la-perfectly-swell-romance: By request, here is my follow forever. Some of these blogs are close fri
la-perfectly-swell-romance:By request, here is my follow forever. Some of these blogs are close friends that squeal and freak out over movies with me, some are amazing blogs which I admire and reblog from a lot, and yet others are side blogs run by great people! Whatever the case - they’re all quality blogs, and I love them all. 1-9, ABCD 1863-project a-half-remembered-dream adefaultsmile aint-that-a-kick alsodances audreyadkins bellecs belovedoldhollywood cinemacatface cinemaocd classic-h0llywood classic-hollywood classic-hollywood-fanfictions classicmoviegal deanmartiann deborahkerrsdaughter EFG eldredpeck fernandinosmikethomson fredastairemovies fredastaireritahayworth fuckyeahfredandginger fuckyeahgwtw gonewithclass gorgeous-gregory gregorypecks gummgarland HIJK henryfondas hesgotalotofcharm i-dream-of-gene idlesuperstar inlovewithaudreyhepburn interrmezzo justlittleclassicfilmthings LMNO lanaturnerhascollapsed lesliehowardforever lesliescaron livviedehavilland matineemustache misshazelflagg mysilverscreendream ohmytweedysteed ohrobbybaby oliviasdehavilland owelles PQRS paloommcartney pecksyandiknowit pinkela25 robert-donats-stage roddymcdowall ruthgilmartin simmonsing somelikeiticecold starsinmyeyesandsuninmyhair TUV thevarshmallow thursdaylane tony-curtis totallyastaire tyronepowers tyronespower ukulele-ikes vaudevilleschristmasparty vintage-whorexo vkm11 WXYZ willywains yesterdayswhisperThen, there are those blogs that I love from afar, but I have never talked to those [swell] people that run them. babybacalling barbrastanwyck bustermylove clarabows deforest farleysgranger haroldlloyds inessentialhouses lesliehowards martinslewis matttsmiths michaelscaine missavagardner missmarlenedietrich monocoleporter myrnasloy peterlawford swingtimes therichandmighty thomasdestry tinasinatra tippihedrensAnd a shoutout to some non-classic hollywood fandom friends: ahlindsayjones dark-becomes-light unicorn-poots yochilldudeThanks, everyone, for not blowing up when I reblogged a certain gifset 26+ times, and for tolerating my (often incoherent) rambling about Fred Astaire. Love you all. <3Gosh, I’m going to cry - I don’t think I’ve ever been on someone’s follow forever list before! I’m so touched!(I mailed out your card today, by the way!) -- source link
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