bts-trans: 180216 BTS’ Weibo Post[#本月的BTS#] Happy Lunar New Year!! 狗年旺旺 ٩(๑•◡-๑)۶²&o
bts-trans: 180216 BTS’ Weibo Post[#本月的BTS#] Happy Lunar New Year!! 狗年旺旺 ٩(๑•◡-๑)۶²º¹⁸✨ #防弹拜年团# [#ThisMonth’sBTS] Happy Lunar New Year!! Wishing you a prosperous Year of the Dog ٩(๑•◡-๑)۶²º¹⁸✨ #BulletproofGreetingScouts(T/N: The Mandarin term for ‘prosper’ is a homonym for ‘woof’.)Trans cr; Fiona @ bts-trans© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS -- source link