chickwithmonkey:timemachineyeah: theavc: How you spell “The Berenstain Bears” could be p
chickwithmonkey:timemachineyeah:theavc:How you spell “The Berenstain Bears” could be proof of parallel universes“You need to look up the Berenst#in Bears problem.”It was this innocent comment left on a post about parallel universes that first pulled by Rob Schwarz of Stranger Dimensions into one of the internet’s strangest theories. It involves The Berenstein Bears, a loving family of anthropomorphized bears who taught children life lessons via hundreds of picture books and two TV shows. But the problem is they aren’t The Berenstein Bears, they’re The Berenstain Bears.Though a startling number of people remember the name as BerenstEin, it’s in fact spelled BerenstAin, just like the authors Stan and Jan Berenstain. But is it possible that so many people are just wrong about the title? Back in 2012, blogger Reeceoffered up another explanation: Some of us have recently crossed over from a parallel universe.He argues:… at some time in the last 10 years or so, reality has been tampered with and history has been retroactively changed. The bears really were called the “BerenstEin Bears” when we were growing up, but now reality has been altered such that the name of the bears has been changed post hoc.Somehow, we have all undergone a π/2 phase change in all 4 dimensions so that we moved to the stAin hexadectant, while our counterparts moved to our hexadectant (stEin). They are standing around expressing their confusion about the “Berenstein Bears” and how they all remember “Berenstain Bears” on the covers growing up.Those who remember the name as “Berenstain” are native to this “A” Universe, while those who are sure it’s “Berenstein” traveled over from the “E” Universe.More at avclub.comOKAY THIS IS A THING CALLED THE MANDELA EFFECT AND I LOVE THIS THEORYNot necessarily based on its likelihood. I mean the world is a weird place so it’s not like I’m qualified to discount it, but it is something of a stretch (especially in the instance cited above, one could just claim “stein” is a more common surname suffix than “stain” which is what might have caused the mistake - though for the record I am among the people who would have sworn up and down that it was an E). But like we do know dimensions are weird and particles seem to jump around and like maybe this could happen idk. But here’s what I love about this theory. In a multiverse where the above theory isn’t true, if you get in an argument with someone over some piece of (useless) trivia or verifiable piece of information and then the thing you claimed is proven to be contrary to the world as it exists - you could have sworn that actor was Canadian, that the line was “on” not “in”, that that public figure died four years ago, that the book ended at home not the train station, and so onIn those moments you’re forced into a state of introspection and humility. You must face your own fallibility and flaws, even in the face of things you thought were certain or were sure you knew. You have to acknowledge that you are ultimately human, imperfect and ignorant. But in a multiverse where the Mandela Effect is true, any time something you thought was fact is proven to be mistaken, you get to dramatically say, “Do you REALIZE what this MEANS?!” and then tell everyone how you just came here from another dimension that’s just like ours except sherbet is spelled with another R. sherrbet?OH SHERBERT ngl that’s like the fourth stupid thing i have fucked up in the past couple of days i need helpI AM LAUGHING SO FUCKING HARD RIGHT NOWHello yes I come from the sherrbet universe. I’ve brought a letter to you from there.“Dearr ‘Sherbet’ Univerrse, We’rre so happy to addrress this letterr to you. We hope you rrecieve it well.” -- source link