting, he’s just growing into it!Is there ANYONE out there who grew up with sibblings who had NO hand-me downs?Besides, who cares what the actor says? Will that be included in the script? Doubtful. People acting like wearable hand-me-downs are abusive or horrible is the most fucking ridiculous thing I’ve heard in ages. Be better than this, Harry Potter fandom. Please.I don’t think it’s abusive, but I think it’s out of character for Harry and Ginny. There are paragraphs dedicated to Harry being embarrassed about dressing in Dudley’s clothes. While Ginny got her own clothes (in the books, the movies she wore hand-me-downs), Ron was certainly very embarrassed by having to wear Percy’s stuff. I don’t think Harry and Ginny, having the money to avoid that sort of thing (Harry was the sole inheritor of TWO fortunes, plus Ginny’s lucrative Quidditch career), would do it. It’s just an unnecessary move.But what about the other side? The younger sibling who looks up to the elder and loves wearing some of their hand-me-downs because the clothes are cool by association? I can see Albus being that kind of younger brother, especially given that they’re so close in age. Maybe he even feels like James’ old clothes give him a little extra good luck.And wearing the occasional hand-me-down garment does not mean Albus didn’t get new everything else. A wand of his own, his own scales/cauldron/etc. He’ll have all the fun of getting his shiny new school supplies, and probably some new clothes, too. But he can still wear James’ old things if he wants to, because he’s been doing it his whole life and it feels comfortable. -- source link
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