maaarine: MBTI & IdeasIntroverted thinking (Ti) in Bertrand Russell Introverted judgment &ld
maaarine:MBTI & IdeasIntroverted thinking (Ti) in Bertrand RussellIntroverted judgment“The distinction is in terms of the direction of fit of mental states to the world.Beliefs aim at being true, and their being true is their fitting the world; falsity is a decisive failing in a belief, and false beliefs should be discarded; beliefs should be changed to fit with the world, not vice versa.” (1)Extraverted judgment“Desires aim at realization, and the realization is the world fitting with them; the fact that the indicative content of a desire is not realized in the world is not yet a failing in the desire, and not yet any reason to discard the desire; the world, crudely, should be changed to fit with our desires, not vice versa.” (1)Introverted vs extraverted“The sentiment that such a procedure is manifestly improper is articulated by drawing attention to the fact that a belief adopted because, say, of its comforting effect on the believer,is a belief adopted in flagrant disrespect for the idea that, in belief, the subject’s state of mind is supposed to match the way the world is in the respect of the subject matter of the belief.” (2)Sources: (1) Ways of meaning: An introduction to a philosophy of language (Mark Platts, 1979), (2) Direction of fit (Lloyd Humberstone, 1992)Original Russell posts: 1, 2See also: “direction of fit” and Ti/Te -- source link
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