workingclasshistory: On this day, 26 August 1921, workers in the mills and bakeries declared a Sovie
workingclasshistory:On this day, 26 August 1921, workers in the mills and bakeries declared a Soviet in the small Irish township of Bruree. The businesses were owned by the Cleeves family, who, since the establishment of the “Knocklong Soviet” a year earlier, had faced a series of workers’ revolts. A rare photograph of an Irish Soviet features a sign workers affixed to one of the mills, which read “Bruree Soviet Workers Mills. We make bread not profits.” When a reporter from the Limerick Leader newspaper visited Bruree, he found the Soviet had total control, “both industrially and otherwise.” The Soviet ended on 3rd September after the revolutionary nationalist Constance Markievicz threatened to use the Irish Republican Army to suppress the revolt. Do you like WCH? If so connect with us independently of social media companies by joining our email list: -- source link
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