cadarnle: mojoflower: olderthannetfic: bertolio: olderthannetfic: olderthannetfic: I was going to wa
cadarnle:mojoflower:olderthannetfic:bertolio:olderthannetfic:olderthannetfic:I was going to wait on Stargate Atlantis since I just posted about SG1, but it turns out I have more bad news to share.Wraithbait is gone.Both Area 52 and Wraithbait. Jesus. So much for early Stargate fic!SGA, as it is often abbreviated, followed SG1 in the Stargate franchise. Slash fandom’s focus was largely on John Sheppard and Rodney McKay. John is an ace pilot. Rodney is a hypochondriac scientist. They’re both total dorks.As cheesy sci-fi, SG1 and SGA are pretty similar. As fandoms, however, there’s quite a difference:SGA hit just enough later that it attracted tons of livejournal-based fans I knew who had never dipped a toe in SG1 fandom. It was a Fandom That Ate Fandom, draining the BNF writers from all over slash-dom.Being a little later also meant that it has exponentially more good vids online. I always kind of resented SGA fandom for eclipsing my beloved SG1, but I sure do love the vids!One of the more famous ones to show at Vividcon is Another Sunday by Jescaflowne. Youtube has it region-blocked all to hell, but it’s still up and probably viewable through the usual sketchy means.And how could I not share the glorious crack of Soccer Practice by bironic, a rare slash vid showing off hottie Jason Momoa as Ronon Dex. On AO3 here.For the juggernaut ship, no vid could be more in-character for melodramatic Rodney than Grace Kelly by Diana Williams:SGA was squarely in the Livejournal era, and a lot of fans from back then have migrated to AO3. Its influence on modern AO3-ish fandom is tremendous, as I’m sure half of you reading this can attest better than I.One effect on a more meta level was to make female fandom more irate than ever over TPTB being sexist little shits. Reportedly, SGA attracted too many female fans for the showrunners’ comfort, and they wanted to retool their franchise as SGU, a darker and edgier version designed to attract a more BSG reboot-like audience.Needless to say, when you’re a franchise that’s good at putting aliens in gold lamé bikinis rather than at coherent writing, going darker and edgier does not work.SGU was a miserable flop, the entire Stargate franchise stalled, and SGA slash fandom developed an enduring hateboner for TPTB.At Escapade, SGA has had a steady presence from 2005 through to the present. Past panels include:2006 - First Marriage of Classic and Postmodern Fandoms? (Are we writing fanfic for the show, or are most stories just meta versions of stories from older fandoms, and commenting on each other comments? Remember when people complained all we had was hummus? All SGA has is crack(fic).)2007 - John Sheppard: Psychokiller or Pretty, Pretty Princess (From mild-mannered sci-fi geek to special-ops xenocide, John Sheppard is one of the prettiest psychopaths in two galaxies. Which is the ‘real’ Sheppard? Can these two personalities be reconciled? How does this dichotomy in canon affect how we choose to portray him in fanfic?)2008 - Crackfic, AUs, and Characterization, Oh My! (SGA canon is full of AUs and crack. Do the show’s wacky plot twists encourage us to boldly go further out than other fandoms have gone before? And what happens when we go AU: why are John, Rodney, Ronon, and Teyla so recognizable even when they’re planted in Harlequin romance, NASCAR, a symphony orchestra, or a diner in Maine?)2009 - On a Clear Day, I Can See the Pegasus Galaxy (How are you feeling about the end of SGA-relief or regret? Are you looking forward to the rumored film(s), or planning to be snuggled up with your favorite fic that night? Have you ever been part of an active fandom whose canon closed, and do you have any thoughts (or advice!) about how to keep the fannish energy going? Let’s discuss our hopes, fears and fondest dreams for the future of the fandom.)2011 - Stargate: The End? (We were charmed by the original movie concept, many of us were fannishly enslaved by the first television series, others were entranced by Atlantis and some of us even tuned in for Universe. Are we ready to let the Stargate concept go or are we sitting on the edges of our seats, anxiously awaiting the next incarnation?)2012 - SGA: Rodney and John: What We See is Not What We Get (We know we’re adding slash to whatever’s on the screen. With McShep, we really know. John the MENSA/slacker who knows how to fit in chasing brilliant yet obnoxious Rodney? How the Hell did we ever think they wouldn’t kill each other, John with his P-90 or Rodney with his brain? Come prepared to argue the pros and cons of Sheppard and McKay, support your favorite character, and argue why Ronon is/isn’t damned hotter than either of them.)2013 - The Cool Kid and the Geek (Rodney loves John because John is sexy-handsome, lithe-and-cat-like, athletic, brave, and ridiculously pretty. He’s also one of the Cool Kids, so, yeah, Rodney might fall hard. But Rodney is not sexy-handsome, lithe-and-cat-like, athletic, brave, nor ridiculously pretty. He’s the Geek, so why is John drawn to him? Come argue your point!)2017 - Stargate: Classic Fandom Flashback2018 - Stargate: Ten Years OnSGA on FanloreSGA on AO3SGA on FFNOh god. I think I just got myself into SGA fandom.I had forgotten… While I don’t really like most of the big ships, slash or het, that people were into in SGA…BOY DO I LOVE WRAITH PORNIs Crossroads still up? That was my go-to for SGA fic. Though it may have been a redirect operation rather than an actual archive…Oh Lordy, McShep! Loooove me some McShep.Wouldn’t have liked SGU even if it hadn’t been trotted out as the newer, better version of Stargate for all the discerning and grown-uppy aficionados of grim!dark, and devil take all the simple old fans who preferred the more childish SGA and SG1. So, so much hate for TPTB.Looks like it is. Here’s the fanlore page with a link to its location.But even so… Man, Stargate fandom, get on that archiving! We gotta do something while everything is still available via Wayback!Old archives can be imported to AO3, but only if the mods request it. It would totally be possible to save these archives some other way though.Does anyone know who actually ran Wraithbait or Area 52? Are they still around to be asked about preservation?This was back in September:@cadarnle @olderthannetficDon’t panic just yet. We’re investigating, but have complete backups, if it turns out the web host has gone under (which we think is probably the issue because some other sites have gone too). There are options. -- source link
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